Offers shall be clearly labeled "Paving Bid" and submitted to:
Town of Hermon
Paving Bid
P.O. Box 6300
Hermon, ME 04402
Bid Opening: Wednesday, March 28, 2017
11:00 A.M.
Street Name Length’ Width’ Depth” Tonnage
New Pavement
Newburgh Road (binder) 11,812 21 2.50 3,790
Newburgh Road (surface) 11,812 21 1.25 1,895
Coldbrook Road (shim) 6,748 30 .75 928
Coldbrook Road (surface) 6,748 40 1.25 2,062
Newburgh Road (drive aprons) 750 10 2.50 114
(25 average 30’ X 10’)
Coldbrook Road (drive aprons)
(15 average 30’ X 10’) 450 10 1.25 34
CroganRoad (overlay) 4,393 21 1.00 620
Kelley Road (overlay) 3,086 21 1.00 436
Spruce Street (overlay) 3,411 21 1.00 438
Fuller Road (overlay) 5,085 21 1.00 783
Creamery Road (overlay) 1,933 16 1.00 207
Hopkins Road (overlay) 2,012 16 1.00 216
York Road (overlay) 2,500 21 1.00 321
Klatte Road (overlay) 4,273 21 1.00 548
Propane Lane (overlay) 855 26 1.25 204
Mack Lane 820 24 1.25 150
Public Works Yard 2.50 164
Fire Department Front Yard 1.00 78
Bond Road (Turn-a-round) (12.5 mm) 11
Reed Hill Road (Turn-a-round) (12.5mm) 41
Estimated total tonnage 13,040
Quantities for overlays include additional tonnage for ruts.
The depth of pavement is expressed as after compaction.
Above numbers are estimated quantities only. All bidders are required to meet with the Town to review all projects and verify the Town’s estimated tonnage.
A. Description of Course
The work shall consist of constructing a Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement using designated mix types for the roadways, sidewalks and parking lots as proposed in SECTION 1.Paving bid award winner will grind all intersections, project start and end locations and the paved driveways. All work shall be constructed as outlined in this contract and as directed by the Municipal Representative.
B. Project Location
Newburgh Road, 11,812’ @ 2.5” thick new binder pavement, 19 mm MDOT pay item 403.207 beginning at the intersection of KlatteRoad and Newburgh to the terminus near Jackson Beach on NewburghRoad. This road will have been reclaimed but the paving contractor will be required to fine grade the road for pavement. The earth contractor is required to have the road to grade and properly compacted. The earth contractor will provide proof the compaction meets specifications, the elevation is according to plans and the road base can accommodate 21’ wide of pavement. The earth contractor will backfill all shoulders after pavement. Paving bid award winner will grind all intersections, project start and end locations and the paved driveways. All work will be completed pursuant to the most current edition of the MDOT Standards and Specifications Section Paving 400.
Newburgh Road, 11,812’ @ 1.25” thick new surface pavement, 9.5mm MDOT pay item 403.208 beginning at the intersection ofKlatte Road and Newburgh Road to the terminus near Jackson Beach on Newburgh Road. The earth contractor will backfill all shoulders after pavement. All work will be completed pursuant to the most current edition of the MDOT Standards and Specifications Section Paving 400.
Coldbrook Road, 6,748 ’ X 40’ wide @ 1.25” thick new surface pavement, 9.5 mm MDOT pay item 403.208 beginning at the intersection of Route 2 to the terminus at station 67 + 48’. This is a pavement preservation project with shim and overlay. Paving bid award winner will provide milling according to the Sewall construction plans and grind all intersections, project start and end locations and the paved driveways. Paving company will also have to coordinate with contractor and railway employees for track paving after reconstruction. The earth contractor will backfill all shoulders after pavement. All work will be completed pursuant to the most current edition of the MDOT Standards and Specifications Section Paving 400.
Coldbrook Road, 6748’ X 30’ wide @ Shim, MDOT pay item 403.211 beginning at the intersection of Route 2 to the terminus at station 67+48’. All work will be completed pursuant to the most current edition of the MDOT Standards and Specifications Section Paving 400.
