A Chronology of Remarkable Natural Phenomena
The Middle Ages, 1001-1500
G=Geological phenomenon M=Meteorological A=Astronomical
G1001SwitzerlandEarthquakeWith 'igneous meteors'
A1002September14MoroccoMeteorBright as Moon
G1004Campania, ItalyEarthquakeMany buildings fell. Year may be 1005
A1006May6China, ArabiaSupernova'Like half Moon', in Centaurus; vis. 2 years
G1007'Deinar in Irak'Earthquake10,000 buried. Snow in Baghdad
A1009IndiaMeteorite'Iron-fall' at Djorjam. Weight 2,000 lbs.
M1009April29GermanyObscuration'Coloured cloud' hid Sun for 2 days
M1011Europe, EgyptColdSevere winter. Ice on the Nile
A1011LorraineMeteorBurning torch like tower. Great noise
A1013March16MoroccoMeteorBrighter than Moon, with tail
A1013May15 Germany Tornado? Tempest destroyed buildings, Quedlinburg M1014 September 28 England Sea flood 'Countless numbers' drowned
A1018August4ChinaCometTail 30 cubits long
A? 1020 July/August North AfricaMeteorites? Many stones fell, several k. Hailstones?
M1021IrelandFallShower of wheat at Osraighe
G1021May21South GermanyEarthquakeSwiss well-water turned blood-colour. 1020?
A1029AugustCairo, EgyptMeteors'Many stars passed'. Great noise
G1034PalestineEarthquakeWalls of Jerusalem fell. Villages engulfed
M1035June21EnglandSummer coldFrost, Midsummer Day. Crops killed
G1037December18BuccellariisEarthquake5 villages engulfed
G 1038 January 9 Shensi, ChinaEarthquake Over 20,000 k.
G1043 (c)PalestineEarthquakeTebris, Tadhmor & Baalbeck; 40,000 k.
M1046FebruaryEnglandColdSevere winter. Snow & tempests
M1048JanuaryEnglandSnowLay until March 17
G1048EnglandEarthquakeThroughout England
G1049May1EnglandEarthquakeWorcester, Derby, etc.
M1053December21EnglandGaleChurches & houses fell
M1054April24Rossdalla, IrelandTornado'Tower of fire' surrounded by 'birds'
A1054July5ChinaSupernovaCrab Nebula supernova max. brightness
G 1057 Chihli, China Earthquake 25,000 k.
A1058ItalyLunar event?Bright light in new Moon. Year may be 1086
G1058MesopotamiaEarthquakeGreat damage, many k.
M1063AprilEuropeBlizzardWind & snow for 4 days. Cattle & birds k.
A1064ChinaMeteorite?Fireball burned fences at Ch'ang-chou
G1064September23Asia MinorEarthquakeThrace, Nicaea, etc.
A1066March23China, EuropeHalley's CometPerihelion, 15 cubits long
G1067August11EnglandEarthquakeTerrified whole country
M1067December6Northumbria Tornado?Revolving 'sign' illuminated earth.
G1068March18PalestineEarthquakeRamla & Haila wrecked, 25,000 k.
M1076NovemberEuropeCold Rhine frozen, 4½ months' frost France
G1081December25EnglandEarthquakeAll over England. Terrible noise
G1082December 6ConstantinopleEarthquakeMany buildings fell. Year may be 1083
G1083October18Central France?EarthquakeChurch was burned. 'Volcanic fire'?
G1086SicilyEarthquakeMany k in Syracuse
G1089August11EnglandEarthquakeThroughout country
M1090NovemberLondonFloodLondon Bridge destroyed. Banks flooded
G 1091 September 17 Antioch Earthquake 70 towers fell from walls
M1091September29Europe?ObscurationSun-darkening for 3 hours
M1091October21LondonTornado600 houses wrecked. 2 k.
G1092June26HungaryEarthquakes3 shocks in one day
M1092EnglandSevere winterGreat rivers frozen
M1092BritainSea floodsMany towns flooded. Scotland, England
M? 1093 April 10 Paris Fall 'Glowing substance' found after shooting stars
M1094IrelandHeat'Year of the heat'. Many k.
M1095January3IrelandSnowGreat snow . Multitudes k.
