2017 ~ 2018
- All applicants for financial aid must be eligible for enrollment at FayettevilleAcademy. Although the school will try to assist those students who qualify for need-based aid, the school also feels that each family should make an appropriate financial contribution to the cost of the child’s education. Funds in the school’s need-based financial aid budget are not used to provide scholarships for special talents or achievements. The ability of the family to pay full tuition will not be a deciding factor in determining whether or not a prospective student is admitted. Financial aid decisions are made independently of admissions decisions. New applicants must successfully complete the admissions process and be offered an enrollment space before applying for financial aid.
- An applicant’s parent or legal guardian must submit a confidential Parent Financial Statement (PFS) form directly to the School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS) in Princeton, New Jersey. This may also be filed with the SSS online via the school’swebsite: under the “Admissions” section.
- An applicant’s parent or legal guardian must submit the information listed below directly to the attention of the HeadofSchoolbefore these deadlines:
a.)forcurrentlyenrolledstudents - March29, 2017(for grant decisions made by April 28);
b.)fornewstudents(andforcurrentfamilieswhomayhavemissedtheMarch 29deadline) – April 28, 2017(for grant decisions made by May 26)
*PLEASE NOTE: Financial aid/grant decisions will be made in late June for any financial aid requests submitted after April 28, 2017.
I) a confidential letter of request which should be mailed (attn: Sue Holden) or e-mailed to the Director of Finance and Operations, Sue Holden at that specifically states the amount of financial aid being requested as well as any special circumstances that may warrant consideration;
II) a signed copy (electronic signature accepted) of the 2016 filed federal tax form 1040 is required by School and Student Services. The 1040 along with W-2’s and any schedules with the 1040 will need to be forwarded to the school from SSS with an evaluation of need-based aid;
All academic and other pertinent information applicable to the candidate must be on file prior to consideration for any financial aid.
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Financial Aid Guidelines - Continued
- Financial aid will be awarded for the current academic year only if all past debts or charges have been paid by June 30.An award of financial aid for any year does not guarantee an enrollment opportunity or an award of financial aid for any subsequent year.
- After evaluation, the Head of School will advise the parent in writing of any financial aid that may be awarded.
- Financial aid will be awarded in installments, prorated by the student’s payment plan.
- Financial aid may be discontinued at any time based upon scholastic or other valid reasons as determined by the Head of School and the Financial Aid Committee. Examples of reasons to discontinue financial aid include; academic probation, social probation, honor code violations, lack of parental support for school’s policies and procedures.
- A report of the total amount of financial aid granted shall be made to the Board of Trustees. Names of individual recipients will remain confidential.
- Money for the financial aid program is funded through general funds from the annual Operating Budget. Therefore, the school may not be able to meet the financial needs of some families as demonstrated on the Parent Financial Statement (PFS), and in some cases, families that qualify for assistance may not receive aid. In cases of financial aid, nomorethan 50% of tuition will be granted unless there are extenuating circumstances.
- In the event the family determines the amount of financial aid awarded is not sufficient, any tuition deposit or tuition payment made in advance will be fully refunded within ten (10) days of receipt of a written request from the parent or legal guardian to withdraw a child’s application.
- If an enrolled student withdraws during the school year, the financial aid awarded is prorated for the time attended. In addition, if the awarded student does not attend school for any portion of the school year, the grant will be withdrawn.
Fayetteville Academy admits qualified students of any race,
religion, color, or national or ethnic origin, and does not discriminate on the
basis of sex, race, religion, color, or national or ethnic origin in the
administration of its admissions policies, educational policies, financial aid
policies, athletic programs, or any other school administered programs.