
“Growing Minds, Building Habits”

Vol. 18 Issue 3 April 2018


Paityn Armstrong, Addison Barbe, Cenzo DiTullio, Kyra Fazio, Ashley Kemp, Bella Kling, Alexa Knapp, Sydney Kratsas, Graham Logue, Colin Morris, Nicholas Porter, Cadence Sammon, Ian Schaar, Zoe Schultz, Zachary Tollerton, Ben Walsh, Natalie Wilson, Taryn Wilson

Advisor: Mr. Levere

Inside this issue:

  • “Bendiana Jones” Comic Strip #3!
  • Upcoming PC Games!
  • How to pick a Science Fair project!
  • Tons of Original FICTION!!!

What Business Should You Open?

By Paityn Armstrong and Zoe Schultz

Have you ever wanted to open a business, but you have no idea what to sell? Well, we can help you! Take this quiz and find out what type of business is the best fit for you! We hope you enjoy!

Question 1: What do you do in your free time?

  1. Make a sweet snack for your family
  1. Practice sports
  1. Look-up new jokes
  1. Make room decor
  1. Play with your neighbors

Question 2: What would you dress up as for Halloween?

  1. A Dessert
  1. Football player
  1. Something funny
  1. A celebrity
  1. Go in a group with corresponding costumes

Question 3: What is your favorite dessert?

  1. Everything
  1. Soccer ball cookies
  1. Cake with trick candles
  1. Pretty donuts
  1. Under-the-seathemed cake

Question 4: What is your favorite drink?

  1. Milkshake
  1. Gatorade
  1. Pop
  1. Sparkling water
  1. Apple juice

Question 5: What is the best part of a birthday party?

  1. Eating cake
  1. Fun activities
  1. Making people laugh
  1. Giving the person your homemade gift
  1. Spending time with family

Question 6: When one of your friends is sad or disappointed, what do you do?

  1. Bake them cookies
  1. Invite them over to play basketball (or any other sport)
  1. Tell them a joke to make them laugh
  1. Make him/her a pretty bracelet or necklace
  1. Play a board game with them

Question 7: What is your favorite color?

  1. Light blue
  1. Orange
  1. Red
  1. Pink
  1. yellow

Question 8: What would you buy at Walmart?

  1. Ingredients to make homemade cupcakes
  1. Training equipment
  1. Knock-Knock book
  1. Clothes
  1. Coloring books

Question 9: If you had one million dollars, what would you spend it on?

  1. New baking supplies
  1. New sports gear
  1. Books on how to be the perfect jokester
  1. New clothes
  1. Donate it to a local charity

Question 10: What is your favorite part of vacation?

  1. Trying new foods
  1. Going on hikes
  1. Going to a watch a comedian
  1. Going shopping
  1. Hanging out with your family/friends

Question 11: Who is your role model (closest to what we have)?

  1. Gordon Ramsay
  1. Michael Jordan
  1. Preacher Lawson
  1. Kim Kardashian
  1. Your mom

Question 12: If you had a whole evening to yourself what would watch?

  1. Food network
  1. March Madness
  1. America’s Got Talent
  1. Fashion Week
  1. Cartoon Network

Question 13: What do you normally watch on YouTube?

  1. Cake decorating videos
  1. How to improve your technique in a certain sport
  1. Try not to laugh videos
  1. DIY videos
  1. What to do when you are bored

Question 14: What did you get for Easter?

  1. A new cookbook
  1. A new football
  1. Magician cards
  1. Clothing store gift cards
  1. Board games

Question 15: What is your dream job?

  1. To open/work at a bakery
  1. To be a professional sport player
  1. To become the best comedian
  1. To open a clothes line
  1. To become a teacher


Mostly A’s: You should open a bakery! Sell the most beautiful and delicious desserts in town such as cookies, cupcakes, brownies, and more. You have a real passion for baking.

Mostly B’s: You should open a sports camp for all ages! If you got mostly b’s, then you have a love for playing and watching sports. So, go help all those kids out there that want to play just like you.

