Wigton Moor Primary School
Barfield Crescent, Leeds LS17 8RU
Telephone: 0113 2682341
Fax: 0113 2684003
Headteacher: Mrs J. Norton
Letter from the Governors
Dear Prospective Candidate
Post of Headteacher: Wigton Moor Primary School.
Thank you for your interest in this post. In the application pack we have included an application form, the Job Description, the Person Specification and other background information to help you make up your mind. We hope that the information supplied will also be of assistance to you when completing your application.
We require your application to be completed on the Leeds City Council Headteacher’s application form supplied. However you may attach two additional sides of A4 as supporting background information if you wish. We cannot take into account any items beyond these or any CVs. Please remember the closing date is Monday 5th March 2012 at noon. For your information, short listing will be on March 13th. We will ‘take up’ the references of those on the shortlist with immediate effect. The final stages of the process will be the Assessment Centre on Tuesday 27th March, which will be all day at the school and presentations and interviews on Wednesday 28th March, at a North Leeds hotel. In the event that you are shortlisted, please ensure that you are free on both days, although on the Wednesday you will only be required for one hour for the interview.
Our current headteacher, Mrs Norton, has led our school since September 2006. Under her guidance we have gone from strength to strength with our most recent success being a well-deserved ‘outstanding’ judgement by OFSTED in May 2011. The governors want to appoint a high calibre headteacher to succeed Mrs Norton when she retires this summer. We are seeking the right person to lead our school family, building on our successes and providing the best possible education for our children.
We appreciate the amount of work that goes into completing applications so, to help you with your decision, times for visits to the school (without prejudice) have been arranged. Please contact our School Business Manager, Mrs. Coupland Smith, on the school telephone number above or e mail her on if you want to arrange a time. Please return your completed applications to the school, marking your envelope HT app. I wish you the best of luck and hope to meet you at a later stage of the selection process.
Yours sincerely
Mr A Merckel
On behalf of the Governors