A Celebration of Faith: Board Game instructions

Try using this board game in your branch to remind yourself of the history of Mothers’ Union, discover what you know about Mothers’ Union today and think about what your branch could do to develop the work and mission of Mothers’ Union in the future.


A Celebration of Faith Board

(print onto a sheet of A4 paper or card – if you have access to a copier, you could enlarge it to A3)

A counter

A die and cup

A set of Question cards and a set of Challenge cards

(print onto paper or card and cut into individual cards)

Place the Question cards and the Challenge cards in two separate piles, face down. They don’t have to be in any particular order

How to play

You will need one person to oversee the game and hold the answer sheet to the questions.

With the counter on the start square, each member in turn throws the die and moves the counter as in any other board game.

If the counter lands on a Challenge circle, the person who threw the die takes a Challenge card from the pile. The group then discuss the challenge and what they might do.

If the counter lands on a Question circle, the person who threw the die takes a Question card from the pile. The group aim to answer the question.

The game lasts until the counter reaches the Finish square, but you might want to answer the questions or think about the challenges that weren’t turned over during the game.

There are no winners or losers in this game – hopefully by playing the game, you can celebrate all that has been achieved by Mothers’ Union in the past and look forward to playing your part in its future.

Adapting the game

For a diocesan event

You could use the game at a diocesan event (or with a larger branch) by splitting into small groups and providing each group with a set of the equipment. At the end, you could ask groups to share their ideas for the various challenges.

Local questions and challenges

If you would like to add in some challenges or questions pertinent to your branch or diocese, there are some blank question cards and challenge cards included. Don’t forget to add the answers to the question sheet if you aren’t asking the questions!

Using the game again

If you think you might use the game on more than one occasion, it might be worth printing the game board, then gluing it onto a sheet of mounting board and covering with sticky back plastic.