



Renaissance and Reformation:


1. Renaissance

2. Printing Press

3. “Renaissance Man”

4. Predestination

5. Humanism

6. Recant

7. Black Death

8. Anglicanism

9. Magna Carta

10. 95 Thesis

11. Indulgences

12. Jesuits


13. Martin Luther

14. John Calvin

15. King Henry VIII

16. Shakespeare


17. List Martin Luther’s 3 main beliefs.

18. What did humanist Renaissance painters and sculptors give great attention to?

19. What did Italian Renaissance literature focus on?

20. What was the chief goal of the Crusades?

21. What style did Renaissance architects favor?

22. How did medieval cathedrals help to educate an illiterate public?

23. What are some of the characteristics of Renaissance art?

Asia and the 1500s


1. Constantinople to Istanbul

2. Taj Mahal

3. Devshirme System

4. “Closed Door Policy”

5. Ottoman Empire

6. Mughal Empire

7. Ming Dynasty

8. Qing Dynasty

9. Tokugawa Japan


10. Mehmet II

11. Timur the Lame

12. Suleiman

13. Akbar

14. Shah Jahan

15. Jahangir and Nur Jahan

16. Tokugawa Ieyasu

Age of Exploration


1. Triangular Trade

2. Middle Passage

3. Columbian Exchange

4. Astrolabe

5. Caravel Ship

6. Circumnavigate

7. Encomienda System

8. Line of Demarcation

9. Mercantilism

10. Capitalism


1. Prince Henry IV

2. Christopher Columbus

3. Ferdinand Magellan

4. Bartolomeu Dias

5. Vasco Da Gama

6. Hernan Cortes

7. Francisco Pizarro

8. Zheng He

9. Sir Francis Drake

10. Jacques Cartier


11. What is the primary reason for European exploration (hint: three G’s!)?

12. Why was there a 90% decrease in the indigenous (native) populations?

13. Why did European rulers want to find new trading routes?

14. Why were large numbers of Africans imported to the Americas?

15. How did the African leaders respond to the slave traders?

16. Who contributed to the development of the advanced technology the Europeans began using in the 1400’s?

Scientific Revolution


1. Scientific Method

2. Geocentric Theory

3. Heliocentric Theory

4. Catholic Inquisition

5. Law of Universal Gravitation


1. Aristotle & Ptolemy

2. Nicholas Copernicus

3. Johannes Kepler

4. Galileo Galilei

5. Isaac Newton

6. Andreas Vesalius

7. William Harvey


1. Why do most experts reject the work of Copernicus?

2. Why did Galileo have to recant his statements about the Earth’s rotation?

3. What possible explanation might there be as to why Kepler was not tried before the Inquisition and Galileo was?

4. Who wrote On the Structure of the Human Body?



1. Divine Right

2. Thirty Years’ War

3. Edict of Nantes

4. English Civil War

5. Royalists/Cavaliers

6. Roundheads

7. English Bill of Rights

8. Westernization

9. Palace of Versailles


1. King Henry IV

2. King Charles I

3. Oliver Cromwell

4. Louis XIV

5. Maria Theresa

6. Frederick the Great

7. Peter the Great

8. Diego Velazquez


1. King Henry claimed, “Paris is well worth a mass.” What did he mean?

2. What are some of the results from the Thirty Years’ War?

3. How did Louis XIV’s reign affect the French army?

4. What is the dominant religion in Russia?



1. Enlightenment

2. Baroque

3. Neoclassical

4. Salons

5. Encyclopedia


1. John Locke

2. Thomas Hobbes

3. Baron de Montesquieu

4. Voltaire

5. Diderot

6. Jean Jacques Rousseau


1. How did the thinkers challenge the established social order?

2. Which movement greatly influenced the Enlightenment thinkers?

3. When writing the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson was most influenced by whom?

4. The idea of a direct democracy is explained in what book?

5. Who influenced the Bill of Rights (hint: there’s more than one person)?

6. Who encouraged the principles of three branches of government?

7. What happened to the peasants during the Enlightenment?

8. What governing body in the United States is most similar to the British Parliament?

9. Study the cut and paste chart on the 5 Enlightenment thinkers. Know the quotes and beliefs! There are roughly 8 questions on this.

French Revolution


1. First Estate

2. Second Estate

3. Third Estate

4. Bourgeoisie

5. Jacobins

6. Sans-Culottes

7. Legislative Assembly

8. Tennis Court Oath

9. Napoleonic Code

10. Plebiscite

11. Lycees

12. The Concordat

13. Congress of Vienna

14. Continental System

15. The Directory

16. “Scorched Earth Policy”


1. Louis XVI

2. Maximilien Robespierre

3. Napoleon Bonaparte

4. Klemens von Metternich


1. Name some of the economic causes of the French Revolution

2. What is the story behind the storming of the Bastille?

3. How did the women of the Revolution play a significant role towards the end?

4. Why was Napoleon popularized during the Directory? In other words, what did he symbolize?

5. What countries did Napoleon dominate while in charge?

6. Which social classes supported Napoleon the most? Why?

7. Why did Napoleon give up all of his territory in North America and sell it to the U.S. government?

8. Be able to establish, in chronological order, the several different French government systems during the Revolution.

World Religions


1. Christianity

2. Judaism

3. Islam

4. Hinduism

5. Buddhism


1. Review the latest map in your notebook from the Enlightenment Era. You will need to identify many of the countries listed on this map.

2. Be able to identify the map, from the Age of Exploration section in your notebook, where you had to color-code the voyages of the explorers. You will need to know the explorers and which country/area they visited.

3. There are 11 questions on the exam that involve you making connections to history by using a map. I will give you a statement (e.g. This is the home to the Palace of Versailles), and you are expected to know which country belongs to the statement. You will need to study and understand the maps/information pertaining to Napoleon (French Revolution) and Age of Absolutism.