World War II Timeline
Major Battles in European and Pacific Theatres
Task: Your assignment will be to create a timeline of major battles and events of World War II for each theatre of war. The timeline must include events from the European and Pacific Theatres of war. The timeline must be on poster board or a large sheet of butcher paper.
1. You must have a title and theme for your timeline, color and creativity is recommended.
2. Include all battles and events on the list below.
3. You must provide the date with description and significance written in sentence format.
3. Place events in appropriate sequence on timeline, from 1939-1945.
4. Must include 8 pictures dealing with main events or people. (4 for each theatre)
Events and content may be found in the textbook from pages 496-515. You may need to use additional resources found outside of the classroom for a comprehensive timeline.
List of Events
Pacific Events
1. Pearl Harbor
2. Japanese victories in early 1942
3. Battle of Midway
4. Guadalcanal
5. Iwo Jima
6. Recapturing the Philippines
7. Firebombing of Tokyo
8. 1st successful test of A-bomb
9. Hiroshima & Nagasaki
10. Battle of Coral Sea
European Events
1. Hitler invades Poland
2. Battle of Britain
3. D-Day
4. Victory in North Africa
5. Atlantic Charter
6. Casablanca Conference
7. Fall of Berlin
8. Battle of the Bulge
9. Italy surrenders
10. Death of FDR & Hitler
World War II Timeline Rubric
CATEGORY / Outstanding / Good / Fair / PoorContent and Accuracy
(10 points) / Timeline includes all 20 events. All events have correct dates with rich detail, and are accurate.
Includes 8 quality pictures.
10 - 9 / Timeline includes all events for each theatre and are accurate with good detail. Not all pictures are included on timeline.
8 - 7 / Timeline lacks proper number of events. Events do not include enough detail. Not all pictures are included on timeline
6 - 5 / Timeline has few events and are not accurate. Events lack detail and pictures are not included.
4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 0
Organization and Creativity
(5 points) / Timeline is organized, colorful, and aesthetically pleasing. Timeline constructed in a manner with attention to detail with theme and title.
5 / Timeline is organized, but needs more creativity with theme of timeline.
4 / Timeline is somewhat organized, but effort and creativity is not adequate
3 / No effort in organization and carelessly completed.
2 - 1 - 0