Present: Cllr Stebbings (Chairman), Cllrs Coe, Fulcher, Howard, Israel, Johnson, Moore, O'Brien, Packer, Pitcher & Whitmore, and 14 members of the public. Apologies: Nil.

To receive Declarations of Interest: There were none.

The Minutes of the previous meeting: were taken as read, Approved by the Council and signed by the Chairman.

The following Accounts were Approved for payment:

E-on Energy - June & July energy charge (£120.31) & (£120.31) paid DD on 13/07/1113/08/11;

BT Broadband -- July & August broadband/NetProtect Plus (£20.49) & (£20.49) paid DD on 17/07/11 & 16/08/11; MHB Services - July & August streetlight maintenance (£90.44) & (£90.44) paid STO on 28/07/11 & 28/08/11; Paid by agreement on 06/08/11: Mr J Missing - Clerk's July wage (£296.16) & Clerk's July expenses (£11.82); BCKLWN - Dog bin clearance 01/01/11 - 31/03/11 (£88.14).

Other accounts approved:

Pott Row Football Club Committee - Donation (£375.00); Brian R Goodison - New Noticeboard (Post Office) & new doors (Pott Row Green) (£640.80); Mazars - 2010/11 External Audit (£480.00); Mr J Missing - Clerk's August wage (£296.16) & Clerk's August expenses (£7.83).

Business Reserve Gross Interest - £2.12 & £2.04 was paid into the A/C on 2„d July & 2nd August.

Council Training - Congham P/C sent £45.00 & Leziate P/C sent £7.50 - both paid into Barclays on 29/07/11. Roydon P/C sent £30.00 - paid into Barclays on 8/08/11.

Completion of the Annual Audit. The External Auditor's Certificate & Opinion have been received. The Annual Return "is in accordance with proper practices." They raised no problems. Notices have been displayed for 14 days.

Planning: Considered by the Planning Committee since last meeting:

11/01095/F: Mr D Morgan, 41 Low Road - Construction of new Entrance Porch following removal of existing porch. 11/01098/F: Mr/Mrs S Smith, 24 Ashwicken Rd - Conversion of flat roofs to pitched & construction of covered parking. 1 1/O1 157/RM: Mr/Mrs R Barlow, 43 Leziate Drove - Reserved Matters App: Detached bungalow at 21 Ashwicken Rd. I 1/01229/F: Mr/Mrs Walton, Church Farm, Gayton Road - Construction of outdoor training menage for private equestrian use.

11/01306/F & I 1/01307/LB: Mr Skerry, Lodge Farm Barn - Relocation of swimming pool & amended site boundary from that of current approval 10/01270/F. - All Approved.

Also registered:

1 1/00050/TPO: Grimston P/C - To Lift Crown, remove deadwood, remove epicormic growth and sever ivy on Lime Tree, subject to 2/TPO/00109 (T85), Land south of 19 Chapel Road (Pott Row Green) - to be determined by 19/09/11. Borough Planning has given permission for Mrs C McDermid, Cloister Cottage, Station Road, Roydon (Construction of chalet dwelling following demolition of existing bungalow, 85 Chapel Road); Mr D Morgan, 41 Low Road (Construction of new Entrance Porch following removal of existing porch); Mr/Mrs S Smith, 24 Ashwicken Road (Conversion of flat roofs to pitched & construction of covered parking) & Mr/Mrs R Barlow, 43 Leziate Drove (Reserved Matters App: Detached bungalow at 21 Ashwicken Road) - All Approved by P/C.

Borough Planning has Refused permission for Mr/Mrs Vanhinsbergh, 72 Lynn Road (Extension of time for the implementation of planning permission 08/00854/F - Construction of 6 dwellings following demolition of existing bungalow & motor vehicle workshops & sales forecourt) - No affordable home in plan (now required for 5+ houses) - Approved by P/C on same conditions as before.

Acknowledgement of Withdrawal: 11/00953/F: Mr J Russell (Firefly Yurts), 13 Park Close, Stevenage - Small eco-friendly campsite with 4 pitches with a semi-permanent yurt on each pitch. Convert an existing building into facilities block at South View, Cliffe-en-Howe Road: Refused by P/C - It has now been Withdrawn.

LDF - Core Strategy, Adopted Version July 2011: The Adopted Version has now been received. The designation for Pott Row as a Rural Village on the map and part of a Key Rural Service Centre (Grimston/Pott Row with Gayton) in the CS02 The Settlement Hierarchy - page 19. Unfortunately the Map is Wrong! Circulating Planning Committee. Now received a revised map.

LDFSite Specific Allocations & Policies DPD: Advance notification: Consultation between 23 Sept -• 4 Nov. Three Briefing sessions will be held (copy each councillor). Already on Website.

