a) Career Path: Professional Goals (Interests, Aspirations, Values) - Motivations

§  What has been the driving force of your career?
§  What were the reasons that led you to this profession?
§  How did your professional experience prepare you for the position?
§  What are your short and long-term goals?
§  What aspects are the most important to you in your work?
§  What do you look for in a job?
§  What interests you the most in the position you are applying for? The least?
§  What would bring you to leave your job?
§  What did you not like or annoyed you the most about your previous job?
§  Why are you interested in our company? What do you know about our company?

b) Interpersonal Skills, Business Relations – Conflict Management – Negotiation – Client Focus

§  How do you create, develop and maintain trusting relationships with your clients/employees/colleagues?
§  How do you usually react in a group discussion when the position of others if opposite than your own point of view?
§  How do you react when someone makes a derogatory comment towards you?
§  At what point do you need to stop the negotiations and make a decision? Have you ever had to do it?
§  Tell me about a situation where you needed to be particularly adept with interpersonal relationships. .
§  Tell me about a time you seized a business opportunity to benefit your employer.
§  Describe a situation where you had to make compromises to achieve your goals.
§  What achievements show that you are a good communicator?
§  In terms of interpersonal relationships, what challenges have you ever had to face?
§  How would you rate yourself as a presenter? Describe some of your presentations.
§  How do you improve you communication skills?
§  How do you validate the understanding of your message / instruction by your employees / partners?

c) Strategic or Operational Management – Decision Making Process – Focus on Results

§  In your last position, what problems / situations have you identified and contributed to correct?
§  What projects or strategic files/mandate have you led and are most proud of? Why?
§  When you make a decision, how do you gather the relevant information?
§  Have you participated in a reduction of costs within your company? How?
§  Tell me about a typical problem you had to deal with and the means used to solve it.
§  What was your greatest professional challenge in your last job / career?
§  What was your biggest mistake in recent years?
§  Tell me about some changes you have recommended.
§  How important are results?
§  Tell me about your experience in implementing performance indicators?
§  What are the most important criteria of good management
§  Tell me about a difficult decision you had to make.
§  How do you divide your time on a typical day?
§  How do you set your priorities?
§  How do you assign tasks and what kind of follow-up do you use afterward?
§  What type of work do you not delegate?
§  How have you contributed to change in your organisation?
§  How do you determine if an employee is performing well?
§  Tell me how you plan and organise your work.
§  Tell me about a time you had to manage a crisis at work.
§  Tell me about a time you managed to avoid a failure.

d) Leadership – Mobilisation – Influence

§  Describe your management style / leadership style.
§  How do you sell your ideas?
§  In what type of situation do you consult others?
§  Give me a few examples of your leadership skills.
§  How important is recognition?
§  How do you highlight the contribution of your employees?
§  What is your definition of the ideal boss?
§  What did you think of your last boss?
§  How did you improve the performance of your employees?
§  What techniques / approaches have you used to build team spirit?
§  Have you ever been spokesperson for your company?
§  How do you evaluate your political savvy?

e) Personality – Self-knowledge – Self-development

§  How would you describe your personality?
§  How would your last boss describe you?
§  Tell me what you consider your most important skills and how they help you in your work?
§  What are your main areas for improvement? What do you do to overcome them?
§  What do you do to develop yourself?
§  What type of situations destabilizes your or makes you emotional? How do you react?
§  How do you manage your stress on a daily basis?
§  How do you react to negative behaviours (stress, anger, resistance) of your colleagues / employees?
§  If you could begin your career again, what would you do differently?
§  How do you know if you have done good work?
§  What makes you think you have the potential for a management position?
§  Tell me about a professional achievement that demonstrates your creativity / innovation /adaptability?
§  Tell me about an achievement that demonstrates your perseverance, consistency?

§  Why should I hire you?