Faculty of Education and Arts / Faculty of Health & Medicine/Faculty of Engineering and Build Environment
Applications (one original signed copy) must be lodged at the Research Office, the Chancellery. There is no set closing date although the application must be submitted prior to booking of travel or payment of conference registration. All expenditure must be processed within the 2015 calendar year. Please read the2015 funding guidelines prior to submitting an application.
First name:
Faculty: / Education and Arts / Health & Medicine/Engineering and Built Environment
Faculty of Education and Arts only:
Research Institute (circle if applicable) / Humanities Research Institute
Education Research Institute Newcastle
Research Institute for Social Inclusion & Wellbeing
Level of current appointment (e.g. level A):
Engineering and Built Environment (Level A – C)
Commencement date of first academic appointment:
Indicate current full time equivalent (e.g. 0.5FTE):
End date of current appointment or indicate ongoing:
Conjoint appointment: / Yes / No
Telephone number:
Email address:
Are you on SSP at the same time as this conference:
Conference title:Venue:
Will the conference proceedings be published?
Are you giving a plenary lecture? / Yes / No
Are you presenting a paper? / Yes / No
Are you presenting a poster? / Yes / No
Creative and Performing Arts equivalent: / Yes (type) / No
Title of the paper/lecture?
Name(s) of co-author(s) if any:
3a.Identify which category of eligibility you are applying under and ensure additional information is provided.
Category of Eligibility / Additional Information requiredEarly Career Researcher (0 to 5 years post PhD) / Provide date of PhD award or details of enrolment (see section 6)
New Staff (up to 3 years since commencement) / Provide date of commencement in FEDUA
WARP score of ≥1.5 plus evidence of a research output produced as a result of previous conference travel funding. (If no previous conference travel funding has been received, then only the WARP score criterion is required) / Provide the full citation of research output and web link if applicable here (C1, B1, F1, J1-3)
3b.Provide details of all previous FEDUA Conference Travel Grants awarded since 2008: year, conference, paper title, amount and has a report been submitted (Y/N)
Year / Amount funded / Conference Title / Presentation title and author/s / Report submitted Y/NPlease attach evidence of the acceptance of the paper, poster, plenary lecture or equivalent for Creative and Performing Arts.
Complete this section in Australian Dollars
Conference Registration cost: / $Economy Travel Cost: / $
Total Conference cost: / $
The University average weighted publication score is obtained from WARP under the heading Researcher Publication Score (
Average publication score 2011– 2013 from WARPThe maximum funding level available will be according to the following categories of weighted publications scores:
Faculty / First Tier(FEA$0)
(FHEAM Australian Conf. $500
Intl Conf. $1,000)
(FEBE $800) / Second Tier
(FEA $0)
(FHEAM Australian Conf. $750
Intl Conf. $1,500)
(FEBE $1,200) / Third Tier
Australian Conf. $1,000
International Conf. $2,000)
(FHEAMAustralian Conf. $1000
Intl Conf. $2,000)
(FEBE $1,500
Business & Law / Not applicable / Not applicable / Not applicable
Education Arts / No applicable / Not applicable / 1.5
Health & Medicine / <0.33 / 0.33 – 1.43 / > 1.43
Science & IT / Not applicable / Not applicable / Not applicable
Engineering and Built Environment / <0.33 / 0.33 – 1.43 / > 1.43
* New staff and ECR will receive at least tier 2, Faculty of Education and Arts tier 3.
This question only needs to be completed if you wish to be considered as an Early Career Researcher.
Currently enrolled in a PhD/Research Masters: / Yes / No (PhD / Research Masters)If no, date PhD or Research Masters awarded: / (PhD / Research Masters)
The following codes are required for the University’s reporting to DEST. The source codes are on Please provide this information for the research that is being presented:
FOR (6 digits - do not use number ending in 0):SEO (6 digits - do not use number ending in 0):
Research Type: / Basic / Strategic / Applied / Experimental
PLEASE NOTE: Travel Applications cannot be processed without a copy of one of the following being provided at the time of application submission to the Research Office:
- Acceptance to present a paper; or
- Invitation to give a plenary lecture; or
- Evidence of equivalent presentation for Creative and Performing Arts.
8.CERTIFICATION: by Chief Investigator
I certify that all the details in this application are correct.
9.CERTIFICATION: by Head of School
I have discussed with the CI:
- the value of presenting at this conference to his/her research and/or career
- what tangible outcomes are expected from presenting at this conference and/or the associated visits to research centres
- If there are any other/alternate funding sources that may be more appropriate.
In the light of these discussions I support the Chief Investigator’s attendance at the proposed conference.
Print Name SignatureDate