Newburgh Road, pave 25 more or less new driveway aprons average 10’ X 26’ @ 2.5” thick with new surface pavement, 9.5 mm pay item MDOT 403-208 to accommodate new road pavement. Road contractor will prepare driveways for pavement. All work will be completed pursuant to the most current edition of the MDOT Standards and Specifications Section Paving 400.
Coldbrook Road, pave 15 more or less new driveway aprons average 10’ X 26’ @ 1.25” thick with new surface pavement, 9.5 mm to accommodate new road pavement. Road contractor will prepare driveways for pavement. All work will be completed pursuant to the most current edition of the MDOT Standards and Specifications Section Paving 400.
York Road, overlay, 2500’ X 21’ wide @ 1" thick surface 9.5 mm MDOT pay item 403.208 (some ruts) beginning from the Fuller Road intersection and extending in a northern direction to Box 601.
Fuller Road, overlay, 5,085’ X 21’ wide @ 1” thick surface 9.5 mm MDOT pay item 403.208 (some ruts) beginning approximately 1,100’ feet from the intersection of Billings/Fuller road and extending in a easterly direction to the intersection of New Boston Road and Fuller road.
Crogan Road, overlay 4393’ X 21’ wide @ 1” thick 9.5 mm MDOT pay item 403.208 (some ruts) beginning at the intersection of Union Street/Crogan Road and extending to the intersection of Crogan/Kelley Road.
Kelley Road, overlay 3086’ X 21’ wide @ 1” thick 9.5 mm MDOT pay item 403.208 beginning at the intersection of Crogan/ Kelley road toBox 97 Kelley Road.
Spruce Street, overlay 3,411’ @ 21’ wide 1” thick 9.5 mm MDOT pay item 403.208 beginning at intersectionof Evergreen/Spruce and extending to the terminus of the project.
KlatteRoad, overlay 4,273’ X 21’ wide @ 1” 9.5 mm MDOT pay item 403.208 beginning at the intersection of Klatte/Newburgh and extending to the terminus.
Propane Lane, overlay 855’ X 26’ wide 1.5” thick 9.5 mm MDOT pay item 403.208 beginning at the intersection of Hammond Street and Propane Lane and ending at terminus.
Mack Lane, overlay 820’ x 24 wide 1.25” thick 9.5 mm MDOT pay item 403.208 beginning at and ending at cul-de-sac.
Public Works Yard, Binder 19mmMDOT pay item 403.207 beginning at Fuller road and extending to paved area in front of Sand Storage Shed.
Fire Department Station Entrance, Overlay @ 1” 9.5 mm MDOT pay item 403.208.
Bond Road, Binder (Turn-a-round ONLY) @ 19 mm MDOT pay item 403.207
Reed Hill Road, Binder (Turn-a-round ONLY) @ 19 mm MDOT pay item 403.207
Thickness is determined as measured afterpavement is rolled. Tonnage has been included for ruts.
C. Equipment Requirements
1. All Hauling Equipment used on the project will meet the requirements of the most recent edition of MDOT Supplemental Specifications, section 401.08
2. All Pavers used on the project will meet the requirements of the most recent edition of the MDOT Supplemental Specifications, section 401.09
3. All Rollers used on the project will meet the requirements of the most recent edition of the MDOT Supplemental, section 401.10
D. Plant Requirements
1. Batch and Drum Plants used to produce mix for this project shall meet the requirements of the most recent edition of the MDOT Supplemental Specifications, section 401.07
2. The automation of batching shall meet the requirements of the most recent edition of the MDOT Supplemental Specifications, section 401.072.
3. At automatic mixing plants, automatic tickets shall be printed which meet MDOT Supplemental Specifications, section 401.073.
E. Materials
1. The Hot Mix Asphalt shall be composed of a mixture of aggregate and bituminous material. The aggregate fractions shall be sized, uniformly graded, and combined in accordance with the submitted designs.
