Name ______Ruth Law 1
a.blustery b.roof c.Michigan e.Chicago f.polite
g.tent h.woolen i.New York j.never k.leather l.plane m.Grant
- Ruth Law tried to fly from ___ to ___ in one day.
- It had ___ been done before.
- On a frosty,___ morning Ruth wakes up.
- She had slept in a ___ on the ___ of a Chicago hotel.
- She had on two ___ suits, two ___ suits and then a skirt.
- In 1916, a ____ lady always wore a skirt.
- Ruth went to her ___ on the ___ Park on the Lake ___ shore.
- Her ____ machine was little and old.
we, he, mine, her
Write the contractions
1.will not______
2.he is______
3. they will______
4. she is______
5. we are______
6.they have______
7.I am______
8. of the clock ______
9. let us ______
1. boys ______
2.they ______
3. Chris and Jimmy______
4.she ______
5.girls ______
6.Cindy ______
7. them ______
8. myself ______
9. Walmart ______
Name ______Ruth Law 2
a.windshield b.women c.high d.onlookers e.fear f.gas g.Curtiss h.buildings i.cockpit j.mechanics’ k.throttle l.heavy
- Mr. ____ would not sell her a newer, bigger plane.
- He did not think that ____ could fly the bigger planes.
- Her ____ attached a special ____ to protect her from the cold.
- They add a second ____ tank. The gas was too ____ so they took off the lights.
- At 7:20 Ruth climbed into the ____, open the ____.
- A dozen ____ watched in ____ and a mechanic cried.
- She narrowly topped the ____ and climbed ____ in the sky.
Make possessive = man’s hat
1. bird___nest
2. bears___ cave
3. Jim___ ball
4. cars ___ motor
5. Sue__ new shoes
6. dogs___ bones
7. girls___ lunchboxes
8. the baby___ socks
9. the goats___ food
Now or Past
1. wrote ______
2. study ______
3. taught ______
4. listen ______
5. heard ______
6. slept ______
7. exercise______
8. ate ______
9. run ______
Name ______Ruth Law 3
a.speedometer b.two c.legs d.flew e.wind f.compass g.Hornell h.maps i.tank j.gas k.supporters l.hundred m.died n.six
- She ___ through the air at one ___ miles an hour.
- Her ___ were taped together and attached to her ___.
- She had a ___, clock, and a ___.
- She flew for ___ hours depending on the ___ to help her.
- The wind ___ down and she had to use the ___.
- At 2:00 PM she neared the ___, New York.
- A group of ___ was waiting for her.
- Her gas ___ was empty and she still has ___ miles to go.
1. record ______
2. apple ______
3. kitchen ______
4. tiger ______
5. whisker ______
6. lobster ______
7. seaweed ______
8. account ______
More than one
- plane ______
- search ______
- shelf ______
- cherry ______
- knife ______
- calf ______
- sheep ______
- penny ______
Name ______Ruth Law 4
a.spectators b.instruments c.cameo d.path e.nonstop
f.cold g.record i.set j.speck k.turned l.cold
- The crowd of ___ spectators spilled into her path.
- At last she was on the ground, ___ and hungry.
- She has flown 590 miles ___ and it was a _____.
- She ___ out again for New York City.
- New York had ___ out hoping to see her fly over-head.
- AT first she was a ___ in the sky.
- She made a striking ___ against the late afternoon sky.
- She landed because she would not be able to ___ her ___.
1. where 2. when 3. how
1. in town _____
2. angrily _____
3. tonight _____
4. under the bed _____
5. on the dock _____
6. loudly _____
7. last December _____
8. sadly ______
9. awful _____
add ing to word
1. smile ______
2. eat ______
3. study ______
4. slap ______
5. hurry ______
6. bite ______
7. arrive ______
8. miss ______
9. fly ______
Name ______Ruth Law 5
a.accepted b.record c.banquet d.heroine e.military
f.morning g.flying h.Wilson i.nonstop
- She _____ the hospitality of strangers.
- The next ____she flew to New York City.
- An army general and a _____ band were there to ___ her.
- Ruth was now declared a _____.
- President Woodrow _____called her great.
- A huge _____was given in her honor.
- She set an American ______cross-country ______record.
- Her ______stood for one year.
Syllables: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
- gasoline _____
- manufacturer _____
- additional_____
- Chicago_____
- awkwardly _____
- bounced _____
- defeated_____
- throttle_____
- steady_____
Replace with a pronoun
- dog ______
- Sue and me ______
- at the park______
- man ______
- the children ______
- May’s hat ______
- Fred’s ball ______
- Jack and I ______
- Max and Tom’s dinner ______