Woombalah Community Safety Toolbox
Teacher guide
Community Safety Toolbox 904
Series 9 Flexible Learning Toolbox
Supporting resources for
Certificate IV in Public Safety (Community Safety) PUA41104.
24/10/2006: Version 1.3
Part of the Australian Flexible Learning Framework 53
Woombalah Community Safety Toolbox
© Commonwealth of Australia 2006
The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth of Australia.
This work is copyright. It may be reproduced in whole or in part for study or training purposes, subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source and it is not used for commercial use or sale.
Reproduction for purposes other than those indicated above requires the prior written permission from the Commonwealth. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and copyright should be addressed to the Branch Manager, Technology and Information Services Branch, Industry Skills Development Group, Department of Education, Science and Training, GPO Box 9880 Canberra City, ACT, 2601.
Table of Contents
Introduction for Trainers and Facilitators 3
What is in Woombalah Community Safety? 3
Units of competency and elements 3
Work areas and tasks 4
Resources 8
What do you need to start? 10
Toolbox implementation guide 11
Target audience 11
Aspects learners may find difficult 12
Assessment Guidelines 12
Assessment resources 12
Training package requirements 13
Facilitating online 13
Communication / collaboration 13
Tips for trainers 14
Preparing learners 15
Learner orientation 16
Starting together as a group – online icebreakers 16
Groupwork 17
Organising structure and key features 17
Getting around Woombalah Community Safety 17
:: Site map 18
:: Home page 18
:: Text alternatives 19
:: Getting started 19
:: Community safety areas 20
Areas, topics and task sequences 21
Learning objects 21
Contextualisation 22
Woombalah Community Safety topic matrixes 23
Customisation opportunities 36
What features can be customised? 36
How to customise elements 36
Flexible use 37
Appendix A 38
Learner profile checklist 38
Appendix B 39
Survey of computer / internet skills and experience 39
Appendix C 41
Feedback / answer key 41
Introduction for Trainers and Facilitators
This Teacher guide has been developed to support the delivery of seven units from Certificate IV in Public Safety (Community Safety) PUA 41101. It is designed to assist trainers, teachers and facilitators wishing to use Woombalah Community Safety either in its complete form, or as a source of learning components [learning objects] in the development of their own teaching programs.
This section has the basics you need to get started using Woombalah Community Safety. The remainder of the Teacher guide provides more in-depth information about using the Toolbox including:
· target audience
· assessment guidelines
· facilitating online
· organising structure and key features
· scenarios, topics and task sequences
· customisation opportunities
What is in Woombalah Community Safety?
Woombalah Community Safety contains learning materials for both self-guided study and group collaboration. The teaching and learning resources can be delivered online or via CD ROM access for classroom, workplace and other independent delivery.
Units of competency and elements
Woombalah Community Safety supports seven units of competency in Certificate IV (PUA 41101) Public Safety (Community Safety).
PUACOM003A - Manage informationElement 1: Identify information needs and sources
Element 2: Collect and analyse information
Element 3: Use management information systems
Element 4: Record and support information
PUAEMR007A - Conduct risk assessment
Element 1: Establish the risk context
Element 2: Identify risk
Element 3: Analyse risk
Element 4: Evaluate risk
PUAEMR008A - Contribute to an emergency risk management process
Element 1: Clarify the community context
Element 2: Develop a sustainable emergency risk management methodology
Element 3: Develop risk statements and treatment options
Element 4: Promote ownership for the process and outcomes
Element 5: Work cooperatively with other participants and stakeholders
PUACOM007A - Liaise with other organisations
Element 1: Establish networks and relationships
Element 2: Communicate and interact with other organisations
PUACOM011A – Develop community awareness networks
Element 1: Develop networks within the community
Element 2: Manage public safety awareness activities
Element 3: Facilitate community group discussions and formal meetings
Element 4: Report on public safety awareness activities
PUACOM006A – Plan and conduct a public awareness program
Element 1: Plan public awareness / information presentation
Element 2: Conduct public awareness / information presentation
Element 3: Conduct visits to facilities / specific locations of interest
Element 4: Store resources and complete records
Element 5: Evaluate / review presentations and demonstrations
PUAFIR509A – Implement prevention strategies
Element 1: Provide advice on prevention strategy
Element 2: Implement & monitor prevention strategies
Element 3: Review implementation of prevention strategies
Work areas and tasks
The materials are presented within various scenarios in the development of the Woombalah Community Festival. The learner takes on the role of Community Safety Officer, assisting the Festival Director in managing the festival’s safety issues. For each scenario, the learner is provided with background information and further information about the skills and processes they will need to employ in order to successfully complete tasks related to the safety issue. Through the Resource Centre learners also have access to more detailed information about relevant skills and procedures.