Mostly C’s: You should put on comedy shows! You must love telling jokes and pranking others. This can be super fun, especially for someone like you. You always make your friends laugh and they love it!

Mostly D’s: If you got mostly d’s then you should start a beauty/fashion business. You have a real talent for designing new and trendy clothing and accessories. You love sewing and doing DIYs. Get that creative vibe going!

Mostly E’s: You should babysit children! You love being with kids and you should spend your whole day with them. You just love coloring and having fun. Just let your inner kid come out again.

We hope this fun quiz helped give you ideas for a money-making business! Even if you aren’t sure if you want to do something, just take a chance and do it because you never know what will come from it!

Secret Sisters

By Kyra Fazio and Cadence Sammon


Beep, Beep, Beep. That was the sound of the heart monitor at UPMC Hospital. Melanie Parks was having a child. However, she didn't know if it was a girl or a boy. The only ultra-sounds were seen by the doctors. Little did she know that she was having twins. But, before she saw them, the only doctor carried the babies out. The doctor came back in with one girl, keeping the other for herself. There were no other doctors in the room, so she didn't get caught. Emma and Gracie were not identical twins, but Emma "belonged" to Dr. Mary Kristan and Gracie belonged to Melanie and Jason Parks.

First Day of a New School/Thursday:


I just moved from Chicago to this small town, Hexemburg. Everyone's first day of 6th grade starts today, but they all know each other, I don't know anyone. My brother is in kindergarten, so the only problem he'll have is not gluing a button to his nose. Oh, the bus is here but I'll write at recess, it's not like I'll have any friends to hang with anyway.

Present Day

First Day of a New School/Thursday:


I am Emma, and I recently moved from California to the old-fashioned town of Hexemburg. It is my first year of school here, and I am very nervous. It is sixth grade, and I don't think it will be easy to make any friends. I guess I will have to see how it plays out.

It is now the first day of school, and I just woke up. I begged my mom to stay home, but it didn't work. It was worth a shot though. I am going to have some Danimals for breakfast so I will be ready for anything that happens. After I ate, I headed toward the bus. I am now saying to myself, "don't worry! don't worry! You will be fine." While I am riding this hot, stinky, boring bus, I come up with a song. It’s called "Hello Bus Ride." Okay, I just arrived at school, so I will keep writing at recess.


I am on the ride home now, and I met someone really nice. Her name is Gracie. We are going to hang out after school. It turns out we have a lot in common. We both like the same foods, the same sports, and lots of other things. It is like we are sisters. She made my first day of school a lot better. I guess I was wrong when I said that it would be hard to make new friends.

After School:


I'm on the bus ride home now. Sorry I didn't write at recess, but I was hanging out with my new best friend, Emma! She's actually a lot like me. We were swinging, and she got out her phone and asked, "wanna listen to some music? Maybe Perfect?" "OMG!" I screamed, "That's my favorite song!" She played it and we looked at each other, a long slow look. This was going to be a great friendship.

I ran off the bus, eager to tell my mom about my awesome first day. I am going to ask her if Emma can come over and hang out.

She said yes. I am so excited! We are going to do so many fun things! She will be here around 5:30, and it is 5:00 right now.

•30 Minutes Later•

Emma is here, but despite my excitement, she was sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She replied glumly by saying, "when I told my parents about you they seemed reluctant to bring me here. Like they knew something bad about you. You can tell me Gracie, if there is anything strange about your past."

"If I knew something bad about me I would tell you," I said. "I'm just a perfect little angel!"

Between laughs Emma said, "Mrs. Miller would say differently!"

After that awkward conversation, we started to have some real fun. We had a pillow fight, told funny stories, and watched a movie with popcorn. Then we walked upstairs to go to bed. It took us a while to fall asleep because we couldn't stop laughing about the weirdest things. We eventually fell asleep after getting yelled at by Mom. When we woke up the next day, she had to go home immediately. I never found out why, but I don't really care.