A1095April4EnglandMeteor showerMany 'stars' fell all night
A1096August6Europe?Lunar event?Bright light on Moon in lunar eclipse
M1097September29EnglandAurora?Sign like 'burning cross'. Poss. comet
A1097October4England, ChinaCometStream of light in S.W.. Seen 15 days
M1097November21EdessaAuroraClear sky coloured red. Seen for month
M1098September27Antioch, EnglandAuroraBlaze of light girdled Pole
M1099November11EnglandSea floodGreat damage. Also Flanders
M1104June7EnglandHalo complex4 white circles round Sun at noon
G1104Hekla, IcelandVolcano 16 farms lost. Ash fell in Scandinavia
G1105Malamocco Is.EarthquakeIsland engulfed by sea. Off Italy
A1106February12EuropeSun-darkeningAccompanied by meteors. Comet near Sun
A1106February14EuropeCometShining ray at sunset. Seen 40 days
M1107March23IrelandSnowFell a day & night. Many cattle k.
M1108SyriaAurora?Light like Sun at night for 3 hours
M1108April4SyriaObscurationDay 'darkness like dust'. Lasted 12 days
G1109AntiochEarthquakeHouses swallowed up
A1110ArmeniaMeteor?'Burning object' fell in Lake Van
A1110June8EnglandCometVisible 3 weeks
M1111June7Liege, BelgiumCloudburstFlood washed away houses & people
G1112January3GermanyEarthquakeRothenburg on the Necker overthrown
A1112June20ItalyMeteor?'Very bright star' seen
M1113 March 17 Ireland Ball lightning? 30 k. by 'ball of fire'
A1114MayEnglandComet'Star' with long rays. Many nights
M1114October10EnglandDessicationThames and Medway dry. Due to low tide
G1115December25 (c.)Middle EastEarthquake Jerusalem,Antioch, etc. Great damage
M1116December21 (c)GermanyParaselene?2nd moon rose in the W. as full Moon rose
G1117SwabiaSubsidenceEarth boiled up, then collapsed
M1117December16Chartres, FranceAuroraN. sky like fire at night. With white beam
G1118AlpsEarthquakeMany cities destroyed. Much loss of life
M1118December20EuropeAurora'Fiery ranks' in night sky. Moved N. to E.
G1120September28EnglandEarthquakeHouses wrecked. People buried
M1121MaySyriaAurora'A full arc' appeared at night
M1122December7EnglandAurora?Fire in N.E. sky at dawn until daylight
M1125August10EnglandFlood Many towns deluged. Men drowned
G1127TyreEarthquakeEarth opened, many k. Year may be 1128
A 1128 December 8 England Sunspots 2 very large spots. 1st known drawing
M1129JanuarySyriaAuroraFire in N.. & Mar., Apr.
M1129IrelandHeatTorrid summer. Streams dried up
A?1130October8BohemiaMeteor?Flying 'serpent' at sunset. Seen many places
M1130NovemberSyriaAuroraFiery 'mountain' in N. Later like pillars
A 1131 China Sunspot 'Plum' sized spot visible 4 days
M1131January11EnglandAurora'Fire' in N. sky at night
A1133August2EuropeSolar eclipseEngland, Salzburg, Cambrai, Prague ,etc.
G1133August4EnglandEarthquakeBuildings overthrown. Fire from earth
M1134October1England, HollandSea flood?Sea rose & flooded coast, then retired
G1134ArmeniaEarthquakeDogodoph ruined
A1135GermanyMeteoriteHead-sized black stone fell at Oldisleben
M1135March7PragueHalo complex4 circles round Sun. Many false suns
A1135July21SyriaBolide'Torch' from W. to E., then explosion
M1136GermanyAurora?Shining cross in sky
M1137BritainParheliaThree red suns
M1137May15IrelandGaleForests & churches fell
A1138?March8Asia MinorMeteorites?'Fiery coals' fell at Mosul
M1138October7EnglandAuroraRed sky in N. & coloured rays
G1139 NovemberMiddle EastEarthquake130,000 k. Strongest at Aleppo
A 1139 Bavaria Sunspot? 'Fissure' on Sun
M1139July19PragueObscurationDarkness lasted a week
G1140KalunikusSubsidenceEarth opened & 40 horsemen swallowed up
M1140June22SyriaAuroraRed lances in N. Moved W.
M1140May12England Tornado Whirlwind wrecked 40 houses, Wellesbourne
M1141AugustSyriaAuroraRays of fire in N. Bright on 2 Sept.
