RHA Senate Monday, February 23rd, 2015
Meeting started at _6:00__
I. Roll Call
II. Senate Reports:
a) Community Service Committee- Not Present
b) Food Service Advisory Committee- Present
- The next food service meeting is March 4th.
c) Sports and Recreation- Not Present
d) NRHH- Not Present
e) Housing Advisory Committee- Present
- The housing advisory committee chair is working on placing more Wi-Fi routers in the halls.
f) Fundraising Committee- Not present
g) Environmental Sustainability- Not Present
h) Policies and Procedures- Not Present
i) Lumberjack Lodge- Not Present
j) Wisely- Not Present
k) Todd- Not Present
l) North- Present (arrived late)
- North hall is working on a Laundry tag program
- There are currently no HC meeting times.
- Elections have just taken place, so North is working on getting the exec board up and running.
m) Hall 10- Not Present
n) Mays- Present (late)
- HC meetings are Mondays at 8:00 pm.
o) South- Not Present
p) Lumberjack Village- Not Present
q) Hall 14- Present
- Hall 14 is getting the decorations needed for Showcase.
- The HC meetings are every Sunday at 8:00 pm.
r) Griffith- Present
- Griffith is currently figuring out the best meeting time for HC.
- Griffith is also getting everything ready for Showcase.
s) Hall 16- Present
- Hall 16 has completed HC elections.
- HC meetings are Tuesdays at 7:00 pm.
- Hall 16 will be partnering up with Steen for casino night.
t) Steen- Present
- HC meetings are Mondays at 8:00 pm.
- Steen’s casino night will take place this Saturday at 8:00 pm.
u) Kerr- Present
- HC meetings are Thursdays at 8:00 pm.
- Kerr will have a prom night on March 24th. (Formal attire)
v) Hall 20- Present
- Hall 20 has elected the exec board but ran into complications and could possibly have another election.
- Hall 20 is currently working on Showcase ideas and getting ideas for programs.
- HC meetings are Mondays at 4:00 pm. (possible to change)
w) Lumberjack Landing – Not Present
x) University Woods- Present
- University Woods is working on Showcase Saturday decorations.
- HC meetings are Tuesdays at 8:00 pm.
y) President Elliot- Present
- Elliot is working on BWE tasks, e-mailing HD’s, creating agendas, and helping Bussiere with Parents Day.
z) Vice President Bryson- Present
- Bryson is working on BWE tasks.
aa) Hall Council Coordinator Lusk- Present
- Lusk has finished the newsletter and informed everyone that they were sent to their titan e-mail.
- Lusk is also working on BWE tasks and the HC manual.
bb) Marketing Coordinator Bradford- Present
- Bradford finished the RHA board in the SC with Clark.
- Bradford uploaded bid examples on the RHA website.
- Bradford is also working BWE tasks and helping with Parents Day.
cc) Secretary Hernandez- Present
- Hernandez has been working on minutes and BWE tasks.
dd) National Communications Coordinator Clark – Present
- Clark is working on BWE tasks, exec bid, and finished the RHA board with Bradford.
ee) National Communications Coordinator In training Bussiere– Present
- Bussiere is working on Parents Day.
ff) Advisor –Not Present
III. Old Business:
Executive Letters of Intent: President Elliott
- The letters of intent were due last Wednesday.
- If you did not turn in a letter of intent, you may still be able to run for a position if you speak with Elliot.
Spring Retreat: HCC Lusk
- There were contract issues with Sky Ranch which is why retreat was cancelled.
- We will be using the money for retreat for another project.
T-Shirts: MC Bradford
- Bradford is still taking money for sponsorship of the t-shirts.
- The cost for shirts is:
- Large halls- $50 for 5 shirts
- Small halls- $25 for 2 shirts
Concessions: President Elliott
- Next concession stand opportunity is Thursday, February 26th.
- The following concession stand opportunity will be March 5thwithLusk and Bryson.
IV. New Business:
Parents Day Chair:Bussiere
- Parents Day will take place on September 19th.
- The theme is Into the Woods.
- Available chairs and descriptions:
- Volunteer Chair- responsible for recruiting and managing groups of volunteers and organizations on campus. Strong communication skills and management are required.
- Marketing Chair- responsible for communication with businesses and organizations in the SFA area to gain sponsorship. Also in charge of keeping businesses and organizations informed monthly.
- Advertising Chair- responsible for creating flyers, post-cards, letters and invitations for Parents day as well as assisting the Marketing Chair.
- Registration Chair- responsible for receiving invoices from Parents Registration and inputting data into a spreadsheet. You will also need to plan the packing parties and be present during registration.
- Events Committee (2 people) - responsible for coordinating all events and programs during Parents Day as well as to supervise and ensure the best quality.
- Welcome Ceremony Chair- responsible for the set-up of the Welcoming Ceremony, including but not limited to decorations, seating chart, music, and VIP Treatment.
- The applications are available in the Halls.
- Interviews for the chairs will be taken next week.
Food Service Meeting: VP Bryson
- The next food service meeting is March 4th at 3:00 pm in the Village Conference Room.
Executive Applications: President Elliott
- Exec applications are due this Wednesday, February 25th.
- Presentations will take place at Senate on March 9th and GA on March 23rd.
Showcase Saturday: NCC Clark
- Showcase Saturday is this Saturday,February 28th.
- The theme isTake a Trip, the SFA Way. Basically decorate your hall as your ideal vacation.
- Decorations should be up by 10:00 am, and judging will take place from 10:00-12:00 pm.
- If supplies are needed, they are available for check-out at the RHA office.
- The halls are responsible for decorating their halls for prospective students.
- The criteria for hall decorating include neatness, relevance to the theme, and creativeness.
- The HOTY points for decorating are as follow:
- 1st place- 4 points
- 2nd place- 3 points
- 3rd place- 2 points
- Honorable mention- 1 point
HOTY/Bidding/Voting: Secretary Hernandez
- 19 RHA members must be present in order for voting to take place, so make sure your hall council participates.
- A bid is an electronic document that shows why you should receive the position or award you wish to receive.
- HOTY Bids are due March 23rd by 5pm.
- Exec Bids are due March 25th.
- HOTY Bids will be presented March 30th(Senate).
Committee Chairs: VP Bryson
- Five committee chairs are available, including:
- Community Service
- Policy and Procedures
- Environmental Sustainability
- Sports and Recreation
- Fundraising
Best Week Ever: HCC Lusk
- BWE will take place April 27th- May 1stwhich is the week before dead week.
- The days with the corresponding events and times are listed below:
- Monday- Zumba 6:00-7:00 pm
- Tuesday- Silent Library 6:00-8:00 pm
- Wednesday- Dizzy Dodgeball 6:00-8:00 pm
- Thursday- Scavenger Hunt 6:00-8:00 pm
- Friday- Splatterbeat 6:00-8:00 pm
- If you’d like to volunteer feel free to come and ask a exec!
V. Final Announcements/ Final Comments
- A list for HC’s contact information was passed around by Lusk.
- It is the HC Presidents job to come to Senate or appoint someone to go in their place.
- HC mail-boxes are located in the RHA office and should be checked often as important info is given to the Hall councils.
Next GA: March 2nd Miller Science #139 @ 6:00pm
VI. Meeting Adjourn _6:24_pm
Meeting adjourned by Marketing Coordinator Bradford and seconded by Steen.
Facebook: SFASU RHA
Twitter: @SFA_RHA
Instagram: @RHA_SFA
Snap Chat: sfa_rha1923