500Celts emerge as distinct race in Central Europe

c.400Celts plunder Rome

55/54Julius Caesar reconnaisance of Britain


c40?Joseph of Arimathea in Glastonbury

40/50Paul converts the Galatians (Celts)

43Romans invade Britain

60BOUDICCA is military commander of Icenes - leads rebellion

71Romans start moving into Scotland

117Rebellions in the North - Hadrian’s Wall

178IRENAEUS leader of Christian community in Lyon

c180Roman villa near Gloucester with Christian Monograms

200Tertullian writes of ‘places in Britain that have yielded to Christ’

313Conversion of Emperor Constantine; Edict of Milan

314Council of Arles - Bishops of London, York and ?Colchester present

315-373HILARY,Bishop of Poitiers; first Celtic influential churchman

325Athanasius reports that British church accepts decision of Nicaea

c354Birth of PELAGIUS

361Picts and Scots raided as far south as Chester.

c371MARTIN elected Bishop of Tours, founds monastic community

388Emperor Maximus killed; Welsh wife Elen returns to Wales

394PELAGIUS in Rome

397Death of MARTIN

c400Christian Community founded at Whithorn

London: St Etheldrada’s Church, Ely Place, London had a pre-Saxon bowl- shaped font of limestone similar to two at Brecon.

410Sack of Rome by Vandals

Roman army leaves Britain

416Council of Carthage - Pelagius condemned

c418Birth of PATRICK (perhaps in Dumbarton)

c425Birth of ILLTYD

429Sack of Carthage by Vandals


431PALLADIUS sent as Bishop to the Christians in Ireland

435PATRICK in Ireland

444The Church in Rome accepts the Alexandrian

computation of the date of Easter

mid 400’s? The Roman British leader Vortigern encourages the The Anglo Saxons to settle in Kent. The boy Ambrosius, brought to him as a candidate for human sacrifice, reveals miraculous powers, including divination of dragons under a pool. A possible source of the dragon on Welsh flags, and perhaps later turned into Merlin stories. Arthur became ‘The Leader of Battles’ for the Kings of the Britons (Nennius)

The kingdom of Rheged was born out of the years of chaos and famine that followed the withdrawal of the Roman troops. Legend has it that Uther Pendragon was one of the warrior kings who created this celebrated kingdom in the middle of the 5th century. So many places in Cumbria are associated with Uther, his legendary son Arthur, and Arthur’s Druid adviser Merlin, that the myths gain some credence.

By the late 6th century the people were united under the ule of Urien, a Christian warrior who died in battle in 580 at the siege of Lindisfarne

c450NINIAN at Whithorn/Candida Casa

455Birth of BRIGID in Ireland

c 460The Britsh survive a famine and begin a resistance to Saxon, Irish and Pictish invaders , rallying in the mountain areas. (Gildas)

c 468Aesc came from the North and ruled the Anglo Saxons in Kent (Anglo Saxon Chronicle)

c480Birth of BENEDICT in Italy

480’s The Christian Celtic King Urien of Rheged camapaigns against the Northumbrian Angles, in alliance weith Riderch of Strathclyde, Guallauc, and Morcant (Gododdin). He blocaked them three days at Metcaud (Lindisfarne) (Nennius) Morcant plotted his assassination out of jealousy.

c486Birth of SAMSON in Britain

c486Birth of BRENDAN in Ireland

c490Britain attacked by Angles, Saxons, Jutes

493Death of PATRICK

498Kings of Dalriada migrate to Kintyre

Late 5th CILLTYD founds large monastic school at Llantwit Major

505Death of ILLTYD

c 500 ‘The Battle of Badon, in which Arthur carried the Cross of our Lord Jesus

Christ for three days and three nights on his shield and the Britons were the victors’.(Annals of Wales)

c 500 -560 Gildas says Britain enjoyed a time of security.

c 516/7Arther and Medraut (the Mordred of legend) killed in the Battle of Camlann.

Plagues in Britainand Ireland

(Welsh Annals)

Arthur’s body taken to a sacred place (Avalon/Glastonbuty or Orchait on Borders?)

521SAMSON becomes Bishop

Birth of COLUMBA (COLUMCILLE)in Ireland

524Death of BRIGID, Abbess of Kildare

530 - 560Travels of BRENDAN THE VOYAGER

533 Kentigern baptised folk at Calbeck well

c537?Death of ARTHUR at Battle of Canlann

540GILDAS writes The Ruin of Britain

c540DAVID becomes Bishop of Caerleon

543Death of PETROC of Cornwall

543Birth of COLUMBANUS in Ireland

546COLUMBA’s first monastic settlement in Derry

547IDA founds Anglian kingdom of Bernicia with capital at Bamburgh

555 or 7Foundation of Monastery of Bangor by COMGALL

560Death of SAMSON

c561Foundation of Monastery of Clonfert by BRENDAN

C562Foundation of Monastery of Lismore by MOLUAG

c565The monk Gildas ( A southern Briton whom the Irish incited to help restore monastic life there, too) writes his Rule.