M1141December23KoreaAuroraRed vapour in N. at night. White rays
A1145April22England, ChinaHalley's CometPerihelion. Seen 50 days
M1146December3IrelandGaleMany woods destroyed
M1147 DenmarkAuroraRed flames in N. 1147-50
M1149DecemberEnglandSevere winterThames frozen
G 1149-1150 Baghdad Earthquake City shaken 10 times; mountain fell
M1152March22North HollandLunar haloCircle round Moon. Cross in circle
M1153January26Bologna, ItalyParhelia3 moons & cross, then 3 suns
A1153December29CambraiMeteor?'Great splendour', night, then thunder
G1154February15BurgundyEarthquakeCastle swallowed up. Deep pool left
G1155AntiochEarthquakeAlso Damascus, Tripoli. 2,000 k.
M1156May30?BritainSolar haloBroad blue circle at noon
M1156August11England, FranceFloodsMany buildings fell. Rain floods
M1156OctoberLondonLunar haloCross appeared in Moon. Several nights
G1156November18SyriaEarthquake40 shocks at Aleppo. 'Tremendous'
M1158LondonDessicationThames dried up. Also earthquake
G1158SyriaEarthquakeMany cities ruined, 15,000 k.
M1158August28IrelandAurora'Great mount of fier'. Sparkled
M1158IrelandFloodsAutumn rains & floods. 23 k., Subha
A1164May31GermanyMeteoriteLarge mass of iron fell at Meissen
M1164September20EnglandSolar haloes3 circles round Sun. Then 2 suns
A1165AugustEnglandTwo cometsBefore sunrise in S. & N.
M1165AugustEngland Tornado? Storm with 'black horse', Scarborough
G1169February4 or 5Catania, SicilyEarthquake15,000 k. Etna erupted
M1170IrelandAurora?'Bow of burning fire'
M1170MarchEnglandSea floodCrops destroyed
M1170March2English ChannelStormHenry II's ship 'troubled', 400 drowned
G1170June29Europe & EastEarthquakeSyria, Libya, Hungary, Germany, Switzerland
M1171December24England, IrelandThunderstormLasted 2 days in Ireland
A1171December25Europe'Stars'Two great & small fiery 'stars' in W.
M1173February10Ireland, EnglandAuroraRed light in N. at nigh with white rays
M1173May17WalesTornadoWhirlwind, thunder, hail. Trees felled
M1174November4 EnglandAuroraRed sky in N. at midnight
M1176March19KoreaAuroraRed vapour in W. at night
M1176April3England, FranceGaleTrees & houses felled
M1177June19Isle of WightColoured rain'Dew of blood' fell for 2 hours
M1177July22EnglandThunderstormHail broke trees. Many 'suffocated'
M1177November29EnglandAuroraBurning flames at night
M1177December1EnglandGaleWoods & houses felled in E'ly gale
M1178January8LincolnshireSea floodMen & cattle drowned
A1178June18Kent, EnglandLunar meteor?'Torch' sprang from crescent Moon
A1179August1Europe'Star''Star' near Sun, Venus near Moon
M 1179 Ireland Snow 'The snow of destruction'
G1180April25EnglandEarthquakeThroughout Midlands. Many houses fell
M1180W. JapanDroughtMost rivers dried up
A1181August6ChinaSupernovaIn Cassiopeia. Bluish-red
G1183SyriaEarthquakeMany towns ruined, 20,000 k.
M1184February17Loch Ce, IrelandThunderstormOver 80 nobles k. by lightning & flood
G1185SicilyEarthquakeCosenza destroyed. Adriatic sea wave
G1185April15EnglandEarthquakeLincoln Cathedral rent
A1185May1EuropeSolar eclipse'Red hot coals' on Moon. Prominences?
A1186June30Mons, BelgiumMeteoritesSeveral stones fell. Some of 1 lb.
M1187October14EnglandColoured rainBlood-rain, Derbyshire
G1189May4BohemiaEarthquakeMany buildings fell, 18 months shocks
M1190MayMainz, GermanyHailMore than 100 villas devastated.
M1191IrelandGaleBuildings & forests fell. Many k.
G1193EnglandEarthquakeBuildings & trees levelled
M1194JanuaryEnglandAuroraRed light in NW at night, with white rays
M1194June24EnglandHalo complexCircles round & through Sun,'rainbow'
M1195NovemberEnglandGaleBuildings & trees fell
M1196ParisFloodSeine flood 'swept away' all
M1198June24England?Fall'Dew sweet as honey' fell, in Europe?
