A Bill to Ban Television Advertising for Prescription Drugs


1.SECTION 1. All television advertisements for prescription drugs will be banned from

2.airing on all national television channels.

3.SECTION 2. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration defines a drug as “a substance

4.intended for use in the diagnosis,cure, mitigation, treatment, or

5.prevention of disease.” They define prescription drugs as “prescribed by a

6.doctor, bought at a pharmacy, prescribed for andintendedtobe usedby

7.one person, and regulated by the FDA throughtheNewDrug Application

8.(NDA) process.”

9.SECTION 3. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration will oversee the implementation

10. of this bill.

11.SECTION 4. This bill will take effect on June 7, 2017.

12.SECTION 5. All other laws that are in conflict with this new policy shall hereby be

13. declared null and void.

Introduced by Senator Chris Beebout,

Henry Clay High School

A Bill to Ban Vaping in Public Spaces

Section 1. Electronic cigarettes (which consist of a nicotine cartridge, a battery, and an LED) are on the rise among teenagers and young adults. These “e-cigs” have gained much of their popularity due to the fact that they are supposedly safer than cigarettes and don’t produce second-hand smoke. On the contrary, most of the chemicals within the cartridge are relatively untested and unpredictable, resulting in various safety concerns. Furthermore, the e-cigs produce a vapor (hence the name) that is just a gas state of these chemicals, meaning they are still potentially harmful to those around e-cig users.

Section 2. This bill will ban the act of vaping in public spaces across the nation. A “no vaping” sign will be required at said public spaces to further enforce the bill. If someone is found vaping, they will be fined in accordance with state fines for smoking in a non-smoking area. Finally, a vaping area will be implemented accordingly, allowing those who wish to vape to do so appropriately.

Section 3. The federal government will be charged with the task of enforcing this bill.

Section 4. This bill will go into effect on June 5, 2017.

Section 5. Any legislation conflicting with this bill is hereby rendered null and void.

Respectfully submitted by Calloway County High School

A Bill to Equalize Funding for State-Funded Arts Programs

Section 1. Over the last few years, arts programs in Kentucky schools have steadily lost funding from the state government due to the rise in focus on STEM programs and athletics. As a result, these programs are hanging by a thread-receiving little or no funding at all, forcing them to either fundraise unceasingly or give up altogether. This has cut off or limited creative outlets for numerous students, resulting in multiple negative effects.

Section 2. This bill will equalize funding to all school programs. Schools may choose to do this by increasing funding to the arts (which includes visual, performing, and media arts) or by reducing funding to other programs. If a school’s budget does not allocate for this change, they may receive compensation from the state government.

Section 3. The Kentucky state government will be tasked with enforcing this bill and providing necessary funding.

Section 4. This law will go into effect three months after passage.

Section 5. All laws in disagreement with this bill are hereby considered null and void.

Respectfully submitted by Calloway County High School

A Resolution to Invest in Geothermal Energy


2SECTION 1. The United States government shall invest in geothermal

3 energy through supporting private energy companies.

4 $5,000,000,000 will be invested over a period of ten

5 years with $500,000,000 being invested every year.

6SECTION 2. Private energy companies shall be defined as any

7 company that devotes at least 60% of their investments

8 and/or capital towards geothermal energy production.

9SECTION 3. The U.S. Department of Energy shall oversee the

10 Implementation of this legislation.

11 A. The House Ways and Means Committee shall be

12 given the task to allocate funding to the private

13 energy companies.

14SECTION 4. This legislation will take effect January 1, 2018.

15SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby

16 declared null and void.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hazard High School

A Bill to Require the Implementation of Gender-Neutral Bathrooms

Section 1. In 2016, North Carolina passed the HB2 Law, requiring all citizens to use the bathroom correlating with the sex on their birth certificate. This has caused several comfort concerns for transgender men and women, who are being forced to use the bathroom that they are not comfortable with using or that they identify with. It has also caused increases in assault against transgender people, who are often persecuted for using the “wrong bathroom”.

Section 2. This bill will require all bathrooms in public spaces to be labeled as “gender-neutral”. They will be modified to accommodate all bathroom patrons, meaning constructing appropriate stalls, toilets, urinals, etc. These bathrooms will not only increase safety for the transgender community, but also for the disabled, parents of small children, and generally all manner of people.

Section 3. The Department of Civil Rights will enforce this bill as well as provide funding for the necessary renovations to current bathrooms.

Section 4. This bill will go into effect on May 20, 2017.

Section 5. All legislation that conflicts with this bill is hereby rendered null and void.

