Bracebridge and Muskoka Lakes Secondary School
MPM2D - Grade 10 Academic Mathematics
TEACHER: Ms. A. Foley
TEXT: Principles of Mathematics 10 (McGraw-Hill Ryerson)
(Cost is $75 - Students are responsible for loss or damage.)
TOPICS: Linear Systems, Quadratic Relations, Analytic Geometry and Trigonometry
EVALUATION: The report card will reflect the following Learning Skills:
· Responsibility
· Organization
· Independent Work
§ Collaboration
§ Initiative
§ Self-Regulation
Course work is worth 70% of the final mark, while the summative and final exam are worth 30%.
Knowledge and Understanding 35%
Application 17.5%
Communication 7%
Thinking, Inquiry, and Problem Solving 10.5%
Culminating Activities 10%
Final examination 20%
TOTAL 100%
DUE DATES: All assignments are expected to be handed in by the due date. If a student has difficulty meeting the due date, they must approach the teacher in advance to request an extension. Work that is not completed by the due date may result in a call home and a required lunchtime work session to complete the work. Further action includes resource detention and follow-up with the office.
CLASSWORK: Students are expected to keep a binder with a separate section for their math notes. Each lesson is to be copied, followed by the assignment for that day. Please be sure to use pencil and date your work. We will also keep a record of important concepts in a Math Journal.
EQUIPMENT: A scientific calculator is required for this course. You will also require paper, pencil, eraser, ruler, protractor, and ¼-inch graph paper.
ABSENCES: Attendance will be reported on the report card.
If the absence is known in advance, please see your teacher for the work in advance. If a test is to be written on that day, an arrangement must be made with your teacher in advance. You are responsible for missed work. See the binder in the classroom and/or our class website:
EXTRA HELP: To be successful, you must keep up to date with your work! Extra help is available. The Math/Science teacher workroom (room 234) is the best place to find me outside of class hours. I can also be contacted by phone at 645-4496 ext. 449 or by email at
I have read and understand the above information.
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