M1198July20EnglandThunderstormsLightning & hail destroyed villages
A1198NovemberEnglandCometSeen 15 days
M1199Scottish borderFloodsBridges swept away
M?1200 (c)WalesAnomalyLarge burnt 'human footprints' on grass
M 1200 Friesland Sea flood 100,000 drowned
M1200DecemberYork, EnglandAnomaly5 'moons' seen; one 'moon' circled others
G1201 (c)Middle EastEarthquakeEgypt, Syria. Iraq, &c. 1,100,000 lives lost
M1201June24EnglandHeat & droughtHarvest over on June 24; cont. July, Aug.
M1201June25EnglandThunderstormViolent rain caused floods. Contradicts prev.
A1202October19Middle East?Meteor shower'Stars' shot all night
M1203LondonLightning?'Birds' with fire in beaks set houses afire
G1204MediterraneanEarthquakeEast ,Sicily ,Asia Minor. Tyre walls fell
M1204April1EnglandAuroraRed light in sky at night
G1204JavaEarthquake'Bali separated from Java'
M1205January14EnglandColdCold winter,Thames froze. Frost to Mar. 22
M1205June23EnglandThunderstorms'Monster stricken by lightning' at Maidstone
M1205July29EnglandTornadoes Trees carried away or 'twisted like rope'
G1206December4Hekla, IcelandVolcanoEruption to spring 1207 M 1207 January 27 England Blizzard Many houses fell. Deep snowdrifts
M1207GermanyColdMost travellers froze to death on the roads
M1209February11EnglandMirage?'Battle of the clouds' at sunrise
M1210Perth, ScotlandFlood Scots nobles drowned. Many lives lost
M1210JanuaryEnglandColdSevere winter to Feb.. Great snow
M1211AprilEnglandAuroraRed bow in sky at night
M1212July30FranceHaloes, etc. Shower of blood, 3 crosses in sky,
M1212Novgorod, RussiaEarly frosts Children sold as slaves for bread
M 1212 Holland Sea flood 306,000 drowned
G1214LondonLow tideSea withdrew for several miles
M 1216 Bremen Sea flood 20,000 k.
M1217October27Dunstable, Eng.Meteor? 'Magnificent cross' passed W. to E.
M 1218 November 11 Holland, Germany Sea flood 1000,000 k.
G1218?Franche ComtéSubsidence5,000 men engulfed. No earthquake
G1219IcelandVolcanoSubmarine eruption off Näss Repp
M 1219 January 16 Friesland Sea flood 36,000 k.
M1221October18LondonGaleHouses & woods fell. From N.E.
M1222March13EnglandSnowGreat snow broke trees
M1222May22AustriaHailDevastating at Salzburg. Egg-sized hail
A1222September28Europe, ChinaHalley's CometPerihelion, 30 cubits long
M1222December12EnglandGaleChurches & trees fell. Sea rose
G1222December25LombardyEarthquakeContinued 2 weeks. Much damage
M 1223 Rome Fall Rain of blood-coloured earth for 3 days
M1224IrelandFall'Strange shower' k. cattle. Nature N/S
M1224January1EnglandGaleTowers & churches fell
M1225June24England'Snow'- soft hail?Great snow with lightning at Winchester
G1227FranceRockfalls5,000 k. at Pays d'Aix,, winter
M1231MarchEnglandDroughtDry from March to Oct.
