San Diego County
Office of Education
Teacher Induction Program
A California State-Approved Professional Teacher Induction Program
Approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialingand the
California Department of Education
Program Handbook
2012 – 2013
San Diego County Office of Education’s Teacher Induction Program
Page 1Letter from Director
Page 2-3Program Alignment Guides Year 1 and Year 2
Page 4Participating Teacher Information Form 1.1 or 2.1
Page 5Participating Teacher Agreement Form 1.2
Page 6Support Provider Information Form
Page 7Support Provider Agreement Form
Page 8Roles and Responsibilities of Support Providers
Appendix A – University Credit
Appendix B – Protocol for Requesting Change in PT-SP Match
Appendix C – Early Completion Option Guidelines and Application
Appendix D – Special Assistance Plan
Dear Teacher Induction Program Participating Teachers and Support Providers,
Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year of the San Diego County Office of Education’s Teacher Induction Program. We are a professional teacher induction program with the San Diego County Office of Education as the LEA. The program is the required route to clear preliminary teaching credentials, as required by state Senate Bill (SB) 2042 and Assembly Bill (AB) 2210. To clear your credential as approved by the state (both the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education) you will be completing a formative assessment program, attending professional development activities based upon your individual needs, and creating required evidence to meet the established program standards. In doing so, you will be supported by a veteran professional educator. Just as a new teacher’s official role is as a “Participating Teacher” (PT), your professional mentor is titled a “Support Provider” (SP). This individual will be instrumental in your success as you make the transition to becoming an experienced professional educator yourself. Another key program contact is the Induction Program Liaison/Coordinator (IPL) for your district.
Please read this induction program handbook carefully to fully realize your responsibility for clearing your preliminary teaching credential(s). The induction program is two years in length. One of the most important documents for you to understand and internalize is the program alignment guide (one for year 1 of the program and one for year 2 of the program). Be absolutely sure to take the time to read and understand this important document, one for each of the two program years. An important point of clarification and emphasis is for you to be sure to note that the induction program, by law, requires you to apply professional learning to your classroom practice as the official teacher-of-record. Some of what you will be expected to do may be reminiscent of your preliminary credential work but, again as required by law, you must demonstrate successful teaching practices within your own classroom and create evidence of successful application of those practices to clear your preliminary credential. This is what induction is all about, and the specifics of how to achieve this goal are embedded within the program alignment guides. Your understanding, professionalism, and follow through in these areas will greatly facilitate your success in clearing your teaching credential as required by law. We wish you the best as you move through the Induction Program to meet your professional obligations.
Michael K. Midkiff, Ed.D.
Program Director, San Diego South County Teacher Induction Program
Sheiveh N. Jones, Ed.D
Program Director, San Diego North County Teacher Induction Program
Page 1
San Diego County Office Of Education’s Teacher Induction Program
Year 1 Program Alignment Guide
Forms/ Cover Sheets
(Found on Haiku, the online management system and on the program website under ‘FORMS’) / 1.1 PT Information Form _____
1.2 Agreements _____
1.3 MOU _____
1.4 State Consent Form _____ / 1.5 Advisement Videos (2) _____
1.6 PT Fall Survey _____ / 1.7 IIP #1 _____
1.8 FACT Verification, Module A _____
1.9 FACT Verification, Module B _____ / 1.10 PT Spring Survey _____ / 1.11 State Survey Online
(Due by early May!!) _____
1.12 FACT Verification: Module C _____
1.13 Inquiry Article _____
FACT / Context for Teaching / Initial Assessment of
Teaching Practice / Inquiry
TO BE COMPLETED BY APRIL 30 / SSummary of Teaching Practice
PD / Watch Advisement Video
Clips (2) On Website for Initial
Professional Development Activities / Plan Individualized Professional Development with
Support Provider Focusing on Chosen Area of Inquiry
Complete Observations and Notes (2) Focusing on Chosen Area of Inquiry / Year 1 Colloquium
Page 2
San Diego County Office Of Education’s Teacher Induction Program
Year 2 Program Alignment Guide
Forms/ Cover Sheets
(Found on Haiku, the online management system and on the program website under ‘FORMS’) / 2.1 Updated PT Information Form _____
2.2 Agreements _____
2.3 MOU _____ / 2.4 IIP for 1st Mod C _____
2.5 PT Fall Survey _____ / 2.6 IIP for 2nd Mod C _____
2.7 FACT Verification Review, Differentiated Module A _____
2.8. FACT Verification Review, Module C (1) _____ / 2.9 PT Spring Survey _____ / 2.10 State Survey Online
(Due by early May!!) _____
2.11 FACT Verification Review,
Module C (2) _____
2.12 Inquiry Article _____
2.13 Credential Information & Request _____
FACT / First Inquiry
(Differentiated Module A – SPs to determine use of forms) / Second Inquiry
TO BE COMPLETED BY MARCH 31st / Summary of Teaching Practice
PD / Plan Individualized Professional Development with
Support Provider Focusing on Chosen Area of Inquiry
Complete Observations and Notes (2) Focusing on Chosen Area of Inquiry / Year 2
San Diego County Office of Education’s Teacher Induction Program
2012-2013 Participating Teacher Information Form
Please check all that apply: Year 1 Participating Teacher Year 2 Participating Teacher
Education Specialist Mild/Mod Mod/Severe
Please check one: No. County So. County
Name: ______
District: ______Site: ______
Grade Level: ______Subject: ______
Birth Date(xx/xx/xx)______SSN: ______
Wk Ph: ______Hm Ph:______Cell Ph: ______
CompleteHome Address: (City/Zip) ______
District E-Mail: ______Other E-mail: ______
Assigned Support Provider: ______
Type of Credential(s) To Be Cleared:
Single Subject Expiration Date(s) & Renewal Code(s) ______
Education SpecialistExpiration Date(s) & Renewal Code(s) ______
Multiple Subject Expiration Date(s) & Renewal Code(s) for each Credential ______
Number of years of teaching experience as a teacher of record (not including student teaching or an internship) ______.
