1 Small Moments Planner Day 2
Writer’s Workshop Daily Plan
1. Mini-Lesson Focus: ELACC.K.W.3 Narrative Writing
The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students to using a planner to organize their writing. The purpose of the planner is to introduce students to the concept of a story- beginning, middle, and end.
Small Moments Planner Lesson 2: (This lesson may take several days to complete. Students may have to work on one page per day.) Call students over to the meeting area. Begin today’s workshop by referring to the organizer you created yesterday. Retell your story using your organizer. Allow students to work with their writing partner to quickly tell their stories from their planners, even if their planner is incomplete. When finished tell students that today they are going to use their planners to actually write (or draw) their stories. Students should use one piece of paper for each section of their story. Page one should match the beginning, page 2 the middle, and page 3 the end of their story. Think of how you want students to manage getting their papers. Make sure that they number the pages so that you will be able to go back and put them in order as you make their book!! Send students out to work reminding them that their writing partner may help them as they are working.
2. Status of Class –
3. Student Writing/Teacher Conferring
4. Author Share: Student Teacher
Call students back to meeting area. Have writing partners read their books to each other.
Troup County Schools 2012
Small Moments Lesson 2
Writing Lesson
1 Small Moments Planner Day 2
Small Moments Planner
by ______
My Title:Beginning: / Middle: / End:
Troup County Schools 2012
Small Moments Lesson 2
Writing Lesson