M1233April8Hereford, EnglandHalo complex4 'suns', 2 half circles & a great circle, sunrise
M1233JuneEngland WaterspoutsFighting 'dragons' in air, South coast
M1233July11EnglandFloodsMen & animals drowned. Bridges lost
M1235VeniceColdAdriatic froze. Ice bore wagons
M1236JanuaryEnglandRain & floods8 days of rain. Monstrous floods
M1236NovemberE. EnglandGale & sea floodGreat numbers drowned. Flood for 2 days
M1236KattegatIceIce bridge from Norway to Jutland
M1237FebruaryFranceFloodSeine flood for 15 days. Also Thames
A1237September21ChinaComet'Twisted & bent'. Seen 48 days
A1239June3EuropeSolar eclipseSeen Coimbra, Toledo, Montpelier, Florence
M1240Siena, ItalyAurora?Brightness like daylight at midnight
G1240IcelandVolcanoSubmarine eruption. Reika Näss
M1241March25EnglandDroughtFrom Mar. 25 to Oct. 28. Many rivers dry
A1243July26EnglandMeteor shower'Stars' fell 40 at once
G1245Katla, IcelandVolcanoFields covered by cinders. Glacier-burst
M1245December6IrelandFrostbite'Poisonous snow'. People lost toes
M 1246 November Friesland Sea flood 1,000s drowned
G1247February20?EnglandEarthquakeShock felt from Kent to Ireland
G1248SavoyAvalancheFrom Mt. Grenier. Weight 400,000,000 tons
G1249November24CamberyLandslideMany villages lost
M1250October1North SeaGale & sea floodGreat damage, England, Holland, Flanders
M1252MarchEngland, IrelandDroughtSummer heat day & night. Shannon dried up
M?1254January1EnglandAurora?'Ship' in air at night at St. Albans
G1255LombardySeiches?Lakes & rivers rose & fell in summer
G1256ArabiaVolcanoEruption near Medina
M1258ScotlandBall lightning?'Flaming globe' ; 2 villas burnt
M1258June24EnglandRain floodSevern storm flood. Many drowned
G 1258-59 Unknown Volcano Great eruption recorded, Greenland ice cores
M1260June23EnglandHailStones took '3 men to lift'. 'Asserted on oath'
M1262November7GermanyAuroraE. sky inflamed at dusk. Many locations
M1263July29EnglandAurora'Wonderful sign' in N. sky at midnight
A1264July26China, EuropeCometTail extended across sky. 100 cubits long
M1266May30EnglandHalo complexWhite & 'rainbow' circle round Sun
G1268CiliciaEarthquake60,000 k.
M1268November30EuropeSevere winterTill May 25, 69. Baltic frozen
M1269RussiaAuroraArmies in the sky
M1269December6Cracow, PolandAuroraCoss-shaped brightness at twilight
M1270January20Cracow, PolandAuroraCross-shaped light in air at night
M 1273 Friesland Sea flood 20,000 k.
M1275September11EnglandEarthquakeChurches overturned. People k.
G1276CilathEarthquakeShocks lasted 9 hrs. Many k.
M1277January1Cracow, PolandAuroraGreat light at night. Town illuminated
M1277October10E. EnglandRain floods2 day's rain & vast floods. Men & cattle k.
M1279October25KoreaAuroraPurple vapour cloud in W. sky
M1281August22JapanTyphoonMongol invasion fleet lost
M1282HollandSea floodZuider Zee formed. Tempests
M1282February2EuropeSevere winter Began Dec. Great snow, Austria
M1285EnglandDroughtFatal heat
M1287December14England, HollandSea flood50,000 drowned, Holland, 500, East Anglia
G 1290 September 27 Chihli, China Earthquake 1000,000 k.
M1292RussiaAurora'Regiments' in the air at night
G 1293 May 20 Kamakura, Japan Earthquake 30,000 k.
G1294Hekla, IcelandEruptionPumice reached Faeroes
M1294May14LondonSnowHeavy snow fell in City
M1295MarchYemenHailStone too big to see over. Animals k.
A1296 RussiaMeteorites?Dark thundering cloud, then 'stony swarm' fell
A1299FebruaryEnglandCometWith radiant tail
G1300July10Hekla, IcelandVolcanoAsh caused much damage. Lasted a year
A1301October23Europe, ChinaHalley's CometPerihelion. Tail 70° long
G1302Ischia, ItalyVolcanoLava flow for 2 months. Also Vesuvius
G1303August8Egypt, SyriaEarthquakeSea wave flooded Alexandria
A1304October1Saale, SaxonyMeteoritesSeveral stones fell
M1305EnglandHot summerBurning heat & drought. Hay failed
M1306Japan?Coloured rainOrange rain k. many men & cattle
M1308ChinaDroughts, floods1st of many disasters. Famine, plague
M1308ItalyAurora?'Great flame' after sunset from N. to S.