The Next Day (Friday):


Yesterday was so fun. I actually think Gracie and I are going to be good friends. I am at recess now and Gracie and I are hanging out. I start to think about all of the things we have in common. We are literally the same person but in different bodies. I came up with the unreasonable theory that we are related. I thought about it some more, and I am going to ask my parents if something weird happened when I was child. I did not expect to get a life-changing answer, but it was worth a try. They had no reply except, "go to your room. We will continue this later." I thought they were not telling me something. "Very suspicious," I thought. Maybe something really did happen when I was a little child.

Second Day of School (Friday):


When I went to school the next day, I told Gracie about last night. She thought I was joking, but I wasn't. I told her more and she started to get on the same page as I am on. She said she would ask her parents, but we will see how that turns out.

Second Day of School (Friday):


When Emma told me about what happened the other day, I was in shock. I started asking myself questions. What if she is right? What if we are related? Well I am home now, and I am going to tell my parents and look at their reaction to see if something is up. When I asked them, they looked as if they were clueless. They had no clue what I was talking about. I don't know if I should believe them or not, but I think I will get our families together to have lunch. …

We are now having lunch with Emma's family, and I am slipping in questions to Emma's parents about her childhood whenever I have a chance. Her mom and dad seemed to answer questions naturally, but Emma looked uncomfortable. She had a gloomy look on her face as if she didn't want to be here. I'm trying to get answers, but I don't want them to suspect anything.



After we ate our delicious lunch, my mom pulled me aside. She said, "I have been thinking about what you said to me about something happening to you when you were a child. Well, something did happen. I have regretted it and loved it at the same time. Honey, I took you away from your sister and your family, but only because I needed someone to love besides your father. Stay away from that girl, Emma. Do you understand? They never found out, and I intend to keep it that way."

I can't believe this. I have a sister!

All Around the World” Easy Recipes!!!!!

By Alexa Knapp

Recipes are from Tasty.

Have you ever wanted to cook recipes from different countries? If you don’t like to cook, still check this article out, you might find something you would like to try! Join me as we travel to Latin America, Germany, Italy, England, and back to America.


Breakfast- English Scones, (From England), makes 6 scones

You will need:

1. 3½ cups of self-raising flour

2. 4 tablespoons of butter, cut into cubes

3. 2 tablespoons of sugar

4. ¼ teaspoons of salt

5.1 ¼ cup of milk

6. 1 egg yolk

7. Jam and clotted cream as needed (optional).

Instructions: 1. Preheat your oven to 425*F (220*C).

2. In a large bowl, rub together the self-raising flour and cubed butter until you form fine crumbs.

3. Mix in the sugar, baking powder, and salt, and make a well in the middle.

4.Pour in the milk and gently mix together until just combined.

5. Tip the dough onto a floured surface and knead for about one minute. Be careful not to over-knead the dough.

6. Using a round cookie cutter or the rim of a glass, cut circles into the dough that are about 1-2 inches thick.

7. Place onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper and coat the tops of the scones with the egg yolk.

8. Bake for 12 minutes.

9. Serve with clotted cream and jam.

10. Enjoy!

Lunch- Meatball Bread Boat, (From Italy), makes 4 servings

You will need:

1. ½ lb of ground beef

2. ½ lb of Italian sausage

3. 1 teaspoon of salt

4. 1 teaspoon of garlic powder

5. 1 teaspoon of pepper

6. 2 tablespoons of dried basil

7. 1 cup of grated parmesan cheese, half for meatballs and half for boat topping

8. 1 egg

9. ½ cup of breadcrumbs

10. ½ cup of water

11. 3 cups of marinara sauce

12. I Italian bread loaf

13. 3 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese


1. In a large bowl, combine beef, sausage, salt, garlic powder, pepper, basil, half of parmesan, egg, bread crumbs, and water. It works well to squish the mixture with your hands.