565COLUMBA founds monastery on Iona

c 573 Battle of Ardderyd (referred to in Welsh ballads) the Christian King of the Cumbri, Rhyderch of Strathclyde defeated Gwedolen, the pagan Scots king, and brought Kentigern back from Wales to head the church. (80,000 slain)

577Death of BRENDAN

560 - 580North Atlantic Travels of CORMAC

c589Death of DAVID

591COLUMBANUS begins continental mission

565COLUMBA founds monastery on Iona

580Urien, Christian King of Rheged killed at the siege of Lindisfarne

580?Teilo’s death at Llandeilo Fawr

585 to590 a major mission offesnsive to the Lowland Picts was launched from Dunkeld. Columba brought monks from Iona. Moluag brought monks from Lismore and Mortlach. Kentigern brought missionaries fromLlanelwy. Canice (Kenneth) came with his team to found a base at what is now St Andrews.

590 Columbanus leaves Bangor and founds d’Annegray

593-5 Columbanus founds Luxeuil

597Death of COLUMBA, June 9th

AUGUSTINE arrives in Kent, sent by Pope Gregory the Great in mission to Angles

c600The poem ‘Gododdin’ written in British in Edinburgh tells the story of the Celtic warriors’ disastrous attack on the Angles at Catterick.

601Further Roman mission, including PAULINUS

603Conference of British Bishops and Abbots with AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY

603The Scots alliance led by Aidan, King of Scots, who named his son (after?) Arthur, lost against the Angles

by 609Death of AUGUSTINE

613COLUMBANUS founds monastery at Bobbio

614Birth of HILDA

615Death of COLUMBANUS

616EDWIN of Deira defeats ETHELFRITH of Bernicia.

Ethelfrith’s sons (including Oswald) flee to Argyll, educated on Iona.

617EDWIN established as king north of the Humber, uniting Deira and Bernicia.


618St DONAN killed on Eigg by ?Vikings

624Birth of AMOMNAN, Abbot of Iona, Columba’s biographer

625Marriage of EDWIN of Northumbria and ETHELBURH of Kent; Ethelburh brings Bishop PAULINUS with her to Bamburgh

626EANFLED, daughter of Edwin and Ethelburh, baptised, with twelve others.

627EDWIN converts and is baptised at York. Mass baptisms, including HILDA (now aged 13)

PAULINUS baptising at pagan aristocracy at Yeavering


630FURSEYof Ireland founds monastery in East Anglia

633CADWALLON of Gwynned and PENDA OF Mercia attack and kill EDWIN at Battle of Hatfield Chase (Doncaster). ETHELBURH and PAULINUS flee to Kent

OSRIC becomes king of Deira; EANFRITH returns from Iona and becomes king of bernicia. Both apostasize. In further fighting both are killed by CADWALLON.

Death of FURSEY

634OSWALD plants cross in the soil and deeats Cadwallon at Battle of Heavenfield. Becomes king of the united kingdoms of Deira and Bernicia.

Birth of WILFRID


635Mission of CORMAN to Bernicia - Mission fails -

AIDAN consecrated Bishop on Iona and sent to

Northumbria, bases his mission on LINDISFARNE. Goes on to found monastery at Melrose and other northern sites; encourages HILDA to the religious life.

636South of Ireland accepts Roman Order

637Edwin captures Edinburgh and TweedBasin for Angles

640’s Hroc became ruler of Roxburgh (Arthur link)

642OSWALD killed by Penda at Oswestry

OSWY (Oswald’s younger brother) becomes king of Bernicia.

OSWIN becomes King of Deira and close friend of Aidan

651OSWIN killed at instruction of


AIDAN dies at Bamburgh (August 31st),

buried at Lindisfarne.

FINAN becomes Bishop of Lindisfarne

CUTHBERT enters monastery at Melrose under BOISIL as Prior


653CEDD evangelizes the East Saxons and becomes

57WILFRID and king’s son Alcfrith move CUTHBERT and his abbot EATA from Ripon - they return to Melrose. WILFRID becomes Abbot of Ripon and introduces Benedictine rule.

659CEDD builds monastery at Lastingham and becomes first Abbot

661COLMAN bishop at Lindisfarne

662BOISIL dies of plague; CUTHBERT becomes Prior of Melrose; engages in missionary journies.