M1313ChinaDroughtWhole empire desolated
M1315EuropeRainsFamine; Polish poor ate hanged bodies
M1316EnglandRain & floods2 years' heavy rain. Famine k. 1,000s
M1317November19Dublin, IrelandGaleHouses prostrated
M1318ChinaFlood'Multitudes drowned'
G1319ArmeniaEarthquakeMany towns ruined
M1321Ho-nan, ChinaDroughtFamine followed
A 1321-1368 O-chia, China Meteorites 'Iron rain' k. people & animals
M1323DenmarkSevere winterS. Baltic frozen
M1324ChinaEarthquakesDroughts, floods, locusts. Again in 1327
M1325EnglandHot summerDrought; springs failed. Many cattle died
G1328December1Rome, etc.EarthquakeNorcia ruined. 5,000 k.
M1330ChinaFloodsHarvest ruined, famine
G1332IcelandSubmarine volcanoEruption between Iceland & Greenland
M1332ChinaFloodsRain & floods k. 7 million
M1333ChinaDrought, floods4000,000 k. in floods.. Famine
M1333BalticIceSolid ice from Denmark to Prussia
M1334ChinaDrought, floodsFamine & floods k. 13 million in S. provinces
G1334ChinaEarthquakeCreated lake 100 leagues in circumference
G1335May15Mugello, ItalyEarthquakeGreat landslide followed. R. Arno disturbed
A?1339July13SilesiaMeteorites?300 'thunderbolts' fell in storm
G1341May19Hekla, IcelandVolcanoAsh k. much livestock
M1342Vienna, AustriaFloodDanube flood; 6,000 drowned
G1343Hekla, IcelandVolcano11 farms destroyed
G 1343 January 1 Membij, Syria Earthquake Town destroyed, 5,700 k.
G1344ChinaEarthquakeGreat tract inundated. Seismic sea wave
G1344Norway River burstR. Gaulen vanished & reappeared in flood,
M1345JulyItalyRainLasted 6 months. Then famine
M1347Ho-tong, ChinaDroughtMany died
M1347January25ItalyAurora?'Immense vapour' in N.
M1347CyprusEarthquakeSea wave swept island. Much damage
M1348IcelandSevere winterSea froze round Iceland
G1348January25ItalyEarthquakeItaly shaken from Naples to Venice
G 1349 September 10 Italy Earthquake Felt through most of Europe
M1354ItalyAuroraSky burned many hours
G1356October18BasleEarthquakeCastles & churches fell
G1356IrelandEarthquake'Great loss of people'
M1359February9Florence, ItalyAurora'Inflamed vapour' at night.. 'Like a bridge'
M1360May8Chartres, FranceHailstorm'Thousands perished'
M1360September13AustriaAurora4 'fiery rainbows' in N. at night
M1361February25EnglandAurora'Cloud like fire' at night
M1361May27Boulogne, FranceHalo cross?'Bloody cross' in sky all day; fell into sea
G1361December27Sienna, ItalyEarthquakeMany buildings fell. 7 great shocks
G1362Oraefajokull, Volcano Subglacial eruption destroyed 30 farms
M1362January13BritainGale'St. Maury's Wind'. Great S.W. storm
M1363September16EuropeSevere winterTerrible frost Sept.-April. Rhine frozen
M1366January12EnglandAuroraRed sky in E. at night. Red & white rays
A1366October22PortugalMeteor shower'Stars' fell thickly
A1368GermanyMeteoriteMass of iron fell at Oldenburg
M1368OctoberSt. Denis, FranceTornado?Trees torn up by roots
A1369ChinaMeteorite?'Star' fell in river. Fire started
M1370RussiaAuroraRed sky at night. Pillars in sky
A 1370 China Sunspots Spots frequently observed
M1371October5Vicenzo, ItalyAurora'Inflamed smoke' at night. Great light
G1372N. AtlanticSubmarine volcanoEruption between Iceland & Greenland
G1372Arragon, SpainEarthquake'Terrible earthquakes'. Mountains fell
A1373MayChinaComets3 comets seen
M1375May10ItalyAuroraBurning fire at night. Moved N. to S.
M 1377 November 16 Holland, etc. Sea flood 30,000 k. 32 villages lost, Germany
A1378November9ChinaHalley's CometPerihelion
A1379May26GermanyMeteoritesSeveral stones fell at Minden
G1381May21England, FranceEarthquakeChurches thrown down. Mallet says 1382
M1383EnglandFogs'Foetid fogs' spoiled fruit. Many died
G1383AugustLesbos, GreeceEarthquakeAll buildings fell. 500 k.