The emphasis is on learning through doing – the learner completes tasks that are often open ended in their results, and they compare their outcomes and ideas with checklists, feedback and / or other learners’ work via a discussion board.
Woombalah Community Safety is organised into three areas:
· Community Awareness
· Community Risk Management
· Community Prevention Strategies.
Each area is aligned to one or more units of competency.
The Festival Director guides the learner through the content information and tasks.
Each area has several topics which have been developed as learning objects – which means you can select one topic within an area if you only wish to pursue certain content or tasks, rather than all the content contained within Woombalah Community Safety.
The site map presents an outline of the navigation structure of Woombalah Community Safety. It provides the easiest way for facilitators and learners to view the sequences of content and associated tasks.
Refer to the Getting Started section for more information.
Topics, tasks and related activities have been presented to reflect industry practice. However, it is acknowledged that there is often more than one method that can be used to perform tasks involved in community safety situations. It is beyond the scope of Woombalah Community Safety to provide every alternate method or procedure. Facilitators are encouraged to provide learners with options that are most relevant to their sector of the industry or their work environment. You must make sure that your alternatives meet industry best practice and needs.
The table below shows how each unit in Woombalah Community Safety supports specific units of competency.
Woombalah Community Safety: Task and competency matrixUnit and topic / Tasks (Learning Object) within each unit / Aligned Units of Competency
Unit 1: Manage information
Identifying information needs and sources
Task 1: Identify information needs / PUACOM003A Manage information
Collecting and analysing information
Task 1: Collecting and analysing information / PUACOM003A Manage information
Organising information
Task 1: Systems for sorting information
Task 2: Organisation of workplace information / PUACOM003A Manage information
Recording information
Task 1: Workplace methods used to present information / PUACOM003A Manage information
Assessment / PUACOM003A Manage information
Unit 2: Conducting risk assessments
Establish the context
Task 1: Establish physical boundaries
Task 2: Identify stakeholders
Task 3: Identify stakeholders’ objectives / PUAEMR007A Conduct risk assessment
Identify risks
Task 1: Methods of identification
Task 2: Identifying risks at the festival – festival map
Task 3: Identifying risks at the festival – stakeholder meeting / PUAEMR007A Conduct risk assessment
Analyse risks
Task 1: Likelihood
Task 2: Severity
Task 3: Level of risk / PUAEMR007A Conduct risk assessment
Evaluate risks
Task 1: Priority of risk / PUAEMR007A Conduct risk assessment
Assessment / PUAEMR007A Conduct risk assessment
Unit 3: Contribute to an emergency risk management process
Clarify the community context
Task 1: Clarify the community context
Task 2: Identify community vulnerability
Task 3: Analyse information / PUAEMR008A Contribute to an emergency risk management process
Develop risk management processes
Task 1: Communicate and consult / PUAEMR008A Contribute to an emergency risk management process
Develop risk statements and consider treatment options
Task 1: Generate risk statements
Task 2: Treatment options / PUAEMR008A Contribute to an emergency risk management process
Task 1: Documentation / PUAEMR008A Contribute to an emergency risk management process
Working cooperatively
Task 1: Planning a meeting / PUAEMR008A Contribute to an emergency risk management process
Assessment / PUAEMR008A Contribute to an emergency risk management process
Unit 4: Liaise with other organisations
Establishing and maintaining networks
Task 1: Sharing network information / PUACOM007A Liaise with other organisations
Interacting with other organisations
Task 1: Communication policies and procedures / PUACOM007A Liaise with other organisations
Assessment / PUACOM007A Liaise with other organisations
Unit 5: Plan and conduct a public awareness program
Planning the program
Task 1: Analysing the audience
Task 2: Selecting age appropriate activities
Task 3: Structuring activities / PUACOM006A Plan and conduct a public awareness program
Organising resources
Task 1: Resource requirements
Task 2: Preparing a PowerPoint presentation / PUACOM006A Plan and conduct a public awareness program
Planning a site visit
Task 1: Site details / PUACOM006A Plan and conduct a public awareness program
Storing equipment and keeping records
Task 1: Your organisation’s requirement for equipment and records storage / PUACOM006A Plan and conduct a public awareness program
Assessment / PUACOM006A Plan and conduct a public awareness program
