Spring 2006 PET 4622 Athletic injuries

for non-athletic training majors

Common Abbreviations

a= before, comes from ante

p= after, comes from post

c= with

s= without

x= times

tx, rx= treatment

hx= history

dx= diagnosis

fx= fracture

px= problem

s/p= status post, immediately after

y/o= years old

c/o= complains of

f/u= follow up

r/o= rule out

dz= disease

pt= patient

athl= athlete

↑= increase

↓= decrease

♀= female

♂= male

PRN= as needed

AROM= Active Range of Motion

PROM= Passive Range of Motion

RROM= Resistive Range of Motion MMT= Manual Muscle Testing

R= right

L= left

B= bilateral

Mild= mild

Mod= moderate

Severe= severe

ATR= athletic training room

ATC= Certified Athletic Trainer

Peri- = around

Inf= inferior (below in terms of trunk)

Sup= superior (above in terms of trunk)

Ant= anterior (toward the trunk)

Post= posterior (toward the back)

Prox= proximal (closest to the trunk)

Dist= distal (away to the trunk)

Med= medial (toward the midline)

Lat= lateral (away from the midline)

MD= physician

STG= short term goals

LTG= long term goals

BID= twice daily

TID= three times daily

QID= four times daily

Common Medical Word Roots

-algia= suffix for pain

Anter/o= prefix for front, anterior

Arteri/o- prefix for artery

Arthr/o= prefix for joint

Auto= prefix for self

Cardi/o= prefix for heart

Cervic/o= prefix for neck

Cyan/o= prefix for blue

-cyte= suffix for cell

Cyt/o= prefix for cell

-emia= blood

-edema= swelling

Epi= prefix for above, upon

Erythr/o= prefix for red

Eu= prefix for normal

Hemat/o= prefix for blood

Hemi= prefix for half, partly

Hydr/o= prefix for water

Hyper= prefix for excessive

Hypo= prefix for under, below

Inter= prefix for between

Intra= prefix for within

Neo= prefix for new

Neur/o= prefix for nerve

Para= prefix for near, beside, around

Patell/o= prefix for patella (kneecap)

-pathy= suffix for disease

Poly= prefix for many

Poster/o= prefix for behind, posterior

Quadri= prefix for four

Spondyl/o= prefix for spine

Sub= prefix for under, below

Supra= prefix for above

-therapy= suffix for treatment

Therm/o= prefix for heat

Vertebr/o= prefix for vertebra