Helena Lions Swim Team
Purpose:Athletesaremost vulnerable tomisconduct during travel,particularlyovernight stays. Thisincludes a high riskof athlete‐to‐athletemisconduct.Duringtravel,athletesareoften away fromtheir families andsupportnetworks,and thesetting – newchanging areas,lockerrooms, workout facilities, automobiles and hotel rooms– is less structuredand less familiar.
TeamTravelis defined as overnight traveltoa swim meetorotherteamactivity thatis planned and supervisedby theclub orLSC.
Club and LSC travelpolicies must include thesepolicies. TheseitemsareCode of Conduct stipulationsin theUSASwimming Rulebook.
- Club travelpolicies must besignedand agreedtoby all athletes,parents,coaches and other adults travelingwith theclub.(305.5.D)
- Teammanagersand chaperonesmust bemembersof USASwimming and havesuccessfully passed a USASwimming‐administeredcriminalbackground check.(305.5.B)
- Regardlessof gender,a coach shall not sharea hotel roomorothersleepingarrangementwith an athlete(unless thecoach is theparent,guardian, sibling, orspouse of that particular athlete).(305.5.A)
- Whenonly one athleteand one coach traveltoa competition,theathletemust have his/her parents’(or legal guardian’s) writtenpermission in advancetotravelalone with the coach.(305.5C)
Section2‐ RecommendedPolicies
- During teamtravel,when doing room checks,attending teammeetingsand/or other activities, two‐deepleadership and openand observableenvironmentsshouldbe maintained.
- Athletesshouldnot ride in a coach’s vehicle without anotheradult presentwhois thesame genderas theathlete,unless prior parental permission isobtained.
- During overnight teamtravel,if athletesarepairedwith otherathletestheyshall beof the samegenderand shouldbea similarage.Whereathletesareage13& over,chaperones and/or teammanagerswould ideally stayin nearbyrooms. Whenathletesareage12& under,chaperonesand/or teammanagersmaystaywith athletes.Wherechaperones/team managersarestaying in a room withathletes,theyshouldbethesamegenderas theathleteandwrittenconsent shouldbegivenby athlete’sparents (or legal guardian).
- Whenonly one athleteand one coach traveltoa competition,atthecompetition thecoach and athleteshouldattempttoestablish a “buddy” club toassociate with during the competition and whenawayfromthevenue.
- Toensurethepropriety of theathletesand toprotectthestaff,therewill benomaleathletesin femaleathlete’sroomsand nofemaleathletesin maleathlete’srooms(unless heotherathleteis a sibling orspouse of that particular athlete).
- Acopy of theClub Code of Conductmust besignedby theathleteand his/her parentor legal guardian.
- TeamorLSC officials should obtain asignedLiability Releaseand/or Indemnification Form for eachathlete.
- TeamorLSC officials should carrya signedMedical Consent orAuthorization to TreatFormfor eachathlete.
- Curfewsshall beestablished by theteamorLSCstaff eachday of thetrip.
- Teammembersand staff travelingwith theteamwill attend all teamfunctions including meetings,practices,meals,meetsessions, etc.unless otherwiseexcusedorinstructedby thehead coach orhis/her designee.
- The directions &decisions of coaches/chaperonesarefinal.
- Swimmersareexpectedtoremainwith theteamatall timesduring thetrip.Swimmersare not toleavethecompetitionvenue,thehotel, a restaurant,orany otherplace atwhich the teamhas gatheredwithout thepermission/knowledge of thecoach orchaperone.
- Whenvisiting public placessuchas shopping malls, movietheatres,etc.swimmerswillstay in groupsofnoless thanthreepersons.12& Underathleteswill beaccompaniedbya chaperone.
- The Head Coach orhis/her designeeshall makea writtenreportof travelpolicy orcode of conduct violations totheappropriate club orLSC leadership and theparentorlegal guardian of any affectedminor athlete.
Section3‐ Other Considerations
The following, organized by topic, is a bullet‐point list of additional travelpolicies to consider. Teamsand LSCsmaywant toutilize someof thesepolicies based on their individual preferencesand needs.
- Additional guidelinestobeestablishedas neededby thecoaches;
- Supervised teamroom providedfor relaxation and recreation;
- Respecttheprivacyof eachother;
- Only use hotel roomswith interiorentrances;and
- Must wearseatbelts and remainseatedin vehicles;
- Bequietand respecttherights of teammatesand othersinhotel;
- Beprompt and on time;
- Develop cellphone usageguidelines;
- Develop computeruseguidelinesincluding social media;
- Respecttravelvehicles;
- Establish traveldresscode;
- Useappropriate behaviorin public facilities;
- Establish twodifferent curfews– in own roomsand lights out;
- Must stayin assignedhotel room;and
- Needsand wellbeing of theteamcomefirst.
- Noroomservicewithout permission;
- Swimmersresponsible for all incidental charges;
- Swimmersresponsible for any damagesorthieveryathotel;
- Must participate in contractedgroup meals;and
- Communicate travelreimbursementinformation and policies.
- Establish fair trip eligibility requirements;
- Establish ageguidelinesfor traveltrips;
- Parent(s)responsible for gettingswimmer(s)tostateddeparturepoint;
- Requirementsfor families toattend "TeamTravelMeets."
The Club DevelopmentCommitteestrongly encouragesteamsand LSCstocreateaCode ofConduct orHonor Code as a companion document totheteamtravelpolicies.
All teammembers,teamstaff,and parents of minorsareapprisedin writing of thisCode of Conduct and theattachedUSASwimming Code of Conduct.Asignature on thisdocument constitutes unconditional agreementtocomply with thestipulations of both documents.
- Teammemberswill display properrespectand sportsmanship towardcoaches,officials, administrators,teammates,fellow competitorsand thepublic atall times.
- Teammembersand staff will refrainfromany illegal orinappropriate behavior that would detractfroma positiveimageof theteamorbedetrimental toits performanceobjectives.
- The possession oruseofalcohol ortobaccoproducts by anyathleteis prohibited.
- The possession, use,orsale/distribution of any controlled orillegal substance oranyform of weapon is strictly forbidden.
- No“deckchanges” arepermitted.Athletesareexpectedtouse availablechangefacilities.
- Teammembersarereminded that whencompetingin meets,travelingon trips, and attending othermeet‐relatedfunctions, theyarerepresentingboth themselvesand the HLSTAthletebehaviormust positively reflectthehigh standards of theclub (or LSC).
For Consideration:
- Failure tocomply with theHonor Code as setforth in thisdocument mayresult in disciplinaryaction.Suchdiscipline mayinclude, but maynot belimited to:
- Dismissal fromthetrip and immediatereturnhomeattheathlete’sexpense;
- Disqualification fromone ormoreevents,orall eventsof competition;
- Disqualification fromfutureteamtravelmeets;
- Financial penalties;
- Dismissal fromtheteam;and/or
- Proceedingsfor a LSC orUSASwimming National Board of Review.
- Swimmersaretorefrainfrominappropriate physical contactatteamactivitiesand events.
- Swimmersaretorefrainfromuse ofinappropriate language.
See associated forms 102-A and 102-B.
Policy History:
Adopted on: 09/27/2013
Revised on: 11/18/2016