Respectfully submitted by Calloway County High School

A Resolution to Restore the Land Inhabited by Palestinians before 1967 as a part of today’s Palestinian Territory

Whereas,Palestinian territory and statute has, over the years, lessened in size and magnitude; and

Whereas,Native Palestinians have experienced discrimination, disadvantage, isolation and forced departure due current Israeli occupation in said territories; and

Whereas,The quality of life for Palestinians in said territories has depreciated; and therefore be it

Resolved,by the Congress here assembled that: The government of Israel returns land that was Palestinian territory before 1967 to the people of Palestine.

Respectfully Submitted,

Murray High School

A Resolution to Double the Alcohol Tax

WHEREAS,America currently has a major crime and violence problem; and

WHEREAS,Alcohol is a major factor in many crimes throughout America; and

WHEREAS,Alcohol is also the four leading preventable cause of death in the United States; and

WHEREAS,A doubling of the alcohol tax would not be regressive and would lower both crime rates and preventable deaths; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED,By the Congress here assembled that the alcohol tax will be doubled.

Introduced for Congressional Debate by Trinity High School

A bill to Require Public Schools to Adopt an Alternate Day Block Scheduling System


SECTION 1. All public schools be required to adopt an alternate day block scheduling system to improve our schooling system.

SECTION 2. The Department of Education is responsible for enforcement of this legislation.

SECTION 3. Because this is a procedural change, there will be little funding necessary. However, the Federal Government will provide grants to individual states if necessary.

SECTION 4. There will be a 4 year grace period for schools to implement the alternate block schedule system.

SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced for Congressional Debate by Trinity High School

A Resolution to Increase Aid to Nigeria to Fight Boko Haram

WHERAS,The militant group Boko Haram is fighting to overthrow the Nigerian government to create an Islamic state in Nigeria; and

WHERAS, Boko Haram has destroyed Nigeria’s economic, social, and political infrastructure through bombings, assassinations, and abductions; and

WHERAS,The mission of Boko Haram is to abort all democratic initiatives, including Nigeria’s trade with the United States; and

WHERAS, If Boko Haram maintains hold in Nigeria, the United States will lose natural resources and a key ally in Africa; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, The United States increase its aid to Nigeria to fight Boko Haram.

Submitted for Congressional Debate by Gatton Academy

A Bill to Establish a Maternal and Infant Care Protection Service


Section 1.The United States government will provide a national service to aid parents in raising their children. The government will create a model for state facilities to follow to ensure efficiency and proper care.

Section 2.These nannies will work for the national government, through a state or local Maternal and Infant Care Office. The offices will provide skilled nannies as well as assisting new parents on raising their new child.

Section 3.The Department of Health and Human Services will oversee the implementation of this legislation.

  1. The program will be paid for by a 1% tax on tobacco products
  2. Hospitals will give new parents information on their local Maternal and Infant Care office.
  3. No parent will be denied assistance.

SECTION 4.This legislation will take effect on January 1, 2020.

Section 5.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced for Congressional Debate by Danville High School.

A Bill to Allow Those Individuals from the Countries Affected by Trump’s Travel Ban to be Legally Allowed into the United States


Section 1.Immigrants from the seven Muslim majority countries who have been previously barred from entering the U.S. will be legally allowed to travel to the United States.

Section 2.People from the seven Muslim majority countries previously barred from entering the U.S. must still follow the correct travel and/or immigration laws to get here, but shall not be barred from the U.S. henceforth because of the country they came from.

Section 3.The United States Citizenship andImmigrationServices will oversee the implementation of this bill.

SECTION 4.This will go into effect immediately following the passage of this bill.

Section 5.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced for Congressional Debate by Danville High School.

A Bill to Reallocate Federal Funding to the

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

1.WHEREAS the budget for NASA for the 2017 fiscal year is approximately 0.5% of the 2 federal budget. This is the lowest it has been since 1960, the third year it was ever

3funded, when it received 0.5% of the federal budget.

4Be It Enacted By The Congress Here Assembled That:

5SECTION 1:The budget for NASA will be increased from 0.5% to 2.0% of the federal


7SECTION 2:The extra funding will be drawn from the current defense budget. This will 8 effectively decrease the defense budget from 54% to 52.5% of the federal budget.

9SECTION 3: This bill will go into effect at the beginning of the 2018 fiscal year.

10SECTION 4: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and


Respectfully Submitted by:

Marshall County High School

A Bill to regulate Electronic Cigarettes to decrease health risks associated with the use of this device


SECTION 1.Any public area currently deemed smoke-free will now prohibit Electronic Cigarettes in addition to the traditional cigarette and other tobacco products.

SECTION 2.All public smoke-free environments as well as public property with posted “smoke-free” signs will prohibit the use of products that produce vapor in addition to those that produce smoke.

SECTION 3.Any individual in non-compliance with this law shall be penalized by city/county law enforcement officials according to existing codes/laws.