Unit 6: Developing community awareness networks
Identifying community issues and concerns
Task 1: Selecting stakeholders to meet needs of community
Task 2: Workplace groups for public safety awareness / PUACOM011A Develop community awareness networks
Manage public safety awareness activities
Task 1: Promoting awareness and presenting a positive image
Task 2: Working with community groups / PUACOM011A Develop community awareness networks
Facilitate discussions and formal meetings
Task 1: Facilitate a meeting / PUACOM011A Develop community awareness networks
Reporting on public awareness activities
Task 1: Preparing a report for your organisation / PUACOM011A Develop community awareness networks
Assessment / PUACOM011A Develop community awareness networks
Unit 7: Implement prevention strategies
Treatment options
Task 1: Examining treatment options
Task 2: Specifying treatment options / PUAFIR509A Implement prevention strategies
Assessing treatment options
Task 1: Assessing treatments against criteria / PUAFIR509A Implement prevention strategies
Preparing strategies and plans
Task 1: Identifying risk prevention strategies
Task 2: Prepare a plan for implementation / PUAFIR509A Implement prevention strategies
Implementing and monitoring prevention strategies
Task 1: Implementing prevention strategies / PUAFIR509A Implement prevention strategies
Reviewing implementation of prevention strategies
Task 1: Workplace review of implementation of prevention strategies / PUAFIR509A Implement prevention strategies
Assessment / PUAFIR509A Implement prevention strategies
Woombalah Community Safety provides a range of resources to support the learner’s development of underpinning knowledge and skills to complete the competency. It is expected however, that the individual teacher will complement these resources with further print and online materials.
The tools are linked throughout Woombalah Community Safety and can also be accessed through the top right-hand menu.
:: ResourcesThis centre provides important additional information to assist with underpinning skills, tasks and assessments.
The centre is presented in seven sections.
:: Communication
An area where facilitators can provide their own information about online communication and collaboration via email, chat rooms and discussion boards.
:: Glossary
The terms used in the safety industry and terms related to learning are provided in this tool. At any point users can go to the glossary to check on different terminology presented in Woombalah Community Safety. Clicking on a word highlighted in green on a Woombalah Community Safety screen will take users straight to a definition of the word.
:: Assessment
This area contains the task and assessment activities from all units that can be used to build an Evidence Portfolio for the purposes of RPL or RCC. These assessment tasks can also be accessed through the Unit menu on the left hand side of the screen.
:: Site Map
The site map presents an outline of the navigation structure of Woombalah Community Safety. It also provides the easiest way for facilitators and learners to view the scenarios and associated tasks.
This tool will assist teachers and learners with understanding the navigation structure and is an alternate navigation pathway.
:: Help
The help section links to computer troubleshooting tips in the
Getting Started section.
As well, much information is captured in Woombalah Stakeholders, which is situated below the navigation bar in the top right corner. Woombalah Stakeholders contains a great deal of information, often in realistic form, for learners to make use of when completing tasks.
There are nine icons representing different stakeholders.
Each icon links to a screen with one or more items for the learner to open. These items are often realistic documents providing content for the learner to use.
Within the Toolbox, learners are directed to a number of EMA (Emergency Management Australia) manuals. These include:
Manual 5 - Emergency Risk Management Applications Guide
Manual 6 - Implementing Emergency Risk Management: a Facilitators Guide to Working with Committees and Communities
Manual 7 - Planning Safer Communities
Manual 15 - Community Emergency Planning
Manual 43 - Emergency Planning Manual
Facilitators should check that learners are able to access these manuals using the EMA website. Slow internet connections may complicate this process. As well, facilitators should alert students that these manuals are updated regularly and they should be careful to work from the most recent version.
What do you need to start?
To run, this toolbox needs a computer with the following minimum features:
· IBM compatible computer with a 600 MHz processor or Macintosh PowerPC processor 500 MHz
· Running Windows 2000 / ME / XP or Macintosh OS9
· 128 MB of RAM
· 800 x 600 pixel screen resolution (1024 x 768 recommended)
· 12 x CD-ROM
· Sound card and speakers
· Internet access