Created by Kenneth Citak, Englewood Cliffs, NJ

1. How many “sons” are referred to in the Haggadah?

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. Four

2. Why do we eat maror (bitter herbs) on Passover?

a. To remember the bitterness of slavery

b. To remember the bitterness of your parents

c. To remember that dinner is coming soon

d. To forget about the way that Matzah tastes

3. How many plagues were visited upon the Egyptian people before Pharoah agreed to let the Hebrew people leave Egypt?

a. Five

b. Ten

c. Twenty

d. Two, but it seemed like more

4. What is the name of the round objects traditionally found in the soup on Passover?

a. Baseballs

b. Butter balls

c. Matzah balls

d. Cannon balls

5. The three fathers of Judaism are:

a. Cohen, Levi and Yisroel

b. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

c. Tinkers, Evers and Chance

d. Mo, Larry and Curly

6. How many Zuzim were used to purchase the kid in the taditional Passover song “Had Gadya”?

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. Four

7. At the end of the seder, we traditionally say:

a. Drive carefully

b. Please pass the Pepto Bismal

c. Next time let’s have the seder at my house

d. Next year in Jerusalem

8. How old is the city of Jerusalem?

a. 50 years

b. 300 years

c. 3000 years

d. 5750 years

9. What language is the song “Had Gadya” in?

a. Hebrew

b. Arabic

c. Aramaic

d. Pig Latin

10. Where is the world’s largest collection of Haggadot kept?

a. The Israel Museum in Jerusalem

b. The Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC

c. The Jewish Theological Seminary in NYC

d. Brandeis University in Massachusetts

11. Which of the following is not one of the “Pilgrim festivals” in the Jewish religion?

a. Pesach

b. Succot

c. Shavuot

d. Rosh Hashanah

12. Passover falls within which month in the Hebrew calandar?

a. Tishrei

b. Kislev

c. Nissan

d. Honda

13. The food we are not allowed to eat during Passover is called:

a. Hamas

b. Hametz

c. Hagafen

d. Matzah

14. After Joshua led the Israelites across the Jordan River into the promised land, the first Passover celebration in Israel was celebrated in the area around which city?

a. Jerusalem

b. Jericho

c. Tel Aviv

d. Great Neck

15. Which of the following famous rabbis is not mentioned in the Haggadah?

a. Rabbi Akiva

b. Rabbi Gamliel

c. Rabbi Shmuel

d. Rabbi Eliezer

16. The days we count from Passover to Shavuot are called:

a. Forty days and forty nights

b. The Omer

c. Second Passover

d. The Shulchan Aruch

17. How many days are counted in the Omer?

a. Twenty

b. Forty

c. Forty-nine

d. Fifty

18. What is the name of the ceremonial washing of the hands at the beginning of the seder?

a. Kaddesh

b. Urchatz

c. Karpas

d. Yachatz

19. What is the meaning of the words “Avadim Chayenu”?

a. Where’s the food?

b. Let my people go

c. We were slaves

d. Bread of affliction

20. The traditional prayers of thanks that are said on Passover and other holidays is called:

a. Hillel

b. Hallel

c. Hoolel

d. Hulabuloo

21. How many sections are there in the Mishnah? (Clue – the answer is in the song Had Gadya)

a. Five

b. Six

c. Ten

d. Twenty four

22. The Ten Commandments were received at:

a. Mount Sinai

b. Mount Tabor

c. Mount Olympus

d. Mount McKinley

23. In which book of the five books of the Torah is the story of the departure from Egypt told?

a. Genesis

b. Exodus

c. Leviticus

d. Deuteronomy

24. Which famous gun enthusiast played the role of Moses in the famous movie “The Ten Commandments”?

a. Gregory Peck

b. Rock Hudson

c. Charlton Heston

d. Yul Brenner

25. According to the Torah, the Lord brought us out of Egypt:

a. “with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm”

b. “with a song and a prayer”

c. “with malice and forethought”

d. “without any idea where we were going”

26. Which of the following is not traditionally considered to be one of the ten plagues?

a. Blood

b. Lice

c. Locusts

d. Carpooling

27. The half of the middle matzah that is hidden and usually found later by the children is called:

a. Afikomen

b. Amidah

c. Alibaba

d. Anawanapea

28. Who is excused from reclining at the seder table?

a. A seder participant in the leaning tower of Pisa

b. Anyone with an inner ear infection

c. A disciple at his master’s table

d. Anyone named Moshe

29. At which time is the Prophet Elijah actually mentioned as part of a Jewish ritual?

a. On Rosh Hashana

b. At a Brit Milah

c. At a Bar or Bat Mitzvah

d. During the Rugrats Passover special

30. In the Haggadah, the quote “Thy breasts are formed and thy hair is grown, yet thou art naked and bare” refers to:

a. The baby Moses

b. A painting by Rembrandt

c. The people of Israel being physically mature, but without the guidance and purpose of the Torah

d. The words that Bill Clinton said to Monica Lewinsky at their bible study class

31. Children at the Seder have power that they do not usually possess because:

a. A few sips of wine unleashes boundless energy

b. Ingestion of mass quantities of matzah causes their young bodies to ripple with muscle

c. Reclining increases the ability of a child to annoy his/her parents

d. The Seder can not continue until the adults have redeemed the Afikomen from the children

32. The Haggadah talks about some events that occurred around the time of the Bar Kochba revolt. About what year die this take place?

a. 1200 BCE

b. 72 CE

c. 135 CE

d. 1948 CE

33. Who was the one person who left Egypt, traveled in the desert for forty years, and was actually allowed to cross the river Jordan into the promised land?

a. Moses

b. Miriam

c. Joshua

d. Aaron

34. When God slayed the first-born sons of the Egyptians in the tenth plague, one first-born Egyptian was spared? It was:

a. Pithom

b. Ramses II (Pharoah)

c. Dathan

d. Nephertire

35. What did the Hebrew people put on their doorposts as a sign to the angel of death to “pass over” their homes?

a. A mezuzah

b. Charoset

c. Lamb’s blood

d. Blood oranges

36. What do the words “Ha Lachma Anya” mean?

a. I was a wandering Aramean

b. Please pass the matzah

c. Bread of Affliction

d. We were slaves in Egypt

37. The name of Moses’ wife was:

a. Miriam

b. Jethra

c. Zipporah

d. Yocheved

38. The name of the food that God provided from heaven to sustain the Israelite people as they wandered through the desert was called:

a. Matzah

b. Manna

c. Lechem

d. Froot Loops

39. On Passover, we are required to do all of the following things except:

a. Refrain from eating leavened bread

b. Eat Matzah at the first seder

c. Eat Matzah ball soup at every seder

d. Tell the story of Passover to our children

40. The egg on the seder plate represents:

a. The pascal lamb sacrificed on Passover

b. The holiday offering made at the Temple on each of the three major festivals

c. The roundness of our lives

d. It reminds us to watch the amount of cholesterol we consume during the Passover holiday