WillowsBusinessPark Incinerator: PP/C/2/201 1/2020: Cory Wheelabrator- Power & Recycling Centre, land at WillowsBusinessPark, K/L. Further Incinerator information received from Cabinet Member for Environment & Waste (copy each councillor). Also an acknowledgment of our comments has been received and a Press Release from a John Martin, wanting a further debate by NCC on their procedure.

Enforcement Issue (Back Lane): Cllr Pitcher raised the issue. There are scrap cars at 10 Back Lane, in the front & back gardens – untidy, noisy, a health hazard & detrimental to the neighbourhood. Put on this Agenda to give councillors a chance to view. He considered it as anti-social behaviour in a residential area. Cllr Pitcher Proposed that the P/Council write to Planning Enforcement and ask them to investigate the site, Cllr Whitmore Seconded, 10 For, 1 Abstained.

CountyCouncillor's Report: Mr Murphy was not present.

Borough Councillor's Report: Mr Pitcher started with a message from Mr Murphy – In his opinion our comments on the Incinerator were pre-determined. Mr Pitcher spoke briefly about the Site Specific Allocations for the new LDF – see Planning above. He passed around the list of sites entered for consideration.

Matters Arising:

Councillor training -- Further training for ClIrs Howard, Coe, Israel & O'Brien, if they wish – enquired: none at the moment, they will inform us when any is available.

Clock Tower Lettering – Received an Order Acknowledgement – From Barham Stone Ltd for a 2" x 30" x 27" tablet of Portland stone for £116 + Vat, to be delivered to Mr Williams.

Tour of Britain – Cllr Howard has asked the bell ringers to ring when the "tour" goes through on 17th September. Further information received from NCC (2 copies circ. for information). There will be a programme of Rolling Road Closures, with warning signs during the week before.

Planning – Cllr Moore asked about some training on actual case studies. Cllr Pitcher said PPS 1, 3 & 7 are the most useful to understand – passed copies to Cllr Moore & given a guidance paper from SLCC to all councillors. Affordable Homes – Wrote to Freebridge Housing – any news about our 10 houses! No Reply.

New Address – Field Lodge, Back Lane (formerly The Caravan).

Polling Districts & Places Review – Circulated around the Planning Committee – no comments. Informed Electoral Services that Pott Row is the western half of the parish. The only unresolved issue is whether ChurchHillSchool will be available for elections in future.

Police Matters:

SNAP Agenda/Minutes – Received forl8th August meeting at Gt. Massingham.

Police Appeal – For Witnesses (put on NtBds) – Burglary – Crime Numbers 40801/11/0 & 40993/11/5. Between Sunday & Wednesday 21 S` – 24th August 2011 – Two burglaries on Low Road, Congham. It was reported that there was another burglary in Lynn Road last night.

Skateboard Ramp – Cllr Whitmore reported that a car near the skateboard ramp had been reported and the police had dealt with it.

A van – Is being parked, blocking access to the old railway line at the end of Cliffe-en-Howe Road (a permissive path) – there is also a dog which is only restricted by a low fence – to report.

Risk Assessment Review update and to review the Policy: Copied the current situation to all councillors – items to be dealt with:

Seats need painting – It was agreed to appeal again for volunteers first, before getting quotes from painters. To include a forth seat near Stebbings Garage, opposite the Three Horseshoes.

Chequers Green thinning – It was agreed to appeal again for volunteers, before getting quotes for the clearance work. Also a thank you will be put in V/Link for the person or persons who have cut the Church Hill Green bushes. "Children Playing" signs – Highways claim there are already signs each side of Pott Row Green – they are "School" signs. It was agreed to ask for the signs to be changed to "Children Playing."

TPO (Pott Row Green) – Awaiting Planning Permission – then quotes will be obtained.

Bus shelter – A quote was received from Leroy Richardson (window cleaner) – cost per clean: £ 15.00 plus roof. Cllr Fulcher Proposed that the quote be accepted, to be cleaned four times per year, Cllr Whitmore Seconded, Agreed. It was not clear if the roof is included.

Streetlights -- The police will be reminded again that the lights go off during the night.

The Policy (copied all councillors) – It was resolved that no change is required.

The Ashwicken Road Green Willow – Parts had been blown off on to the electric & telephone wires – need a professional view on whether it is safe. It was agreed to ask the contractor who eventually deals with the TPO to check it over. Still trying to get someone to remove branches & logs.

To consider a New Dog Bin: Cllr Pitcher asked if a new bin could be considered near Church Close at the end of the Public Footpath. Also one requested between the School & Vong Farm. A Fido 25 bin including base post, costs £129.84 + Vat. Cllr Pitcher Proposed that one Fido 25 bin be purchased for the verge west of Church Close, Cllr Moore Seconded, Agreed. Cllr Coe will check whether her husband has any objection.

