Bismarck State College Foundation provides scholarships for students enrolled in the BSC Energyon-campus or online programs. These awards range from $500 to $2,000 each and are based upon academic achievement and credits enrolled in, with consideration given to financial need and/or the potential to succeed in the program. Studentsmust earn at least a 2.5-3.0 grade point average during fall semester to be eligible/continue these scholarships. (See scholarship listing for exact criteria of each scholarship).
A current unofficial transcript must be included with this application.
(Can be printed from Campus Connection)
Submission of this application will be considered for the following scholarships:
- Jack Schuchart Memorial Scholarship
- Frank Bavendick Scholarships
- Xcel Energy Scholarships
- Otter Tail Power Company Scholarships
- Allen Energy Scholarship
- MidAmerican Energy Scholarships
- Energy Generation Conference Scholarship
- Utility Workers Union of America Scholarship
- DarbyTech Training Equipment Scholarship
- Great River Energy Scholarships
NOTE: Only students who have been accepted into an Energy program (listed below) are eligible to apply for these scholarships. One energy program scholarship award per student per academic year. Any student wishing to be considered for these scholarships should complete this application and submit an unofficial transcript to:
Bismarck State College Foundation
1255 Schafer St.
PO Box 5587
Bismarck ND 58506-5587
First Name Middle Initial Last Name EMPL ID # (Student ID)
Permanent Address City, State, Zip
Address while attending BSC City, State, Zip
E-mail addressDate of BirthPhone Number
Name of Hometown/Local NewspaperStreet/PO Box City, State, Zip
I am enrolled in Power Plant Process Plant Nuclear Power Electric Power
Electrical Transmission Systems Renewable Energy BAS in Energy Management
Instrumentation & Control Lineworker Mechanical Maintenance Petroleum Production
Water & Wastewater
Number of credits enrolled in ______I plan to graduate ______
Are you an: On-Campus Student On-Line Student
Attach additional page(s) if necessary.
List any honors or awards you have received:
List your community involvement:
Number of hours you are working per week: ______
Is your employer paying for any part of the cost of your education? ___ Yes ___ No /Employer Name______
If yes, what percentage is being paid for each semester? ______%
Do you qualify for financial need based assistance? ___ Yes ___ No
How will this scholarship benefit you?
Describe your academic accomplishments - what do you consider your most important contribution or achievement in the Energy Program or other industry activities you have been involved in (besides your GPA):
Describe how continued study will contribute to your personal and professional goals:
Do you have a relative(s) who is (are) a BSC alumnus? Yes No
(If yes, check all that apply.) Spouse Grandparent Parent Sibling
Name(s) of alumnus______
I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge the information on this application is true. My signature is authorization for releasing scholarship award information to the news media and authorization for the Foundation to access my transcript to determine eligibility.
Applicant’s SignatureDate