You will work as a group to complete a research project over the world’s major religions and give a 15-20 minute presentation over your assigned religion. The presentation must also include at least one video clip as well as pictures showing religious places, temples, mosques, synagogues, etc. as well holy sites. Also include at least 1 map showing where the religion is prevalent today. At least 2 people from the group must speak during the presentation. You will have portions of 3 class periods to work on this.
What to include in your research:
· Date started
· Founder/Prophet(s)/Leader
· Where started?
· Basic beliefs/Code for living/Rules/Practices
· Spread of religion—How? When? Where? Military action/war?
· Role of Women?
· Divisions/sects/denominations/branches
· Important dates in history of religion
· Holy Days—what are important days?
· Name of God(s)
· Afterlife—what happens when you die?
· Symbols
· Holy Book(s)
· Impact on world events—what wars have been fought? Countries founded?
· Current issues/crises/trends
· Where located today (also include map for this)
Video clips for you presentation can be found and downloaded from: Your video can deal with any aspect of the religion from its founding, practices or beliefs, or current issues. You may also find videos on YouTube and use to download them to your computer. The video must be embedded in PowerPoint.
Other websites to find information:
You may also use books or just search on internet. Be sure information is accurate. Use trustworthy sources for you research.
At the end of the project you will grade your partners and this grade will comprise 25% of your project grade.
Teams & Assigned Religions (Student with * by name is team leader)—2nd Period:
Sikh: Jarren*, Daniel, Connor
Buddhism: Anish*, Alex, Sean
Islam: Emily*, Anas, Uriel
Judaism: Evelin*, Danys, Noe
Christianity: Saajid*, Sergio, Hussein
Hindu: Carlton*, Jory, Saqif
Teams & Assigned Religions (Student with * by name is team leader)—7th Period:
Sikh: Maria A.*, Bryan, Abe, Francisco
Buddhism: Edwin*, Andrew, Maria J., Junior
Islam: Alma*, Jerrett, Lautaro, Karla
Judaism: Julian*, LaPrecious, Elizabeth, Cristian
Christianity: Summy*, Gabriel, Jomett, Joshua
Hindu: Cameron*, Elena, Sammy, Chelsea
The team leader is responsible for assignment of group roles, making sure all data is saved to the wiki, and uploading the project to Blackboard when project is complete.
Your first task is to go to and create an account. You will then search for “geographywyrick,” click it and then click join this space. You will then select your class period and then your assigned religion. You will be able to update this space as you move along on your project and all data will be collected in one place. One thing you must remember though is that the space can be updated by only one person at a time.
Each day your group’s updated Wiki will be evaluated and assigned a grade on amount of work accomplished during each period. Working together, your group should be able to finish the research portion of the project in three days time. Based on this, approximately one-third of the project research should be completed each class period. The forth day will be used to compile the information into your PowerPoint, insert pictures, maps and the video, as well as upload the finished product to Blackboard.
Each person is responsible for keeping track of sites used to gather information. The last slide of your PowerPoint should state all resources used in your project.
Religion Project Rubric
5 / 15-16 areas of research are covered thoroughly, with video included / At least 2 speakers and looking at audience throughout presentation; loud, clear voices / excellent use of bullet points, no pictures as background, easy to read fonts and font size, no grammar or spelling errors / All information is 100% accurate with no factual errors; includes 4-5 pictures and 2 maps
4 / 11-14 areas of research are covered thoroughly, with video included / 2 speakers and looking at audience through almost all of presentation; loud clear voices / good use of bullet points, few to no use of pictures as background, easy to read fonts and font size, few grammar or spelling errors / Almost all information is correct; 1-3 factual errors; includes 3-4 pictures and 1-2 maps
3 / 8-11 areas of research are covered thoroughly, with video included / 2 speakers and looking at audience through most of presentation; easy to understand, clear voice / some good use of bullet points, few pictures as background, some hard to read fonts and sizes, some grammar or spelling errors / Most information is correct, 4-6 factual errors; includes 2-3 pictures and 1 map
2 / 4-7 areas of research are covered thoroughly, no video / 1 speaker and very little audience contact, hard to hear and understand / poor to fair use of bullet points, some pictures as background, hard to read fonts and sizes, many grammar or spelling errors / Some factual errors, 7-9 factual errors; includes 1-2 pictures and 0-1 maps
1 / 0-3 areas of research are covered thoroughly, no video / 1 speaker and reading from screen, mumbling, quiet voices / poor use of bullet points, many pictures as background, very hard to read fonts and sizes, numerous grammar or spelling errors / Less than half of information is accurate; more than 10 factual errors; includes 0-1 pictures and 0 maps
Mr. Wyrick—World Geography 2007-2008 The Academy of Irving ISD