Balance Street Health Centre

Minutes of the

Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Monday, 12 May 2014

Present: David Atherton (GP),Mike Barrett (Northgate PPG Chairman);Ruth Kerry (Vice Chair); Carol Dean (Treasurer); Gill McGowen;Arthur Hackwood;Cynthia Firman; Anna Everett;Dick Jones;Hermione Montgomery(Council representative); John Glandfield; Dr Trewin (GP); Anita Thomas-Epple (Secretary)


ITEM / Notes / Action
1 / Apologies
Toby Sills;Jane Wright, Pat Hughes; Sue Dallison; Lucy Mottram
Did not attend: Elliott Hulme, Laurie Cowell
Everyone introduced themselves to new member, John Glandfield.
2 / Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes were accepted by all as a true record.
3 / Call to Action Event
Anna turned up, but she had not been notified that the event had been postponed.
4 / District Group of PGs
Ann Tunley, Chair of Patient Board and Lay Member for PPE for East Staffs CCG () mailed with dates for the next meetings. 3rd July and 2nd October 12.30pm-3pm Stapenhill Health Centre. Ruth said in the past two members had attended meetings. Ruth will attend July meeting and Anna Everett will attend October meeting.
Anita to forward email from Ann Tunley to David for a reply. / Ruth
5 / Older People’s Activity and Information Day
The Uttoxeter and District 50+ Forumisholding an information event at Oldfields Hall School on Friday, 30 May 10.30am to 3.30pm. Dick explained that this would be a good information source. Secretary, Julie Green, has asked if the PPG would like a stand there. The committee felt that whilst receiving information of services from the event would be really useful to disseminate to patients we would have little to contribute to the event. Anita tasked with contacting Julie with our response. / Anita
6 / Youth Fair Evaluations
We are now in possession of these from TAHS. David will arrange for someone in the practice to collate the evaluations, following the format supplied by Jerry Latham last year,in order to see if there are any trends. It was unavoidable that these were late but nevertheless there has been a good response.
Once collated Ruth will compare the evaluation with last year’s to see if there is any value to running these events. David mentioned that in the week following the fair two young people attended his surgery. This was seen by the group as hugely positive.
Ruth asked that the committee consider whether there was any real value to running subsequent fairs. Original idea came from Tom Fitchett who suggested there was a need for Year 12 although the school changed this to Year 9. Ruth explained that this would look good for TAHS on their Ofsted self-evaluation form, although the expertise and good will came from the PPG and other organisations and is a very resource hungry event staffed primarily by the good will of busy people. Ruth felt that such an event needed to be followed up in lessons in school to consolidate learning and wondered about the real impact of a 1-day event for students.
The committee to consider this at a future meeting when Ruth has examined the evaluations. / David
7 / Constitution
This was sent to all in April for information and Anita to send copy to John.
Discussion ensued on the numbers of members for the PPG. There are currently 19 on the list. The group felt that any more would be unwieldy unless someone was extremely keen to join.
The group felt that we ought to notify people in the practice that there are no vacancies at present and for this to go on the noticeboard. / Anita
8 / NAPP Annual Conference
This year’s conference is 7th June in Leeds. Mike sent a representative last year who felt it was a little highbrow. The information on the website explains it is a good forum for newly formed PPGs and existing PPGs to share good practice. Anita suggested that as she had not received any response to her mail in April to NAPP for information and support then perhaps the group might consider sending a representative to glean ideas and information to supplement our knowledge.
David asked that a link be included to the NAPP website.
A full programme and application form is available on this link.

9 / Chairperson
Dr Trewin formally introduced new member, John Glandfield to the group. John is happy to take on the role of Chairperson of Balance Street PPG. David proposed this and it was seconded by Anna.
10 / Rotation of Days for Meetings
Ruth suggested we rotate the days for meetings. This was agreed by all as eminently sensible and there will be a rotation of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday meetings. The next meeting will be held on a Tuesday.
11 / Hermitage Palliative Care Hub
Slides and notes had already been circulated to the group. Mike gave a small précis of this but suggested members read the information for full details.
In essenceThe Hermitage Charity Care Trust will build a Palliative Care Hub. Thehub will be in a bungalow beside the Hermitage Home that will be a local drop in centre for the hospices. It is a project primarily driven by the Hermitage. The cost to renovate is circa £135k and there is funding for a nurse for two years and after that the Hermitage have suggested it might be managed by the voluntary sector: a rotation of volunteers. Local PPGs, doctors’ peactices and other interested groups have been asked if they will support this project. John noted it would be good to have such a hub in Uttoxeter. / All
12 / AOB
a / Uttoxeter Multi Agency Group (UMAG) is an organisation run by the CSV. They meet 4 times a year and is a useful forum for information. It is open to anyone and the next meeting is 24th June at the Fire Station, 10 am. Cynthia will mail the agenda to everyone for information. / Cynthia
b / Outreach clinics: General surgery, ENT and Orthopaedics will continue
c / The practice is to meet and engage with students from the University of Birmingham who are conducting research in the field of Health and Social Care.
d / Hermione has applied for a bank account for clubs and voluntary organisations and is hoping that there is an honorarium from the bank for the Heath Support Group.
e / Cardiac Rehab Services – David will seek clarification about this and will email Tony Bruce. / David
f / The Alzheimer’s Café has been rebranded as the ‘Living Well with Dementia’ group and has secured another 3 year contract. Members meet on a monthly basis and as funding has been cut there will no longer be lunches but members will receive afternoon tea and cakes.
13 / Date and Time of Next Meeting
Tuesday, 15 July 2014. 6 pm – Balance Street Board Room, Floor 3

13 May 2014