If new to this program, have you previously participated in an Induction program?
If yes, please list the district and school year you participated.
DistrictSchool Year Participated In Prior District
For Office Use Only ECO Payment - Amount ______ Form 1.1 or 2.1
San Diego County Office of Education Teacher Induction Program
A California State-Approved Induction Program
Participating Teacher Agreement
- Complete the Induction Participating Teacher Information Form at their hiring district at time of hire.
- Pay $2,000 for each year of participation in the two-year professional Teacher Induction Program (checks made payable to the San Diego County Superintendent of Schools).
- Spend time exploring the Induction Program website at:
- View the two Induction Program video clips on the program website.
- Follow the Induction Program alignment guides (Year 1 and Year 2) and meet all established deadlines for induction program work.
- Produce only graduate-quality work in the professional program of teacher induction.
- Work closely with a support provider (SP) including meeting approximately one hour each week of the school year to work in the Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) system and in all areas delineated on the program alignment guides (Year 1 and Year 2).
- Realize that FACT work is a separate but related component to the evidence (forms/cover sheets requirements (cover sheets and work sent to the Induction Program Liaison every two months as put forth on the program alignment guide referred to as ‘evidence’)
- Understand that my work will comprise my induction portfolio and will be reviewed by the State (Commission on Teacher Credentialing and Department of Education)
- Work with an SP to create and implement individual induction plans to be approved by the district induction program liaison (IPL/Coordinator).
- Attend and participate in two FACT Verification Reviews each year of the program.
- Attend and participate in an end-of-the-year colloquium each year of the induction program in late May or early June.
- Fully understand that lack of follow through with deadlines for induction work and/or lack of graduate-level work will result in expulsion from the professional Teacher Induction Program.
My signature below indicates that I have read, understand and will follow through with all program agreements:
Printed Name SignatureDate District
Support Provider Name Support Provider Signature)
Form 1.2
San Diego County Office of Education’s Teacher Induction Program
South County Teacher Induction Program
2012-2013 Support Provider Information Form
Legal Name: ______Nick Name:______
District:______Site: ______
Grade Level:______Subject: ______
Birth date: (xx/xx/xxxx) ______SSN: ______
WkPh:______Hm Ph:______Cell Ph:______
CompleteHomeAddress: (City/Zip) ______
District E-mail:______
Other E-mail: ______
Have you completed FACT training? Yes No (Please check one box)
PT(s) you will support in the 2012-2013 school year:______
Credential(s) Held:______
For Office Use Only IPL EmployeePage 6
San Diego South County Teacher Induction Program
A California State-Approved Induction Program
Support Provider Agreement
- Work for the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) at a rate of $1,500.00 per participating teacher (PT) each school year and keep a monthly log of hours spent working with each PT in the Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) system and in all areas delineated on the program alignment guides (Year 1 and/or Year 2).
- Review the Participating Teacher’s Information Form.
- Carefully and critically review the program alignment guide (Year 1 and/or Year 2) with PT highlighting program requirements, due dates and expectation for graduate-quality work
- Ensure that all PT work is time based upon the program alignment guides and at graduate-level quality.
- Upload each support provider (SP) log to the Induction Program HAIKU System by the fifth of the following month.
- Attend and participate in FACT training.
- Attend and participate in regularly scheduled SP meetings.
- Exercise consistent, sound, professional judgment at all times including work in facilitating professional development for each PT based upon the PT’s identified needs.
- Report PT progress to the district Induction Program Liaison (IPL/Coordinator) consistently throughout the school year.
- Attend and participate in two FACT Verification Reviews for at least three PTs above and beyond your own.
- Attend and participate in end-of-the-year colloquiums (late May/early June).
