A General Rubric for Laboratory Reports

5 (worth 50 points)

·  complete and accurate data

·  graphs correct and labeled

·  calculations shown clearly and accurately

·  correct use of significant digits

·  all questions answered correctly

·  no grammatical/spelling errors

·  neatly written

·  demonstrates in-depth understanding of the concepts

·  work presented logically and coherently

·  is complete

4.5 (worth 45 points)

·  data with a few minor errors

·  graphs correct and labeled

·  calculations shown clearly and accurately (with a few minor errors)

·  correct use of significant digits (with a few minor errors)

·  all questions answered correctly

·  no grammatical/spelling errors

·  neatly written

·  demonstrates in-depth understanding of the concepts

·  work presented logically and coherently

·  is complete

4 (worth 42 points)

·  data with a few minor errors

·  graphs correct but not labeled

·  calculations shown clearly but not accurately

·  mostly correct use of significant digits

·  some questions answered incorrectly

·  some grammatical/spelling errors

·  neatly written

·  is complete

·  represents adequate achievement

3 (worth 37 points)

·  incomplete data with errors

·  graphs incorrect

·  calculations not shown clearly or accurately

·  little correct use of significant digits

·  many questions answered incorrectly

·  many grammatical/spelling errors

·  neatly written

·  is incomplete

·  represents some evidence of achievement

2 (worth 33 points)

·  major sections of data missing

·  no graphs

·  no data tables for numbers

·  no calculations

·  no correct use of significant digits

·  no questions answered

·  many grammatical/spelling errors

·  not neatly written

·  is sorely incomplete

·  represents limited evidence of achievement

1 (worth 17 points)

·  shows no real attempt

·  copied lab report

·  represents no evidence of achievement

0 (worth 0 points)

·  no lab report