Minutes TN AFPM

Board of Directors Meeting

31 March 2010

2:00 PM CST

Type of Meeting: Board of Directors

Meeting Facilitator: Alan M. Armstrong

Board Members: Alan M. Armstrong, William Warren, William Veazey, Chris Schuettler, Dan Hawk, Stanley Harrison

  1. Call to order – Chairman: Meeting called to order at 2:01 CST.
  2. Roll call (P = Present, A = Absent)
  3. Alan M. Armstrong _P____
  4. William Warren __P___
  5. William Veazey __P___
  6. Chris Schuettler __A___
  7. Dan Hawk (Ex Officio) __A___
  8. Stanley Harrison (Ex Officio) ___P__
  9. Approval of minutes from last meeting (17 MARCH 2010)
  10. The minutes for the 17 March 2010 meeting, with the correction of the date on the minutes, of the Board of Directors were approved. Motion – To approve the minutes as presented made by William Veazey.

Second – By William Warren


  1. Treasurer Report
  2. Membership: 18 current members.
  3. Income $435.00
  4. Expenditures: $144.43 (for P. O. Box) Account Balance $290.57
  5. Old business
  6. Annual Conference Committee Report – William Warren, Chair
  7. Approval of Flyer & Call for Presentations (As Revised)

Attached to this email is the latest version of doth documents. They were originally distributed by Alan (Mike) Armstrong distributed 3/25/2010). Distribution to:

Community officials

Certified Floodplain Managers in TN

The TN AFPM website ( www.tnafpm.com )

Registered users of the TN AFPM website

UT Knoxville – Chris Butler has already made preliminary contact with them

The TN Society of Professional Engineers

Candy Toler ( )

The American Council of Engineering Companies of Tennessee

Candy Toler ( )

The Tennessee Stormwater Association

Sandra Knight ( )

The Tennessee Chapter of the American Planning Association

Karen Hundt ( )

The Tennessee Building Officials Association

Tim Ward ( )

The Emergency Management Association of Tennessee

Janice Newman ( )

James Barnes ( )

Others ?

Motion By William Warren to approve the Flyer and Call for Presentations as revised.

Second _By William Veazey______

(1)  Alan M. Armstrong ___Y__

(2)  William Warren ___Y__

(3)  William Veazey __Y___

(4)  Chris Schuettler __A___

  1. Annual Conference Committee Report – William Warren, Chair

What follows is a brief synopsis of where we are now.


On-going: Alan (Mike) Armstrong is working with Chris B. to refine the Call For Papers/Presentations & Registration Flyer. Received 3/25/2010.The Flyer & Call for Presentations are finalized.

On-going: Alan (Mike) Armstrong is offering some suggestions to Cindyon the selection & scheduling of speakers.

On-going: Chris B. is working to develop the database of community contacts.

On-going:Solict presenters - Cindy Popplewell has volunteered for this duty.

??Late March??:Once completed, distribution of the Flyer & Call For Presentations.

??Late March??: Send blanket email to community contacts including a Membership Application.

??Late March??: Send blanket email to community contacts notifying them of Annual Meeting (include Membership Application & Meeting Flyer).

May 3 (Monday): Deadline for Call for Presentations

??Middle of May??: Cindy decides how many presenters she can count on; The remainder of the time available at the Meeting will be filled with Papers/Presentations. Keeping in mind the Mission of the TN AFPM, Chris B. decides which presentations will be heard. Chris B. sends those who don't make the cut an email thanking them for their submittal.

June 7 (Monday): Release date for conference rooms. By then, we should have a feel for how many attendees to expect. If necessary, we can adjust our space requirements.

June 14 (Monday):Early registration ends / Late registration begins

July 7 (Wednesday): Final registration deadline; William V. should have a count of those golfing.

July 7 (Wednesday): Montgomery Bell Sate Park will require final information regarding the type meal that is to be served.

July 14 (Wednesday): Montgomery Bell Sate Park will require information regarding the final number of meals that are to be provided. William V. can provide the number of people that have registered.

July 21 (Wednesday AM): CFM Exam (Applicants must be pre-approved through ASFPM). Some people (about 5) already been approved by their company to take the test.

July 21 (Wednesday PM) & July 22 (Thursday AM & PM): Annual Meeting

July 23 (Friday): Golf Outing/Tournament – William V.to collect money; Chris B. to coordinate.


Day 1 - Wednesday, July 21

CFM Exam 8 AM to 12 PM

Registration 11 AM – 12 Noon

Luncheon 12 PM – 1 PM (cost included in conference registration)

Chair (Alan Mike Armstrong) presides: Opening Comments, Mission & Goals.

