Film 2011 Mrs. Chausse Mrs. Chausse The Morgan School Mission Statement :The Morgan School cultivates intellect and character in partnership with families and the community. Students learn in a rigorous academic and student-centered environment that prepares The Morgan School Mission Statement :The Morgan School cultivates intellect and character in partnership with families and the community. Students learn in a rigorous academic and student-centered environment that prepares them to become resourceful, productive, healthy citizens in a global society.

Materials needed-

·  A folder for all English handouts and assignment sheet

·  A notebook

·  A blue or black pen

·  A computer and printer with internet access

o  A turn it in account

o  A Google docs account



·  Submit typed film critiques or reviews to by the due date.

·  Type all papers. There is a computer available in the back of the classroom. DO NOT EXPECT TO PRINT HOMEWORK ON THIS PRINTER DURING CLASS! You may come and print at the beginning of school, after school or during a study.

·  I will write assignments on the far left hand side of the board.

·  Homework assignments with links to worksheets and websites are on my website.

·  When absent, you are responsible for missed assignments. Consult the website. Email me.


·  Make certain to arrive to class on time with all of the materials needed.

·  Any absence from class will affect your grade. You must be here to screen the films.

·  If you must miss class, make certain to turn in any assignments that are due. Make certain to consult the class wiki site to get any additional assignments. Make certain to email me if you have any questions.


·  Film selections may include Breakfast Club, A Beautiful Mind, Psycho, Rear Window, Slumdog Millionaire, Gladiator, The Graduate, Kramer vs. Kramer, Little Miss Sunshine, Life is Beautiful, The Color Purple…

·  Reading assignments will include readings on film in general and on specific films viewed in class.

·  Expect a quiz at any time on the films and the reading assignments.


·  Students will complete one major project each quarter.

·  Guidelines for projects will be presented in class and posted on the class wiki.

Class Participation-

·  Arrive to class on time ready to learn

·  Have all materials including books, folders, pen, notes and assignments on your desk at the beginning of the period.

·  Actively participate by listening to classmates and teacher

·  Actively participate by asking questions, expressing your educated opinion and insightful comments on the activities and assignments

·  Always treat your classmates in a respectful, courteous manner.

Grading Policy-

·  I will grade on a point system from 1-100

·  Film critiques will receive 50 points.

·  Film Projects will receive 100 points

·  Blog entries will receive 10-20 points.

·  Quizzes will receive from 10-50 points.