Emeritus Professor and Adjunct Senior Fellow

East West Center

Burns Hall

1601 East-West Road

Honolulu, Hawaii 96848 USA

Phone: 808-944-7641

Fax: 808-944-7399



Certificate, Het NederlandsOpleidingsInstituutvoor het Buitenland, The Netherlands, 1963

B.A., Political Science (with honors) Washburn University, 1964

Coursework, George Washington University, International Relations1966

PhD., Political Science, University of Hawaii1976

Teaching Experience

2011-Adjunct Senior Fellow, East West Center


2001-06Professor, Chair and Director of the Program on Conflict Resolution


1986-91Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Hawaii at Manoa

1978-86Assistant Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Hawaii

Selected Professional Activities

2010-Editorial Board, Coastal Management

1992-1996Member, National Ocean Governance Study Group

1988-2004Editorial Advisory Committee, Ocean and Coastal Management

Selected Publications

Chapters in Books

2007“Strengthening Regional Cooperation in Coastaland Ocean Governance.” With T.E. Chua. Securing the Oceans:Essays on Oceans Governance-Global and Regional Perspectives. (T.E. Chua., G. Kullenberg and D. Bonga, eds).NipponFoundation and GEF/UNDP/IMORegional Programme on Building Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia(PEMSEA), Quezon City, Philippines.

2007“Designing Decentralized Coastal Management Programs.” Decentralizing Governance. Edited by Cheema and Rondinelli.Washington, DC: Brookings.

2003“The Evolution of Sri Lanka’s Coastal Management Project.” CraftingCoastal Governance in a Changing World. Coastal Resources Center, University of Rhode Island.

2003“Whose Reality Matters”.With Juliana Birkhoff. The Promise andPerformance of Environmental Conflict Resolution (O’Leary and Bingham, eds.) Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future.

1993"Evaluating Community Justice Programs," The Possibility of Popular Justice. Edited by Milner and Merry. University of Michigan Press: 89-121

1990"Issues in Designing a Coastal Management Program," Coastal Area Management in Southeast Asia: Policies, Management Strategies and Case Studies, Manila: International Center for Living Marine Resources: 191-204.

1990"Coastal Area Management: A Hawaii Case Study," Coastal AreaManagement in Southeast Asia: Policies, Management Strategies and Case Studies. Manila: International Center for Living Marine Resources: 103-115.

1988"Coastal Area Management in Sri Lanka," 7 Ocean Yearbook: 263-293. With H.J. Wickremeratne

1988"Managing Conflicts in the Coastal Zone," North-South Perspectives on Marine Policy. Boulder: Westview: 153-184. With Jens Sorensen and Maynard Silva.

Journal Articles

2009Lowry, G.K., A.T. White and P. Christie. “Scaling Up to Marine Protected Areas in the Philippines: Biophysical, Legal, Institutional and Social Considerations. Coastal Management 37:3-4: 255-290.

2009Christie, P., Lowry, G.K., et al. 2009. Tropical Marine EBM Feasibility: A Synthesis of Case Studies and Comparative Analysis. Coastal Management37:3-4, 374-385.

2005 P.J. Sheldon, K. Lowry and J. Knox “Sustainability in Mass Tourism Destinations: The Case of Hawaii.” Tourism Review International, 9: 47-59

2005Lowry, K., A.T. White, and C. Courtney. “National and Local Agency Rolesin Integrated Coastal Management in the Philippines.” Ocean and Coastal Management, 48, 3-6: 314-335.

2005Christie, P., K. Lowry, A.T. White, E.G. Oracion, L. Sievanen, R.S. Pomeroy,R.B. Pollnac, J.M. Patlis, and R. -L.V. Eisma. “Key Findings from a Multi-Sustainability. Ocean and Coastal Management, 48, 3-6: 468-483.

2005White, A.T., P. Christie, H. D’Agnes, K. Lowry and N. Milne. “Designing ICMProjects for Sustainability: Lessons from the Philippines and Indonesia.”Ocean and Coastal Management, 48, 3-6: 271-296.

2003Lowry, K., A.T. White, and C. Courtney. 2003. “National and LocalAgency Roles in Coastal Management Activities in the Philippines.”Silliman Journal 44(1):202-229.

2003Lowry, K. and K. Kim. “Anticipating Alternative Futures: UsingScenarios for Long-Range Planning in Hawaii.” Journal of Futures Studies,8, 2: 19-30.

2002“The Landscape of ICM Learning Activities.” Coastal Management. 30, 4:299-324.

2002“Introduction to Special Section on Learning from he Practice of Integrated Coastal Management.” Coastal Management. 30, 4:299-324.

1999“Donor Evaluations of ICM Initiatives: What Can Be Learned From Them”Ocean and Coastal Management: 42, 767-789, with Stephen Olsen and James Tobey.

1999“Policy-Relevant Assessment of Community Level Coastal ManagementProjects in Sri Lanka.” 42 Ocean and Coastal Management: 717-745. Dr. NirmaliePallewatte and R.N. Dainis.

1997"Participating the Public: Group Processes, Politics and Planning". With Peter Adler and Neal Milner. 16 Journal of Planning Education and Research 3: 177-187.

1997"Notes on Evaluating Coastal Management Programs." Coastal Management.

Selected Honors and Awards

1985-86Marine Policy Fellow, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA

1990-91Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Social Science, UH Manoa

1991Distinguished Leadership Award, American Planning Association, Hawaii Chapter,Honolulu

1994 Outstanding Student Project in the U.S., American Institute of Certified Planners

1999Robert Clopton Award for Outstanding Community Service, UH Manoa

2004Hung Wo and Elizabeth Lau Ching Award for Outstanding Community Service,

University of Hawaii at Manoa.