Begin at 1 PM

Keynote speaker (Dan Hawk, ECD Community Development Administrator and NFIP Coordinator / Stanley Harrison, Director of Community Development Special Projects and NFIP PrimaryContact)

One (maybe two) track – Technical sessions, w/ breaks scheduled as needed.

End around 5 PM

Dinner on your own (restaurants at park & in nearby town(s))

Day 2 – Thursday, July 22

Begin at 8 AM

Two tracks - Technical sessions, w/ breaks scheduled as needed.

Luncheon w/ Keynote Speaker (Dan Hawk / Stanley Harrison)

12 Noon - 1 PM (cost not included in conference registration)

End around 5 PM – Everyone fill out questionnaire.

Dinner on your own (restaurants at park in & nearby town(s))

Speakers: As previously mentioned, Cindy Popplewell has agreed to schedule & coordinate the speakers. As of today, the current line up of committed speakers(where known, the topic & time they have requested isshown in italics)include:

·  Jon Zirkle, P.E. or Co-Worker, Hydraulics Section, Tennessee Department of Transportation (Effect of FEMA NFIP on Road and Bridge Design at TDOT - 1 hour)

·  Lyle Bentley,P.E.Chief, Safe Dams Section, State of Tennessee (TN Safe Dams Overview - 0.5 hour)

·  Alan M. Armstrong, CFM, FPA, Plans and More, LLP (Minimum requirements on CFR 44 Parts 59 & 60 - 2 hours)

·  Stanley Harrison, Director of Community Development Special Projects& NFIP Primary Contact, Economic & Community Development (IEV - 2 hours)

·  Mark Vieira, Senior Civil Engineer, Risk Analysis Branch, DHS/FEMA Region IV (Substantial Damage Estimator Software - 4 hours)

·  Sharon Caton, M.S., AICP, CPI, FPA,Plans and More, LLP (Floodplain Management for Planning Commisioners and Planners - 1 hour)

·  Cindy Popplewell, P.E., CFM, AMEC Earth and Environmental (Implementing Your Mitigation Plan - 2 hours)

·  Susan Wilson, Chief, Floodplain Management and Insurance Branch, DHS/FEMA Region IV (FEMA Region IV Update - 1 hour, Elevation Certificate-2 hours)

·  Mary K. Rountree, Floodplain Management Specialist, Floodplain Management and Insurance Branch, DHS/FEMA Region IV (Community Assistance Visit -2 hours)

·  Marc Pearson, GISP, GIS Project Manager, Stantec (RISKMap – time?)

·  Phyllis Kohl, Floodplain Management Services, Nashville District, Corps of Engineers (Corps of Engineers Programs - time?)

·  Panel Discussion, Co-Chaired by Alan M. Armstrong (TN AFPM Chair), and Sharon Caton, Cindy Popplewell ?, Dan Hawk, andStanley Harrison(Various Topics Directed to Local Floodplain Managers ?Specifics not nailed down. At a previous meeting, William Veazey suggested that this be held at the end of Day 2).

·  Business Meeting (time ?). Topics to include:

o  Incorporation

o  Committees (Membership, Newsletter, Display Booth)

o  Quarterly meetings (identify potential host, location, date & speakers)

o  Others?

Prospective speakers that indicated an initial interest, but I have not heard from lately include:

·  Tom Little, CFM, CGP, National Sales & Marketing Director, Smart VENT Inc

·  Todd Wood,P.E., DTWood Engineering, Inc.(Low Impact Development ?)

This willput us at 16.5 fact filled hours. If we have 1 track the1st day & 2 tracks the 2nd day, we must fill (4+8+8) 20 hours; 20 - 16.5 = 3.5 hours remaining. If we have2 tracks the1st day & 2 tracks the 2nd day, we must fill (4+4+8+8) 24 hours; 20 - 16.5 = 7.5 hours remaining.

Continuing Education: ASFPM has approved a maximum of 11 Continuing Education Credits (core) for attending. We will also seeking approval from the Dept. of Commerce & Insurance for approval of continuing education that can be used by building inspectors. I have contacted (via email) Don Nelson (Building/Codes Inspector @ Marshall County) to see if he has a point of contact at the Department of Commerce & Insurance. When I hear back from him, I will report.

Luncheon: On Wednesday, July 21, the Association will sponsor a luncheon at the Annual Meeting; we hope to have about 100 people. The cost will be included in the registration fee. The menu will be off the Dinner Selections (Choice of two entrees & three vegetables - fried catfish, BBQ pork, mixed vegetables, broccoli & cheese, and mashed potatoes, in addition to tossed green salad, bread, dessert, coffee and tea). The cost for the luncheon will be ($14.95 + tax & gratuity) $19.10 per person.Include in this price is fruit cobbler or banana pudding. For a dessert including pies, there will be an additional cost, for a total of ($16.70 + tax & gratuity) $21.34 per person. As stated above, they would need to know the final menu a minimum of 2 weeks (July 7) before the event date and final meal numbers 1 week (July 14) before your event. The contract that was recently approved (Donna Lewis prepared) included only the meeting & inn rooms.