SECTION 4. Electronic Cigarette cartridges shall be subject to a 3 percent excise tax. Disposable products containing only one cartridge will be subject to the 3 percent tax. Refill cartridge packs shall be subject to a 3 percent per cartridge tax. The device itself shall not be subject to anything more than the regulated sales tax.

SECTION 4. This bill will go into effect on January 1, 2018.

SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully by Murray High School

A Bill to Legalize the use and possession of Cannabis in the United States


SECTION 1. Recreational and medical Cannabis will be decriminalized and will be able to be sold by any licensed vendors to anyone over the age of 21. In addition anyone in jail for the possession of use of cannabis previous to this point shall be released after reviewing their case. In addition, the states will be in charge of applying taxes on the selling and production of the cannabis

SECTION 2. Cannabis refers to marijuana, chemically known as Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC.

SECTION 3.This legislation will be enforced by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA )and will change the how the Justice Department handles cases involving Cannabis.

  1. The FDA will be in charge of licensing vendors, farms, and hospitals that will be distributing and selling Cannabis. They need to ensure that everything is being handled correctly and safely. There will be separate licenses for growing and for vending.
  2. Anyone who drives under the Influence of Cannabis or is in possession of the drug when they are younger than 21 shall be punished in accordance to the guidelines set forth for the same crimes in relation to Alcohol.

SECTION 4.The bill will go into effect July 31, 2017.

SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

A Resolution to Define Climate Change


2the citizens of the United States face a grave existential threat as a result of thedestruction of 3 the environment.


5the assembled chamber hereby defines climate change as the geologicalchange of the

6climate as a result of human activity.

Submitted by Marshall county High School

Senator Dalton York

A Bill to Decriminalize the Consensual Sending and Receiving

of Nude Pictures Amongst Minors


1SECTION 1:The consensual sending and receiving of nude photos amongst minors

2(otherwiseknown as “sexting”) will hereby he eradicated as a criminal charge in the

3United States.

4SECTION 2:The word “consensual” in section one refers to the clear and consistent

5permission of both (or all involved ) parties to receive and send photos within the set

6boundaries established, and not otherwise. This includes consent to send to outside

7parties, consent to save images for personal use or otherwise, and the right to withdraw

8consent at any given time, at which point all further actions will be considered criminal

9SECTION 3:The United States Department of Justice will oversee the decriminalizing 10 of this act, as they are responsible for the office of sex offender sentencing, monitoring, 11 apprehending, registering, and tracking.

12A. This bill does not seek to decriminalize child pornography when created by sex

13 traffickers and sex offenders in situations that lack consent.

14B. The age of consent will remain the same for minors who wish to “sext”

15individuals over the age of eighteen years.

A Bill to Legalize the Cultivation of Industrial Hemp


Section 1.Because of it’s economic and agricultural benefit, The United States will hereby legalize the cultivation and sales of industrial hemp with a license.

Section 2.The licensure process will involve a criminal background check, periodic renewals every 4 years, registration of growth positions, and reports of sales and distribution including processors.

Section 3.The Department of Agriculture will oversee all growers acquire proper licensing as farmers of this product.

  1. Access to viable and legal hemp will be available to all licensed farmers at a specified pick-up site.
  2. Hemp seed is legally defined as seed which contains less than 0.3 percent THC or product any hemp plants which contain less than 0.3 percent THC.

SECTION 4.This bill shall go into action on January 1st in 2020

Section 5.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced for Congressional Debate by Rowan County Senior High School.

A Bill to Cease the Manufacturing and Distribution of Non-Bio Degradable or Non-Compostable Plastic Cutlery and Bags in the United States


Section 1.In an effort to produce material that is recyclable the United States hereby bans the use, manufacturing, sale, and distribution of disposable plastic cutlery and bags. These items that contain polyethylene in any formwill cease to be manufactured or distributed.

Section 2.Biodegradable and compostable is defined as any matter able to be broken down or decomposed by bacterium or any organism.

Section 3.The Environmental Protection Agency will oversee the transition to ensure compliance from businesses and distributors. Any business or distributor who fails to comply with the ban will be fined $500 for the first two offenses. The third and so on will be met with a fine of up to $5000.

SECTION 4.Any and all businesses or manufacturers must comply with the guidelines of this Bill by January 1st 2021.

Section 5.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted for Congressional Debate by Rowan County Senior High School

A Bill to Start School Days Later in the Morning in the United States


SECTION 1. In an effort to improve both student performance and students’ mental health, the United States hereby declares public school days to begin at 10 am.

SECTION 2. Schools subjected to this legislation include public schools across the country. A public school is defined as (in the U.S.) a school that is maintained at public expense for the education of the children of a community.

SECTION 3. The U.S. Department of Education will oversee the transition to ensure compliance from schools.