2014 North West Super Series

Rider / Parent / Spectator / General Code of Conduct

  1. Never argue with an Official.
  2. Ride to enjoy and improve your skills.
  3. Co-operate with your co-riders and officials because without them there would not be racing.
  4. No rider / parent / spectator is to make offensive, disparaging or insulting remarks about any rider, official, volunteer or spectator.
  5. No rider / parent / spectator is to make threats or use physical violence towards any other rider, official, volunteer or spectator.
  6. Where an event or competition necessitates accommodation away from the normal residence, including but not restricted to motels, hotels, caravan parks, or any public area, before and after racing hours this code of conduct applies.
  7. Riders will be held accountable for the actions of their parents, other family members / relations, team managers or any other persons in their company at a BMX competition or event. Any misconduct on the part of any of these persons may, at the discretion of a race director or official, result in the disqualification or suspension of the rider and the removal of the offending persons from the track area.
  1. No unsportsmanlike behaviour or intentional abuse of equipment will be tolerated.
  2. Officials will not tolerate any behaviour or conduct which brings the sport into disrepute.
  3. All riders must be in proper riding attire for all practice and racing. This includes approved helmet and gloves. (no ankle socks allowed)
  4. Encourage your child to always ride by the rules.
  5. Focus upon your child’s efforts and performances, rather than the race result.
  6. Assist your child to set realistic goals related to his/her ability and reduce the emphasis on winning.
  7. Children learn by example. Applaud good racing by all riders.
  8. Do not publicly question an official’s judgement, and never their honesty.
  9. Recognise the value and importance of all volunteers. Help and support them whenever you can.
  10. Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake.
  11. The consumption of illegal drugs, performance enhancing or social, by riders / parents/ spectators at any BMX event is prohibited.
  12. The consumption of alcohol during any BMX event is prohibited.
  13. Officials will report all breaches of the behaviour code, to the BMX Sports Western Australia Board of Management and apply penalties in accordance with the rules.
  14. Any complaints that you have, about Officials or riders should be put in writing and submitted to the BMX Sports Western Australia Board of Management, which will take all accounts into consideration and make a ruling.

2014 North West BMXSuper Series

Round 3–Port Hedland

20 September 2014

Entry Form

Racing Commencing (to be confirmed)

Finals 1st 2nd 3rd place

Mini Wheelers and Sprockets receive a participation award

Pro Open class will have a shared minimum pool of

$3000.00 50/50 split Men & womenOver3 rounds

2014 North West Super Series

Round 3 – Port Hedland20 September 2014

LicenceNo. / Expiry Date / NAME /


/ Age at 31/12/14 /



Plate No

/ 1st Class
E.g. 8 Boys / 2nd Class
e.g. 8-10 Cruiser / Total Entries
/ / / / / / $
/ / / / / / $
/ / / / / / $
/ / / / / / $
Home Phone:
Email Address:
Email is our preferred form of contact
BMX is a body contact, competitive sport wherein riders on bicycles practice and race according to the rules and regulations of the National Sanctioning Body, BMX Australia Inc., to which this club is affiliated through BMX Sports Western Australia Inc.
Conditions of entry to be signed by all entrants 18 years and over, or the parent/guardian of entrants 17 years and under. Persons entering the BMX Club, its facilities and environment do so at their own risk. BMX Sports WA Inc., The Host Club and its officials, contractors and voluntary workers accept no responsibility for any injury, damage or loss, however incurred, during activities associated with this event.
I give my consent for appropriate medical attention to be given. In signing this waiver I also agree to abide by the BMX Sports Western Australia Inc Code of conduct.
(To be signed by parent or guardian if under 18)BMX Sports WA ABN: 38 819 688 320
Mini Wheelers $ 5.00
Age classes$35.00
Cruiser class$35.00
Age & Cruiser$50.00
Pro-Open $40.00
Paid entries only/ late entries may incur a - $20.00 fee
Online entry available
CHEQUES payable to:Northwest Committee Direct Credit
P.O. Box 80, Northwest Committee
Tom Price WA 6751 BSB 036182
Account 197469
Entries Close:Wednesday 17 September 2014
Nomination Contact – Michelle Marlow / IMPORTANT INFORMATION
Rules: BMX Australia Rules & BMX Sports WA by-Laws apply # Olympic Lane Draw for Finals.
 ‘The decision of the Chief Race Commissaire, (to be nominated), on judgement calls, is final and binding and will not be changed by any person.’
Where the number of competitors does not exceed a full gate i.e. 8 or less, each competitor rides and extra moto.
All riders MUST ride under the racing number allocated for the series, plates and number will be provided.

3 Riders constitute a Class

Racing - Saturday 20 September 2014, 4 motos and a final,

Classes - Age Class, Mini Wheeler, Sprockets, Cruiser. Mini Wheeler Class – 2-4 years, Sprocket Classes – Girls 5 & under, 6 & 7 years, Boys 5 & Under, 6 years and 7 years
  • Male: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13-14, 15-17 boys, 18+Men’s, 14+Pro Open Men, Junior Cruiser 13 & Under, 14-29 cruiser, 30+ Men’s Cruiser
  • Female: 8-9, 10-11, 12-13 girls, 14+ Girls, 14+Pro Open Women, Junior Cruiser 13 & Under Girls Cruiser,14+ Women’s Cruiser
Class maybe merged if low nominations are received
Practice – (to be confirmed) all riders (including Gate starts)
Track Closes –Racing Commences (to be confirmed)
Sprocket category - 4 to 7 years of age, competition is conducted under year of Birth.
Northwest BMX Contact – Michelle Marlowmobile: 0419969932email: