A Guide to Chest Masculinization Surgery in Massachusetts

The following surgeons perform chest masculinization procedures in MA:

Dr. Adam Tobias
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
110 Francis St, Suite 5A
Boston MA 02215
P: 617-632-7836
F: 617-632-7840 / Dr. Richard Bartlett
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery
77 Pond Ave, Suite 104C
Brookline, MA 02445
Dr. Melissa Johnson
Pioneer Valley Plastic Surgery
100 Watson Ave
Springfield, MA 01107
P: 413-731-7877
F:413-731-7870 / Dr. Paul Costas
Emerson Hospital
John Cumming Building. Ste.850
133 Old Road to 9 Acre Corner
Concord, MA 01742
P: 978-369-1579; F:978-369-0304
Dr. Derek Reformat
Longwood Plastic Surgery
235 Cypress St. #210
Brookline, MA 02445
P: 617-383-6250 / Dr. AnoushHadaegh
Aethetic Plastic Surgery of North Shore
900 Cumings Center, #301
North Shore, Beverly, MA 01915
P: 978-927-1500
F: 978-927-1555

Each surgeon performs chest masculinization in slightly different ways, and your will probably want to research each and figure out who does the procedure you’d prefer, which surgeon takes your insurance(not all surgeons on this list take all insurance plans), and which surgeon can schedule on a timeline that works for you.

The steps for referral depend on what insurance you have. For you to qualify for surgical referral (pretty much everywhere), you will need to meet the following requirements (the WPATH standards of care):

  1. Documentation of persistent gender dysphoria. This happens in thereferral letters.
  2. Capacity for informed consent.
  3. 18 years or older
  4. Any significant medical or mental health concerns must be reasonably well controlled. This may need to be documented in a letter from a behavioral health professional.

Documentation of the above criteria is usually made in a letter from a qualified mental health professional. You will need to have your therapist write this letter, or, if you don’t have a regular therapist, you will need to find someone to see for an evaluation in the service of writing a letter. Your insurance may have further requirements for hormone treatment, require other doctor’s letters, or that you obtain further recommendations.