664SYNOD OF WHITBY chaired by King Oswy

COLMAN resigns as Bishop of Lindisfarne

and returns to Iona

CEDD and his brother CYNEBIL die of plague

CHAD becomes Bishop of York, based at Lastingham

CUTHBERT becomes Prior of Lindisfarne

666WILFRID consecrated Bishop in Gaul

668THEODORE OF TARSUS becomes Archbishop of Canterbury

669THEODORE ‘reconsecrates’ CHAD and moves him to Lichfield WILFRID becomes Bishop of York

c664-669CUMMENE’s Life of Columba


their bishop. Builds stone church at Bradwell(Essex)

654CUTHBERT becomes guest-master at newly founded monastery at Ripon



670Death of OSWY, succeeded by second son ECGFRITH

672CHAD dies of plague, March 2nd

673Birth of BEDE, monk historian of Jarrow

674BENEDICT BISCOP founds monastery at Wearmouth

676CUTHBERT becomes hermit on the island of Inner Farne

678Eata made bishop of Bernicians( N Northumbria)

679ADOMNAN becomes Abbot of Iona

680Death of HILDA, November 17th

Death of CAEDMON, poet of Whitby

681TRUMWINE sent as Bishop to Picts (now under Northumbrian rule)

BENEDICT BISCOP founds monastery at Jarrow

684CUTHBERT appointed Bishop ofLindisfarne, after persuasion by King Ecgfrith and is consecrated (March 26th 685) at York by Archbishop Theodore

685Death of ECGFRITH in battle of Nechtansmere

ALDFRITH, scholar and artist, becomes King of Northumbria

670Death of OSWY, succeeded by second son ECGFRITH

672CHAD dies of plague, March 2nd

673Birth of BEDE, monk historian of Jarrow

674BENEDICT BISCOP founds monastery at Wearmouth

676CUTHBERT becomes hermit on the island of Inner Farne

679ADOMNAN becomes Abbot of Iona

680Death of HILDA, November 17th

Death of CAEDMON, poet of Whitby


688EADBERHT becomes Bishop of Lindisfarne

686CUTHBERT returns to Inner Farne

687Death of CUTHBERT, March

c.692ADOMAN ‘s Life of Columba written

697ADOMNAN’s Law of Innocents confirmed at Birr

698Translation of CUTHBERT’s body, found uncorrupted.

Death of Bishop EADBERHT

EADFRITH becomes Bishop of Lindisfarne

700Life of Cuthbert written by an anonymous monk of Lindisfarne

704Death of ADOMNAN on Iona

705JOHN becomes Bishop of York

709Death of Bishop WILFRID

716Iona accepts the Roman

Order, under influence of Bishop ECGBERT

717Monks from Iona expelled from Pictland

721ETHELWALD (who bound the Lindisfarne Gospels) appointed Bishop of Lindisfarne

729Death of Bishop ECGBERTon Iona

731/2The Ecclesiastical History of the English People

completed by BEDE

735Death of BEDE

755Roman order accepted in Wales

793First Viking raid on Lindisfarne - ‘Viking Age’ dated from this raid.

794Viking raids across the Scottish islands

795Iona sacked

802Iona monastery burned to ground

806Viking raid on Iona -68 monks killed at Martyrs’ Bay

807Ionan Community moved to Kells

825BLATHMAC martyred by Vikings on Iona

847-858KENNETH macALPIN, King of the Scots

875The collapse of Northumbria. Suggested date for the abandonment of Lindisfarne by Bishop EARDULF and the community. CUTHBERT’s coffin and the Lindisfarne Gospels taken on 7 year journey, ending in Chester le Street

Hebridean Norse migrate to Iceland

989Viking raids in Wales; St David’s, Llanilltyd and Llancararn all burnt

995Viking presssure uproots Cuthbert’s People, who take his remains to Ripon, and then to Durham

998Church built in Durham to house CUTHBERT’s 690-700Writing of the Lindisfarne Gospels by EADFRITH


1066Last Viking raid in England - William of Normandy (2nd generation Viking) takes the English crown

1069ETHELWINE, last of the Saxon Bishops, takes Cuthbert’s relics back to Lindisfarne, to escape King William. Returned them to Durham in 1070

1093Durham Cathedral and Lindisfarne Priory founded

CUTHBERT’s relics investigated and found uncorrupted in 1104 and 1537. Last opening of coffin in 1827; body decayed.

1066Last Viking raid in England - William of Normandy (2nd generation Viking) takes the English crown

1069ETHELWINE, last of the Saxon Bishops, takes Cuthbert’s relics back to Lindisfarne, to escape King William. Returned them to Durham in 1070

1093Durham Cathedral and Lindisfarne Priory founded

CUTHBERT’s relics investigated and found uncorrupted in 1104 and 1537. Last opening of coffin in 1827; body decayed.

1537Lindisfarne Priory dissolved by Henry VIII

NB Some dates approximate or disputed

Spellings of proper names may vary

A useful chronology can be found in

Visions and Voyages by Fay Sampson SPCK 1998

St Aidan Press for The Community of Aidan and Hilda

Lindisfarne Retreat, Marygate, Holy Island, Berwick upon Tweed TD15 2SD