Wireless Authentication with EAP-PEAP.
Under Windows 7
To login to the Gateway Technical College Secure-Wireless Network when you arrive on campus, you first need to know your Windows Domain account. If you are not sure what it is, it is the first part of your email address before the @. IE: would be smithj.
1. Go to the control panel, click Network and Sharing Center.
2. Click Manage wireless networks, then click add.
3. Click Manually create a network profile.
4. Enter GTC-Staff for the network name, for security type choose WPA2-Enterprise, for Encryption type choose AES. Leave Start this connection automatically checked and Connect even if the network is not broadcasting unchecked. Click Next.
5. Click Change connection settings.
6. Click the Security tab. Make sure Remember my credentials… is checked. Click settings. Uncheck Validate server certificate. Click the Configure button under Select Authentication Method. Uncheck Automatically use my Windows logon name… Click ok on all boxes.
7. A balloon will open on the lower right asking for Additional Information, click it.
8. Enter the users email credentials and click OK.
9. The Select a location for the GTC-Staff network box will open, Click Work Network.
10. The user’s credentials will be cached, so they will automatically connect anytime they are near GTC wireless.
Gateway’s Wireless Networks
GTC-Guest / Unencrypted. / To be used by anyone other than students and staff (anyone that does NOT have a Gateway email ID).
GTC-Student / Unencrypted. / This is for students. They can log in using their email Login ID and password thru a browser. No network access until authorized thru web browser.
GTC-Staff / Encrypted with keys changing every 3 minutes / Computers need to use 802.1x authentication. This is used for mostly for Gateway owned staff portables.
GTC-MobileLab / Encrypted with keys changing every 3 minutes / Computers need to use 802.1x authentication. This is used for mostly for Gateway owned mobile student labs.