2. Shape the meatballs into balls roughly larger than a golf ball, or desired size.

3. Coat a large pan with olive oil and bring to a medium high heat.

4. Brown the meatballs on all sides.

5. Set aside meatballs and remove excess grease.

7.Return the meatballs to the hot pan, add marinara sauce and simmer for 15 minutes, or until meatballs are cooked through.

Cut a long rectangle through the top of the bread loaf and partially un-stuff the loaf.

8. Layer the bottom of the loaf with half the mozzarella, cooked meatballs, sauce, then top with the rest of the mozzarella and parmesan.

9. Bake for 25 minutes at 350*F (180*C)

10. Enjoy!

Dinner- Taco Pie (Mexico), makes 4 servings

You will need:

Crust: 1. ¼ cup butter, chopped

2. 3 slices of American cheese

3. 1 cup of flour

4. ¼ teaspoon of salt

5. 2 tablespoons of water

Filling: 1. 1 pound of ground beef

2. ½ cup of chopped onion

3. ½ cup of salsa

4. 1 can of refried beans

5. 1 taco seasoning

6. 6 slices of American cheese

Toppings: 1. 1 cup of shredded lettuce

2. 1 chopped tomato

3. sour cream

4. shredded cheese

Instructions: 1. Combine crust ingredients except water in a food processor bowl.

2.Pulse until the mixture creates coarse crumbles. Add water, one tablespoon at a time, until the dough forms a ball.

3.Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface. Place the 9-inch (22 cm) pie plate, and trim the sides.

4.Bake at 400*F/204*C for 10-15 minutes or until crust is golden brown

5.Cook onions and beef in a medium skillet until beef is browned and cooked through. Drain if watery.

6.Return beef to skillet, add salsa, and taco seasoning, cook until bubbly.

7.Pour into baked crust top with refried beans, and cheese.

8.Bake at least 3 minutes or until cheese melts.

9.Let cool. Top with lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, and more cheese!


Dessert- Cheesecake cookie cups, makes 12 cups

You will need:

1. 16 oz of chocolate chip cookie dough

2. 16 oz of cream cheese, softened

3. 1/3 cup of sugar

4. 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract

5. 8 oz of whipped topping

6. chocolate/ caramel sauce and fruit (optional for serving)


1. Preheat oven to 350*F (180*C).

2. Roll the cookie dough into 1-inch (2 ½ cm) balls and place them in a greased muffin pan.

3. Using your hands or a shaped tool, press the dough balls down so they form a cup shape.

4. Bake for 10-15 minutes.

5. In a medium bowl, whisk together the softened cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla until smooth and no lumps remain.

6. Fold in the whipped topping.

7. Scoop the cheesecake filling into a piping bag or a plastic sandwich bag.

8. Once the cookie cups have baked and cooled, remove them from the muffin tin. Pipe cheesecake filling into each one.

9. Serve with chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, or fresh fruit.

10. Enjoy!

I wanted to put some of the best recipes that I know of on here, so let’s see what other people think of the food.


Anonymous - “The meatballs were very good, moist, good size, nice texture, and very enjoyable.”

Anonymous- “The taco pie was simply delicious! All the different flavors made it simply great! I loved it!”

Anonymous- “Scones with jam are simply one of the best foods I have ever had. I believe that this recipe delivers the texture/ flavors very well.”

Anonymous- “The cookie cups are a very delightful treat to have and make great treats for school!”

One of Us Part #3

Written By London Smith

Passport #1 and 2 recaps: In the first Passport, there was a new girl, Jordan, was was not what London had expected. Jordan plays basketball and isn’t very nice to London. In the second Passport, Jordan told London that she should stop trying to be friends with her and Meg. London told the principal, so Jordan was called to the principal’s office. At the office, Mrs. Kay told them to come back the next day so they could watch the tapes from the hallway during lunch. The girls were talking on the way out of the office AND THEY HAD SO MUCH IN COMMON! SO, THEY SWITCHED BODIES! Their brains switched, but their bodies stayed the same.