Quarterly Budget check: Cllr Moore has checked the Books, up to 30 June - She confirmed that she found no problems.

Website: Raised last month. There have been several complaints about clicking on to documents - which come up as "not available." Cllr Howard will look into this problem with the host site.

Church Hill & Pott Row Schools: The School Trust has been asked to comment on NCC Education's plans for our 2 Schools. A copy of the Draft consultation was copied to each councillor.

NCC want to expand Eaton Hall School, Norwich by using Church Hill School for boys & girls aged 5 - 11, with BESD' and Pott Row School for boys aged 11 -- 14, with BESD', all of whom will come from the west of Norfolk. Cllr Stebbings (School Trust Trustee) explained that they are seeking legal advice about the lease and how the use would fit with the Educational Charity. Councillors raised various concerns including: Would it remain non-residential? Normal security arrangements? Would it benefit any village children? A realistic rent, possibly spent on HollyMeadowsSchool? Future expansion? Level of difficulty of pupils? How many times excluded from their schools (at least 3)? Cllr Stebbings said he will take all these concerns to the School Trust. NCC will arrange a meeting at HollyMeadowsSchool to explain more. [' Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties]

Highway Matters:

Massingham Road Reply: Will inspect & rectify any defects.

20 MPH - Outside the Junior School - Reply: They will inspect "to see if it is a location that we can justifiably takeforward as a feasible location."

Blocked Drain -- In Back Lane - they will dig trial holes & programme any work required.

Trods - Complaint about overgrowth from Mrs Roberts. The Highway Rangers were asked to trim around the trods -

they did during their visit on 16`h August.

Reeds Corner hedge - Opposite Hudsons Fen. It was requested that if the hedge could be cut it would allow people to get off the road. It will be raised with the Fen & Allotment Trust.

Parking - Around the Post Office area - It was reported that PCSO Calaby is looking at possible markings.


Hazardous Waste Amnesty Days 2011 - at 1K/Lynn Waste Centre, Willows Industrial Est. - 10/11 Sept. 9am-6pm. WNVCA - Have been awarded a grant to deliver free training in W Norfolk (copy each councillor).

BBC - Sent information about the Switchover Help Scheme to help people to make the changes, and they are requesting helpers to deliver the scheme.

Royal Horticultural Soc - Information about Britain in Bloom (copy each councillor). To be passed to Greenfingers.

AOB (for exchange of information only):

Streetlights - No 2 (o/s 16 Leziate Drove) is going off at Midnight, should be 1 a.m.

Road Closure - Lynn Road, Gaywood (St Faiths Drive - west for 50 metres), 24th September - 13.00 hrs. on 26th September.

Extension - to the Churchyard. It was reported that the contractors have not cut it for the last 3 visits.

Post Office - There is a lot of concern about the future of the Post Office. Nobody seems to know exactly what is happening with both the counter (temporary staff) and mail sorting - To ask.

AOB (for exchange of information only) for members of the public:

The Old Bell - Mrs Wood, owner, raised concern about the new owner of the plot, who has told her that he is measuring up and going to start building. The land is subject to Condition 4 (cannot be built on until the Bell becomes a private residence). It now appears that Mr Ashworth (Planning) has suggested that the condition is unreasonable and could be lifted. It appears that this has encouraged the owner to go ahead and build, risking legal action. The parking problems can only get worse. Mr Ashworth will be asked to confirm that the condition has not been lifted and to explain that a planning application will be needed to remove Condition 4, and invite him to come to explain this to the Council. Village verges -- Mr Hone asked how Borough is making savings by using 5 men instead of Mr Nash to cut the grass. To ask.

The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.

A Grimston Parish Council Meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 10t October 2011, commencing at 7.15 P.M.


1) Apologies.

2) To receive Declarations of Interest.

3) Minutes of the previous meeting.

4) Approval of Accounts for payment.

5) CountyCouncillor's Report.

6) Borough Councillor's Report.

7) Matters arising from the previous meeting.

8) Police Matters.

9) To consider this year's Poppy Wreath Donation.

10) Church Hill & Pott Row Schools consultation —To consider NCC's Plans.

II) Risk Assessment Review update, including TPO & Willow work.

12) Highway Matters.

13) Planning Matters, including Mr Ashwood's reply.

14) To consider the Site Specific Allocations & Policies consultation & Affordable Homes Update.

15) Correspondence.

16) Other Business, for the exchange of information only, to be conducted at the discretion of the Chairman. Also an opportunity for members of the public to raise issues & exchange information (time permitting).