The Contractor shall submit, for the Municipal Representative's approval, a current job mix formula (JMF). For a Superpave design, a current MDOT-approved Superpave JMF shall be submitted. If an alternate design similar to the former MDOT designs for B, C, or D mixes is desired, the contractor shall submit a previously MDOT-approved JMF's conforming to the latest MDOT Standard Specifications. The JMF’s shall be reviewed and approved by the Municipal Representative or an independent testing agency prior to submittal. All JMF’s will be required to accompany the bid form.
The job mix formula shall state the source, gradation, and percentage of each fraction of the aggregate and filler, if required. It shall state the name of the refiner and the supplier of the particular bituminous material to be used and the plant location.
F. Construction
1. Grind joints at the beginning and terminus of new paved areas intersecting existing road pavement, including all paved driveways.
2. Contractor shall place reflective delineator posts, spaced a minimum of every 100' apart, in areas where shoulder drop is 2 inches or more from the pavement surface.
3. The construction of Hot Mix Asphalt shall be carried on only when the surface on which the material is to be placed is dry, and when the atmospheric temperature is above 45° F and rising, and all paving will be completed by August 31, 2016.
4. All existing paved surfaces to be newly paved shall be thoroughly cleaned and dry and shall be tack coated prior to placement at a minimum rate of .02 gal/sy. In addition, any manholes or catch basins will be adjusted at the direction of the Municipal Representative. All paving operations shall cease when the surface to repave is wet.
5. All roads,will be ready for paving as specified in the beginning of this section.
6. All traffic control will be provided by the contractor and all traffic control devices and setups shall conform to the latest edition of Part VI of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
7. The cross-slope of the final paved surface shall be as close to 1/4" drop per foot of lane width as possible except in super-elevated areas.
8. Surface tolerances shall be checked according to MDOT Supplemental Specifications, sections 401.101.
9. All mixing, spreading, finishing, and compacting and constructing joints shall meet MDOT Supplemental Specifications, sections 401.14, 401.15, 401.16, 401.17 respectively.
G. Testing
All materials and every detail of work will be subject to inspection by the Municipal Representative. The Municipal Representative shall be allowed access to all parts of the work. The Municipal Representative shall also have the right to inspect and test, at the Municipality's expense, by the following methods:
1. Pavement Samples
a. Core samples for density testing will be taken in accordance with AASHTO procedures every 1000 tons.
b. Samples of the Hot Mix Asphalt will be taken in accordance with AASHTO procedures every 1000 tons to check for Asphalt Content, Gradation, and Theoretical Maximum Density.
c. All test results will be required to be within the allowable tolerances given in Section 400 of the most recent edition of the MDOT Supplemental Specifications.
d. Upon demand from the Municipal Representative, the Contractor must supply a ten foot straightedge. The surface, when tested, shall be in accordance with Section 401.20 of the most recent edition of the MDOT Supplemental Specifications.
2. Acceptance
a. If the Municipal Representative requests it, the Contractor shall remove portions of the finished work as may be directed. After examination, the Contractor shall restore the removed areas of the work to the standards of the specifications. Should the exposed work prove to be acceptable, in the judgment of the Municipal Representative, the removing and replacing of the covering or making good the parts removed will be paid for as extra work. Should the work exposed prove to be unacceptable in the judgment of the Municipal Representative, the removing and the replacing of the material will be at the Contractors expense.
H. Scheduling
The accepted contractor must meet with the Municipal Representative within 15 days of acceptance to determine a schedule for all work. The town representative must also me notified at least seven (7) days before commencement of work. All road and street overlays must be completed no later than August 31, 2016 unless mutually extended by the contractor and Town.
New binder pavement and surface on the Newburgh and Coldbrook Road will be installed within seven (7) days from the time the Contractor for the road project notifies the Contractor that the project passes inspection and is ready to be paved. Final grading is the paving contractors responsibility.
I. Miscellaneous
1. Pre-inspection
Each Contractor, before submitting an offer, shall become completely familiar with the required work and shall rely on their own investigation. The Municipal Representative will be available to have the site/sites proposed for paving inspected. No consideration will be granted for any alleged misunderstanding of the material to be furnished, the work to be done, or for any defects in the final product that are the result of the absence of pre-inspection of a site.
