A Day in the Life of a potato

What a day I’ve had! I was lying in with my mates and a scary thing happened. Lifted up by a giant hand and thrust out of my comfortable home- I thought I was going on an exciting trip but guess what; it wasn’t. I was slammed onto a hard wooden table and harshly taken out of my skin.Thrust onto a weird surface, as I was on there they started cutting me- only then I knew what was going on!

Then I felt freezing cold water gently touching me but suddenly I was being dropped into a cold sea with silver walls around me! After that, I could hearsizzling sounds underneath. Steamstarted rising all around me so I could not see! I immediately knew this would not be good- I had a feeling in my water! Meanwhile more and more food objects were being dropped on top of me! Unexpectedly I was scooped out and a massive black hole appeared a few feet away gliding towards me getting nearer and nearer! Unfortunately, I was chucked inside… I n I went.

Where was I? Slowly, I felt white rocks push down on me hard and biting, saliva was dripping all around filling the black hole up, surprisingly cooling me down. I was getting nearer and nearer towards a steep hill and I could not stop it! I did not know what was coming! The next thing I knew I was falling down a bumpy slide all the time wondering whether I would live or die. Round and round up and down I went which seemed like forever.

It was then that I realised that I was being digested! Landing with a huge splash, a great big j shaped bag full of gases and enzymes. It was the stomach. What was coming next? Slowly part of me started dissolving- it felt strange, melting, floating sensations,. I had hardly anything left.,I didn’t think I could take it much longer.

When the stomach had finally finished destroying me ( I was fully digested) I was washed further down into the small intestine.

Inside some enzymes absorbed all my remaining nutrients, thenthey were transported into the blood around the body- never to be seen again! The rest of me ( the leftovers) were pushed through into the large intestines where we were dried out over several days.Eventually with almost nothing left I managed to escape- through a small opening and freedom or was it?