Updates 9/18/16

AHA Heart Walk

·  Don’t forget to register for 6 East’s team! Fundraising ends October 2nd. Check out the team page to register and/or donate:

·  http://www.triangleheartwalk.org/faf/search/searchTeamPart.asp?ievent=1150554&lis=1&kntae1150554=4BDB097FBB364761AB506088982F3F6E&team=6819162&tlteam=6634420

Maestro Updates

·  In 2015 Maestro Care, if the nurse opens transfusion documentation to add or edit something, and scans the unit and receives the following warning, “Scanned values are different than previous documentation” that means the nurse either opened the wrong documentation or scanned the wrong unit. The warning shows the original unit number, and should prompt the nurse to double check the documentation and the unit being scanned.

A friendly reminder from your BMAT Champion, Katelyn Daly:

·  BMAT score must be done once a shift (this includes the safety screen as well)

o  Here is a video with instructions on how to do the assessment and here are the written instructions

·  The blue linersmust be used when transferring, boosting, and repositioning a patient. Keep blue linersat the end of your bed for convenience

·  The odd number rooms have ceiling lifts....your patient does not need to be obese to use a ceiling lift! The SAP # for the reposition sling is 350833

·  Just remember, employee health reviews all work related injuries and they are expecting us to use the proper equipment. Failure to use the correct equipment could affect worker’s compensation claims. :( So protect your back and usethelifts and liners!

·  Here are some videos on how to use the different equipment for your viewing pleasure

Orientation & Precepting

·  The Orientation Committee is seeking feedback and ideas for their next meeting in October. Please contribute on the sign-up sheet on the break room refrigerator.

Celebrating our Diversity

·  DUH is building a cookbook highlighting our diverse backgrounds and cultures. See the attachment to regarding how to submit a recipe.

Baldridge Site Visit

·  We are expecting Baldridge next week 9/19 -9/23

·  Please review the attached document to jog your memory on all we have accomplished here on 6 East and DUH.