A Hunger of Memory Reading Notes

Purpose: To think critically and form opinions about Richard Rodriguez’s work as you read it, preparing for a class discussion and argumentative essay over the topic at the conclusion of the work.

Requirements: You will read two chapters of A Hunger of Memory a week, independently. You will answer the following questions for EACH chapter. All responses must be in COMPLETE sentences. (Reading and taking notes on the prologue is optional for EXTRA CREDIT). Notes should be either neatly written or typed. Grade: Major (4th six weeks)

Chapter 1:

1)What was your personal gut reaction to the ideas expressed in this chapter? Did Rodriguez make you angry here? Sad? Inspired? Uplifted? What feeling did his words in this chapter evoke from you? Now, WHY do you think you feel this way? Think about your gut reaction to the text and try to identify what it was that Rodriguez said/did that made you feel that way. (This should require a response of AT LEAST five sentences. Worth 5 points…1 point per GOOD sentence. This means a grammatically correct, complete, well-thought out sentence.)

2)Choose a “notable quotable” from the chapter. This is a quote that you think is…yes…notable, note-worthy, worth writing down and returning to for later thought, analysis, debate, or discussion. You must cite your quotes correctly. The author’s last name and page number are all that are needed in this case. No punctuation is needed between name and page number—only one space. The citation belongs inside parentheses, and it belongs at the end of the quote, inside the end punctuation. Example: “The money ran out” (Rodriguez 2). Then, after your quote, explain what makes it noteworthy. What is it about your quote that you think is worthy of thought, analysis, debate, or discussion? (Your quote should be AT LEAST three words and NO MORE THAN three sentences. The commentary following your quote should require a response of AT LEAST three sentences. Worth 5 points…1 point for quote, 1 point for citation, three points for GOOD commentary).

3)Finally, what is Richard Rodriguez’s point in this chapter? What is he arguing? Do you agree or disagree with what he says and why? This is the big one…this will help you with an argumentative essay at the end. And yes, you are allowed to disagree with him, by all means. You must, however, take a clear side. No sitting on the fence for this one. You must either side with him or oppose him. (This should require a response of AT LEAST five sentences. Make sure to answer all parts of the question. Worth 5 points…1 point per GOOD sentence, assuming all parts of the question are answered).

Lather, rinse, and repeat for all subsequent chapters.

Conclusion (due with Chapters 5 / 6, complete upon finishing the book):

What personal connection did you make with this book? Can you relate to Rodriguez’s feelings about his parents? What about his self-consciousness about his appearance? His personal experiences with religion or education? This may be easy or difficult. If you insist that nothing within this book is applicable to your life, then choose something in Rodriguez’s memoir and explain, in detail, how vastly different his situation was from yours. Warning, this road requires a stellar response to make up for lack of creativity in searching out relevance. (Response requires AT LEAST ten sentences…worth 10 points).

Chapters 1, 2 (and prologue, if you choose) due February 3 / 4

Chapters 3, 4 due February 10 / 11

Chapters 5, 6, and conclusion due February 17 / 18

A Hunger of Memory Class Discussion

Purpose: To discuss, debate, analyze, and question Rodriguez’s memoir in a round-table discussion which will also prepare us for collegiate-level practices.

Requirements: Bring your A Hunger of Memory notes to class and participate in a round-table discussion. Discussions will consist of (on average) 15 students at a time. This will be a teacher-led discussion, but time will be allowed for students to raise questions, comments, and concerns they develop during their note-taking (hence why you want your notes in front of you). Students will be graded based on quality and quantity of responses (as with Socratic Seminars and Fishbowl Discussions).

Grade: Daily (5th six weeks)

Due: February 17 / 18

Warning: If you miss class that day, the make-up assignment will be a written one…essay…long and painful. Don’t miss class.

A Hunger of Memory Argumentative Essay

Purpose: To practice STAAR’s penchant for requiring outside-of-the-box thinking with response which must fit within a box (irony at its finest) while thinking about an important, relevant topic (unlike the requirements of most STAAR prompts). End Rant.

Requirements: You must respond to a STAAR-like prompt using a STAAR box of doom for your response. This will be an in-class, timed writing, which must be completed and turned in before the end of class. (Pssst, Mrs. Mehrens will give you more than one chance at this essay if you don’t nail it on the first try. Do well the first time though and you won’t have to do it

Grade: Major (5th six weeks)

When: February 19 / 20

A Hunger of Memory Vocabulary

Purpose: Increased vocabulary has been proven to aid students on all kinds of test (from silly STAAR to slightly-more-important SAT to vastly-more-difficult AP). Plus, choosing your own words means you won’t be asked to study words you already know…a waste of your time.

Requirements: By the due date, you must have collected twenty-five vocabulary words from your study of A Hunger of Memory. Your words may be kept on a sheet of paper, notecards, your iPad, whatever you want. You need to provide part-of-speech and definition for each word. 50 points of the grade is for completion of the vocabulary. The other 50 points is an in-class vocabulary quiz. On the due-date, bring your vocabulary to Mrs. Mehrens. You may choose a written or verbal quiz. Mrs. Mehrens’ will select five random words from your vocabulary set and write or read them one at a time. You must provide her with written or spoken definitions for each word. 10 points if you get it right for a total of 50 points.

Grade: Daily (5th six weeks)

Due: February 24 / 25