Incidentals: Depending on the equipment selected, there will be an incidental cost for rental of the equipment TN AFPM uses during the Meeting. I have itemized the additional expenditures below. Looking over the list, TN AFPM can avoid renting is the audio/visual cart(s) and extension cords if ones can be secured.

Microphone / $30 / 1 / $30
House PA System / $30 / 1 / $30
Audio/Visual Cart / $10 / 1 / $10
Extension Cord / $10 / 1 / $10
Microphone / $30 / 2 / $60
House PA System / $30 / 2 / $60
Audio/Visual Cart / $10 / 2 / $20
Extension Cord / $10 / 2 / $20
TOTAL: / $240
Individual costs are detailed on the attached document Audio Visual Equipment.doc

These costs assume:

·  TN AFPM will offer 1 track the first day & 2 tracks the second day. If two tracks are offered, the cost will increase by $80 and

·  A sufficient number of laptops & projectors can be secured.

Volunteer Efforts

·  Sharon Caton (w/ Plans and More, LLP) has volunteered to head a Media and Technology committee. The committee would:

o  Prepare Electronic Media of all presentations and conference materials;

o  Prepare News Articles and Press Releases;

o  Preparation of Technical Session attendance lists and sign-in sheets;

o  Prepare Certificates of Attendance for all attendees to be signed by TN AFPM Chairman (and Dan Hawk TN ECD Local Planning Office - Pending his approval);

o  Provide IT services for the Conference and

o  Prepare Memberships Cards & Sign In sheets for the technical sessions (already prepared).

·  Alan (Mike) Armstrong & Sharon Caton has offered the use of 2 projectors, 1 laptop & 1 set of speakers.

·  Marc Pearson (w/ Stantec) has volunteered his services. He lives in Dickson, just a few minutes from the Park.

·  In hopes of locating an additional speaker, Cindy Popplewell will initiate contact w/ ISO (administrator of the NFIP’s Community Rating System).

·  Cindy will coordinate w/ Chris to see if they can locate volunteers to:

o  Staff the registration table (11 AM to 12 PM on Wednesday, July 21) and

o  Serve as moderators for the technical sessions.

·  Cindy will attempt to locate additional laptops (2) & projectors (1). This will give us a total of 3 setups; 1 of which can be used as a backup.


·  Update on the status of the database (community contacts) Chris Butler is working on (received 3/22/2010).

·  Montgomery Bell State Park will require TN AFPM to execute the necessary contracts (food & equipment).

·  Regarding the Department of Commerce & Insurance evaluating the Meeting for CEUs - As mentioned above, I have contacted (via email) Don Nelson (Building/Codes Inspector @ Marshall County) to see if he has a point of contact at the Department of Commerce & Insurance. When I hear back from him, I will report.

There was no action taken with regard to the Conference. The Chairman updated the Board on the status of the action items indicating that Chris Butler had indeed finished the lists, The contract was signed with Montgomery Bell pending finalization of details for room reservations and classroom reservations etc… and the Chairman advised that he had an e-mail out to the Department of Commerce and Insurance soliciting CEUs.

  1. New business
  2. Removal of Secretary for Non-Fulfillment of Required Duties

Quoting Section 2, F, 3 of the ByLaws “The Secretary shall record the votes and keep and provide the minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the Board of Directors and the general membership of the Association, keep appropriate current records showing the members of the association together with their addresses, and shall perform such other duties as required by the Board. The Secretary shall prepare and send notices of all meetings of the Board and General Membership.”

Further, the ByLaws state (Section 2, D), “At any meeting of the Board of Directors with respect to which notice of such purpose has been given and a quorum is present, any Officer may be removed from office with justifiable cause by the vote of 2/3 of all of the Directors present at the meeting and voting. Any Officer being considered for removal from office shall be afforded the opportunity at the meeting to present a defense, or if so requested, answer questions. Cause for removal shall include but not be limited to the failure of the Officer to personally attend in any consecutive twelve-month period at least one meeting of the Board (including any special called meetings) or annual membership meeting where the Board officially meets to conduct the business of the Association. For purposes of this sub-section, the initial “consecutive twelve month period” shall begin on the date the person assumed the duties of office. Attendance by proxy at a Board meeting shall not be construed as attendance in person for purposes on this subsection. A vote cast electronically or telephonically on a matter taken up by the Board electronically or telephonically shall not be considered attendance in person for purposes of this sub-section. Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board, the Chair or the Secretary. Such resignation shall take effect on the date of receipt of such notice or at any later time specified therein, and unless otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall be necessary to make it effective.”