Grade 11 Essential Math Unit 5: Scale Representations

Learning Goal(s):

Unit 5: Scale Representations

1) Solve problems that involve scale.

2) Model and draw 3-D objects and their views.

3) Draw and describe exploded views, component parts, and scale diagrams of simple 3-D objects.

Learning Activities:

Complete the following questions, and make sure to check your answers at the back of the textbook. There is an answer key there. Make sure to ask questions in class if you are not getting the right answers.

____p.215-217 #1-8 (Section 5.1)

____p. 226-231 #1-8 (Section 5.2)

____p. 244-246 #1-6 (Section 5.3)

____p. 248-251 #1-6 (Review)


This unit will have two assessment pieces – a project and a test. The test will be based on the review. You will hand in the project by the date of the test. The test and the project will each be worth 5% of your final grade.

Practice Test

Unit Test date

Unit Project due

Gr.11 EM Unit 5 Project: Produce a Set of Drawings and a Scale Model

Complete the following steps:

______p.209 Read “Project Overview”

_____ p.209 Read “Get Started” and start brainstorming

_____p.209 Read “Final Presentation Checklist”  this outlines the criteria for the project, which the rubric is based on.

_____ p.231 “Draw Your Object”  Complete and keep to hand in

_____ p. 247 “Complete Your Drawings and Build a Scale Model”  complete and keep to hand in

You will hand in:

1) A brief written description of your object, including a statement of its purpose and a list of the materials it is made of

2) A preliminary sketch

3) The object’s actual measurements

4) Scale drawings of the front, side, top, and back views of the object

5) A 3-D isometric or one-point perspective drawing

6) An exploded diagram

7) A component parts diagram

8) A scale model

9) Reflection – comment on what you have learned about scale and representation as you completed your project.

Essential Math Unit 5 Project Rubric: Produce a Set of Drawings and a Scale Model

0 / 1 / 2 / 3
1)Written description and reflection / Not submitted / 1 requirement met / 2-3 requirements met / Included:
- Statement of purpose of object
- List of materials
- Object’s measurement
- Reflection
2) Scale Drawings / Not submitted / 1 requirement met / 2-3 requirements met / Included correct diagrams for (as applicable)
- Front
- Back
- Side
- top
3) 3-D Isometric or one-point perspective drawing / Not submitted / 1 requirement met / 2-3 requirements met / Requirements:
- Vanishing point is clear correct
- Horizon line is clear and correct
- Drawing is clear, clean and with crisp lines
- Drawing is free of errors
4) Component Parts diagram / Not submitted / 2-D component parts diagram is included, labelled and correct for FEW parts / 2-D component parts diagram is included, labelled and correct for MOST parts / 2-D component parts diagram is included for ALL parts and is clearly labelled and correct
5) Scale Model / Not submitted / Scale model submitted / Scale model submitted and MOSTLY fits the 3-D diagram and component parts diagram / Scale model submitted and fits the 3-D diagram and component parts diagram

______/15 = ______%