M1387EuropeHot summerRhine waded at Cologne
G1389Hekla, IcelandVolcanoAsh & lava flow
M1390JuneEnglandHot summerIntense heat till Sept.. Plague
A1391May23ChinaTwo comets
M1392FranceDroughtPonds & rivers dry. Cattle died
G1394March22EuropeEarthquakeSwitzerland, France, Germany
M1395NovemberEnglandAurora?'Thing in the likeness of fire' at night
G1395December18Valencia, SpainEarthquakeMany buildings fell. Many shocks
M1399July22Bologna, ItalyAurora'Very great redness' in air
A1402March21EuropeCometPerihelion of great comet. Visible day & night
M1402May25Essex, EnglandBall lightning? 'Apparition' damaged Danbury church
M1402September7WalesTornadoKing's lances thrown. Pierced armour
M1403December18ItalyAuroraGreat 'inflamed globe' at night
M 1405 Denmark, Germany Sea flood 36,000 k.
A1406June16English ChannelSolar eclipseAlarmed French fleet
M1407EnglandSevere winterGreat frost for 25 weeks
M 1407-08 Europe Severe winter Norway wolves reached Jutland across ice
A1408October24ChinaSupernova?Yellow star in Niandao. Motionless
G 1408 December 30 Syria Earthquake Antioch, Aleppo, etc. Seismic sea wave
M1416BohemiaColoured rainRed rain fell
M1421November18HollandSea flood72 villages lost. 10,000 drowned
G1422Eldey, IcelandVolcanoSubmarine eruption. Island formed
G 1426 September 29 Britain Earthquake Whole of Britain. Lasted 2 hours
G1427March5Amer, SpainEarthquakeEvery wall & house fell. No fatalities
G1427April 2BarcelonaEarthquake10 or 12 shocks a day for 110 days
G 1428 February 2 Spain Earthquake Many towns ruined
M1431November20GermanySevere winterUntil March 4, 1432. Rivers frozen
A1433June17ScotlandSolar eclipse'Black Hour'
G1434Hekla, IcelandVolcanoDamaging ash-fall
A1438Burgos, SpainMeteoritesMany vesicular stones fell
A1439March25ChinaCometTail 50 cubits long. 'Large like a ball'
G 1443 June 5 HungaryEarthquake Many buildings fell. Also Poland, Bohemia
M1446April10EuropeStormSea flood k. 100,000, Germany, Holland
M1453ConstantinopleAurora?'Dazzling light' over town all night
M 1453 Germany Tornado Rodenberg & Deister
G1456N. AtlanticSubmarine volcanoBetween Iceland & Greenland
A1456June9China, EuropeHalley's CometPerihelion. Prodigious tail
M1456August24Ancona, ItalyTornadoCrossed Italy W. to E.. Great damage
G 1456 December 5 Naples Earthquake 60,000 k.
M1459Baltic SeaIceIce crossed from Denmark to Lubeck
G 1460(c.) New Zealand Earthquake Maori tradition
A1465MarchChinaCometTail 30 cubits long
G 1467 Ava, Burma Earthquake Buildings destroyed
M 1470 November 1 North Sea coasts Sea flood 10,000 k.
M 1471 Italy Hailstones 'Larger than ostrich eggs'
A1472February28China, EuropeCometGreat comet perihelion. Moved 40° in one day
M1473EnglandHot autumnHarvesters died of heat
G 1476 Sakurajima, Japan Volcano Eruption k. many
M1478EnglandHot summer4 months of great heat. Pestilence
G1480December28EnglandEarthquakeBuildings thrown down. Whole country
M1490January10Florence, ItalyCold winterRiver Arno froze. Tennis on ice
M1490January17Florence, ItalyGlazed frostFreezing rain broke trees
A1490February or MarchShansi, China Meteorites'Stones fell like rain' & killed over 10,000
G 1491 October Cos, Greece Earthquake 5.000 k.
A1492September15AtlanticMeteor?'Branch of fire' fell in sea. Obs Columbus
A1492November7AlsaceMeteorite200 lb. stone, Ensisheim. After explosion
M1493January20Florence, ItalyBlizzardStreets blocked by snow. Violent wind
M1495October?Santo DomingoHurricaneExperienced by Columbus. 3 ships sunk
M1495December4RomeFloodGreat Tiber flood. Many drowned
A1496January26Valdinoce, ItalyMeteorites3 stones fell
M1500June29RomeSquall & hailPapal palace ruined. Hail 3 ft. deep
A1500JuneN. AfricaMeteor shower'Stars fell like rain'