My signature below indicates that I have read, understand and will follow through with all program agreements:
(Signature) (Date)
(Printed name) (District)
Page 7
San Diego South County Teacher Induction Program
A California State-Approved Induction Program
Memorandum of Understanding
The Role of Support Providers
The responsibilities of the support provider are to:
- Develop a trusting, meaningful, and supportive relationship with the participating teacher that is characterized by openness, sharing, and reflection
- Provide support for the participating teacher through guidance, assistance, and information that builds on pre-
service education and new classroom experiences, and leads the participating teacher to effective professional practice
- Work with the participating teacher to develop three Individual Induction Plans (IIPs), over two years, based on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) and assist the participating teacher in reflecting upon and adjusting the IIP after conferencing during the FACT process and throughout the induction process
- Participate in required FACT training, meetings, and other professional development activities for support providers
- Assist and monitor the participating teacher in completing all FACT events
- Facilitate PT’s timely completion of required evidence (be sure PT is using program alignment guide as a record
keeping tool and attaching evidence to the guide)
- Meet with each participating teacher for approximately 1 hour each week of the school year to work on collaboration
and formative assessment
- Collaborate regularly with other support providers and experienced colleagues to assist with participating teacher support, including ongoing FACT training, by attending all support provider meetings
- Provide feedback on program evaluation process, including providing consent form and state survey responses,
in a timely manner
- Provide a monthly support provider log to be uploaded to the Induction Program HAIKU System by the 5th of
the following month
- Comply with district, regional, and state reporting procedures, and
- Complete all duties as listed on the “Support Provider Agreement” form
I would like to participate in the San Diego County Office of Education’s South County Teacher Induction Program. I have read the statement of roles and responsibilities, and discussed them with my Induction Program Liaison/Coordinator. I agree to fulfill them.
Printed Name______District______
Page 8
San Diego South County Teacher Induction Program
A California State-Approved Induction Program
Participating teachers and support providers may receive university credit for each full year of program instruction. The San Diego County Teacher Induction Program is linked with Cal State Bakersfield, Brandman University and Point Loma Nazarene University. Other affiliations may be formalized as well.
Send a copy of your registration form and payment to the Induction office in order to facilitate credit at the completion of the school year.
Cal State Bakersfield (CSUB)
Number of units:4 quarter units per year Cost: Subject to Change
How to Register:Contact the SDCOE Induction office for a registration form. Complete the form and return to Induction Program office with payment as soon as possible. All registration forms must be sent through the Induction Program—DO NOT send registration directly to the University. *Please note that the 8 quarter units offered from CSUB may be applied to their online masters degree program (Master of Arts in Education, Curriculum and Instruction). Please fill out the course information portion of the registration form as follows:
Year 1 PTs/SPs:
CRN Dept. Course No. Course Title Instructor Units Cost
Year 2 PTs/SPs:
CRN Dept. Course No. Course Title Instructor Units Cost
Brandman (formerly Chapman) University
Number of Units:3 semester units per year Cost: Subject to Change
How to Register: Dr. Rienzi Haytasingh is the Professor for this course. Ms Carmen Thomas can answer any additional questions. Her phone number is (619) 296-8660 or (619) 908-6005 and her email address is
Point Loma Nazarene University (PLNU)
Number of units:3 graduate credits per year Cost: $75 per unit
How to Register:To register, learn what to submit and pay for credits:
Available to both Beginning Teachers and Support Providers
San Diego South County Teacher Induction Program
A California State-Approved Induction Program
Protocol for Requesting Change in PT-SP Match
Step One:
Participating teacher/support provider requesting a change must put the request in writing and send to the Induction Program Liaison
Step Two:
The liaison will communicate with the parties involved in the request to seek a resolution.
Step Three:
As a result of the communication, the liaison will contact the District Advisory Council member (for the specific district) to discuss the matter.
Step Four:
The district will be responsible for notifying all parties if a change is recommended.
is requesting a change of support provider/participating teacher.
______- Request received
______- Induction Program Liaison communicates with participants
Date requesting status of requested change
______- District notifies participating teacher, support provider, and
Date induction program liaison of final decision.
San Diego South County Teacher Induction Program
A California State-Approved Induction Program
Early Completion Option Guidelines
Senate Bill 57 (Chapter 269, Scott) allows eligible individuals to complete a Commission-approved, professional teacher induction program at a faster pace than the full two years generally required to complete all the requirements of professional teacher induction.
The San Diego South County Teacher’s Induction Program has set the following guidelines for its Early Completion Option. (ECO):
- Teachers with two or more full years of successful classroom teaching practice as the teacher of record.
- Verbal and/or written recommendation from either a current site administrator or a current district administrator.
- Successful evaluations – provided by candidate.
- All eligible candidates will be notified of the ECO at the time of enrollment in the induction program.
- District human resources management will determine acceptance into the ECO program
- The induction program liaison and advisory council representative will monitor the teacher’s induction process.
- The teacher’s progress will be assessed in January and June. If warranted, the teacher will complete the full-length induction program.
ECO Plan
- Once the candidate has been approved for the ECO by the district human resources department, the candidate and the induction liaison meet to review the candidate’s previous teaching experience. Together, the induction liaison and the advisory council representative assess the teacher’s practice as it relates to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP), and the Induction Standards.