FALCON Membership Meeting

Minneapolis Airport Marriott

Bloomington, MN

October 24, 2010


Call to Order

Virgil Dupuis called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m., October 24, 2010.

Approve Minutes

The draft minutes from the October 18-19, 2009, FALCON Membership meeting were reviewed. A correction was noted on p. 3, Other Business, first bullet, changing the year from 2011 to 2012 for the Albuquerque, NM conference. A motion to approve the minutes, as amended, was made by Carrie Schumacher and seconded by Terry Tatsey. The minutes were approved by unanimous voice vote.

Executive Director’s Report

John Phillips provided updates on major accomplishments and key partnerships for 2009-2010. He also identified challenges for the future.

·  The major accomplishments and key partnerships were reported as follows:

ü  FALCON and Blackfeet Community College were awarded a USDA Extension Special Emphasis grant to administer a TCU Leadership Development Initiative. The project is a two-year pilot program targeting mid-career TCU land grant administrators, faculty and extension educators. It will provide individual mentoring and enrollment in the national land grant leadership development program, LEAD21.

ü  FALCON and the First Nations Development Institute are working to develop a community-based agri-business curriculum. The curriculum will be piloted by four TCUs in Montana, and will eventually be disseminated to all TCUs.

ü  New officers were elected in 2009-2010, as follows:

o  Virgil Dupuis, President

o  Benita Litson, Vice President

o  Gary Halvorson, Secretary

Susan Given-Seymour remains the Treasurer, and Terry Tatsey becomes the at-large officer.

ü  FALCON worked with AIHEC to solicit input into the 2012 Farm Bill. Final recommendations to the Farm Bill are being developed by AIHEC and the TCU presidents, and will be reported to FALCON shortly.

A discussion developed concerning a policy recommendation that would propose granting federal lands to TCUs to support their land grant missions. A 1994 capacity building authority is in the 1994 land grant act that might provide a legislative vehicle for this policy. It was emphasized that any new policy recommendation for land would not replace the current endowment program. Any policy recommendation would need to be submitted to AIHEC for their review and action. A motion to direct FALCON to draft a policy recommendation for federal land grants to TCUs to support their land grant missions, for AIHEC’s review, was made by Stephen Dahlberg and seconded by Vernon Schmidt. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

·  Mr. Phillips shared emerging issues and challenges, including continuing to foster the AIHEC relationship though more effective communication. He emphasized that policy and legislative initiatives are the purview of AIHEC, while FALCON’s focus is on technical assistance and networking. There was a discussion about the need for more TCU presidential involvement with FALCON. There is an opportunity for greater cooperation among FALCON, AIHEC, and the TCU presidents concerning the USDA/AIHEC Strategic Plan, which was approved but has yet to be implemented.

·  There was also discussion regarding the building financial sustainability for FALCON operations. AIHEC generously supports John Phillips’ time as FALCON’s Executive Director, without which FALCON could not function effectively. However, budget pressures throughout the nonprofit and government sectors mean that FALCON should find alternative funding strategies to support its operations.

·  Providing value to FALCON members was also mentioned. FALCON members were encouraged to submit ideas of technical assistance or other services that FALCON could provide.

·  Mr. Phillips provided a budget update on fiscal year 2011, which showed an increase in the Tribal College Extension Program (+ $1 million) and level funding for the other 1994 land grant programs. Two major budget scenarios were described: 1) a year-long continuing resolution which would effectively freeze funding at FY 2010 levels, or 2) an omnibus bill that will combine all (or most) appropriations into a single bill, in which case the proposed increase in the extension program will be realized.

·  The venues for the FALCON annual conferences for the next three years were presented, as follows:

o  October 22-25, 2011, in Denver, CO, at the Westin Center. This conference will be held in cooperation with the USDA Tribal College Research Grants Program Project Directors conference.

o  October 27-30, 2012, in Albuquerque, NM, at the Hotel Albuquerque.

o  October, 2013, in Washington, DC. Exact dates and location are to be determined.

A survey will be sent out to determine if the FALCON membership is satisfied with the regional rotation of the annual conference.

Treasurer’s Report

John Phillips presented the treasurer’s report on her behalf of Treasurer Susan Given-Seymour, who was unable to attend the conference. Actual and projected income, expenses, and balances for 2010 were presented. The FALCON checking account balance as of 9/30/2009 was $64,803.92 and the balance as of 9/30/2010 was $52,180.82. Total assets for FALCON, as of 9/30/10 are $85,273.82. Conference revenue and expenses for 2010 were not included in the report.

Partnership Reports

·  Bill Richardson (Project Manager of the Food, Agriculture and Education Information System—FAEIS) provided an overview of the FAEIS database and encouraged 1994 participation and asked for ideas concerning FAEIS technical assistance and outreach that could support great participation.

·  Douglas Steele (Vice Provost and Director of Montana State University Extension and WEDA liaison to the 1994s), provided an update on activities of the Western Extension Directors Association (WEDA). Mr. Steele highlighted some extension activities in the western region, and potential areas for 1994/1862 land grant collaboration. Susan Given-Seymour (Northwest Indian College and FALCON) is the 1994 liaison to WEDA.

·  Bob Pieri (Coordinator of TCU Partnerships, North Dakota State University) reported on his activities with tribal colleges in North Dakota, and highlighted the productive relationship between NDSU and TCUs in the state.

·  Gary Halvorson (Agriculture Division Director, Sitting Bull College) provided an update on his participation on the North Central Regional Association (NCRA) of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors. The NCRA Directors are looking for some tangible opportunities for collaboration between FALCON, TCUs and NCRA. Gary would like to see a representative from FALCON meet annually with the Experiment Station Directors and Extension Directors of the North Central Region and the Western Region.

Other Business

·  John Phillips reported on an assessment of Indian Country Extension Services being conducted by USDA. A survey will be sent out to 1994 extension directors in the near future. There was a discussion regarding the intent of the assessment, and it was mentioned that the assessment largely represents the interests of FRTEP (Federally Recognized Tribal Extension Program), not the 1994s. However, it was mentioned that it is important for the 1994s to be including in the assessment and any reports produced.

·  Henry Thompson (Extension Director, Chief Dull Knife College) presented information regarding 1994 representation on the planning committee for the NIFA National Extension and Research Administrative Officers' Conference, scheduled for Anchorage, Alaska, in May 22-25, 2011. Ms. Thompson has served on the committee for a number of years and recommended that FALCON represent the 1994s on the planning committee. A motion to direct FALCON to represent the 1994s on the conference planning committee was made by Henry Thompson and seconded by Stephen Dahlberg. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

·  A motion to adjourn was made by Terry Tatsey and seconded by Carrie Schumacher. Adjournment was approved by unanimous voice vote.

Meeting adjourned 5:00 p.m.