2. Right to change, subtract or add work
The Town of Hermon reserves the right to remove any individual road from the above Based Bid and Alternates. The contractor must keep all bid quantities regardless of the removal of any of the projects.
The municipality reserves the right to submit change orders in writing to the Contractor. In that event, the municipality will negotiate with the Contractor to determine the new costs.
3. Clean up
At the completion of paving, each site shall be left in a neat and clean conditionfree from grinding and pavement debris, subject to approval of the Municipal Representative.
4. Insurance
a. The Contractor shall have and maintain liability insurance that is in force until the work is completed and accepted by the municipalities. The Contractor shall furnish, to the municipality, a certificate of insurance, within two weeks of notice to the Contractor of the acceptance of its offer. The failure to provide this certificate will constitute a breach of the Contract and may, in the discretion of the municipality, result in termination of the Contract. The Contractor shall furnish to the Municipality a copy of an insurance policy within one month of notice to the Contractor of the acceptance of its offer.
b. The Contractor shall have, maintain, and show proof of worker’s compensation insurance within two weeks of notice of acceptance of the offer.
5. Warranties
The Contractor guarantees that the work to be done under this contract and the materials to be furnished by the supplier for use in the construction of the same will be free from defects or flaws. This warranty shall be for a period of one year from the date of completion.
6. Indemnification
To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Municipality, and their agents, and employees against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work regardless of standard of care. This indemnification extends to all costs and all attorneys' fees incurred by the Municipality.
7. Acceptance period
The Municipality shall have up to a maximum of 45 days from date of bid opening to accept an offer.
8. Notice of acceptance
The Contractor will be notified in writing by the municipality of the acceptance of its offer in whole, or in part, within five (5) business days of when it has been accepted. Failure to comply with this notice requirement shall constitute a breach of the Contract. An offer cannot be accepted verbally.
9. Rejection of offers
a. The Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, in whole or in part, whenever such rejection is in their best interest. The Municipality reserves the right to reject the proposal of a Contractor who has previously failed to perform properly or to complete on time Contracts of a similar nature. The Municipality also reserves the right to reject a proposal from a Contractor if an investigation shows that the Contractor is not in a position to perform the Contract.
10. Pre-bid conference
At the discretion of the municipal representative a pre-bid conference may be scheduled to discuss scope of services, terms of this contract and scheduling of work. Contractors who wish to be considered for acceptance must attend any scheduled conference.
11. Payment
The Municipal Representative shall make payment in full after completion, inspection and acceptance. The Unit Price per ton will include surface preparation, mobilization, hauling and placing material, and traffic control, and final cleanup.
We herewith submit our bid in accordance with the requirements and specifications herein acknowledge as follows:
1. That the needs for products and services are the best estimates of communities at the time of this bid, but that these estimates may vary. We agree to supply the products and services required, whether more or less than these estimates, at the prices quoted herein.
2. We carry General Liability (including Products Liability) insurance and Statutory Workers Compensation, which is in force and shall remain in force during the term of this contract. The successful contractor will Provide a Certificate of Insurance to the town naming the Town as a co-insurer.
3. We agree to comply with the General Specification requirements relating to pricing and reporting requirements for products and services provided under this bid.
4. The town is also requesting quotes for a recycled asphalt shingle (RAS). All bidders must submit a detailed specification of the mix if submitting a proposal. The decision to use RAS is solely at the discretion of the Town Council.
5. All prices quoted shall be firm for the term of this contract, unless as provided in Section 6 below.
6. Bidders may submit a bid with a price and escalator. All bids must conform to the original specifications, but if a bidder wants to prose a price with an escalator provision, this is acceptable. The new language for an escalator clause is as follows:
The adjustment to price will be the percentage increase or decrease of liquid asphalt compared to the “base price” for the “base period.” Bidders may not bid with the escalator only. There must be a fixed price bid.
A bid using an escalation must include:
Base Price (per ton):______
Base Period Date:______
The Town will use the tables found on the MDOT website at:
Pay ItemEstimated Price PerTotal