Whole School Food Policy - Template


Your School Name

Who was consulted in writing this food policy? E.g. school council, SNAG, HWDG, governors etc.

How was the consultation carried out and how are results disseminated to the whole school community?

Who has written this food policy ?

Description of the Setting: (optional)

If you wish you can add some description here of the geography and demography of the children (and adults) in the school community.


How are you promoting healthy eating within your school? Add in here a statement showing how you ensure there is a whole school approach to all food issues. Use examples throughout the food policy to show that clear, consistent messages are given within school e.g. using the Eat Well Plate/5 A DAY messages.

Aim and objectives:

Provide one clear overall aim and a few supporting objectives

Food in school

This section looks at your current food provision across the school day and provides a clear reflection of what is currently happening.

Breakfast clubs:

Do you have a breakfast club?

How is the breakfast club funded?

Do you do any targeting of vulnerable pupils?

How is the breakfast club marketed and promoted?

Are food standards followed in the food that is served?

How is this monitored?

Break time provision:

Do you have a snack policy?

Mention the school fruit and vegetable scheme

What happens at break time?

Where can pupils buy food ?

Do food items sold meet the school food standards?

How is this monitored?

Vending Machines:

Do you have any ?

Do the food and drinks sold in them meet the food standards?


Do you have a drinks policy?

Are there any drinks that are not permitted to be brought in from home?

Have you used the Education Leeds drinks policy guidance?


Is water is promoted throughout school and how are pupils encouraged to drink regularly?

Give details of procedures in place for drinking water through the school day.

Where is water available from?

School Meals:

Who is your catering provider?

How do you consult with your catering provider and ensure a shared responsibility for your school meals ?

How do the meals served meet the school food standards and how is this monitored?

For secondary schools include a statement in the policy about pupils going off site to purchase food.

How are food choices and menus monitored?

(What is your current % uptake of paid school meals?)

Free School Meals (FSM):

How are FSM administered and monitored?

Is there a named person in school responsible for support children and families with their queries and administering FSM data?

How does the school ensure that children claim their entitlement?

How does the school eliminate stigmas associated with FSM e.g. cashless payment system, handling payment out of class time, removing identity when paying at the tills, school trips etc.

Does the school use the Education Leeds free school meals toolkit?

(What is your current % uptake of FSM?)

Packed Lunches:

Do you have a packed lunch policy?

How has this been developed and who was involved e.g. the school has developed a policy using the Education Leeds packed lunch policy toolkit?

Are there specific foods that are discouraged from being brought into school?

How is this monitored or encouraged?

Are there any reward systems in place for pupils who bring a healthy packed lunch e.g. stickers, team points, certificates.

Is waste food sent home to parents?

Do packed lunch pupils have access to water?

Are parents provided with any information or support for healthy packed lunches?

Dining Environment:

Briefly describe your dining room and any other key points about your environment.

e.g. We have a designated dining room that is an attractive well kept area and pupils are able to sit with their friends during lunch. Lunch is served using a family service and we have a golden table where pupils can dine as a reward for positive behaviour.

How have you, or are you trying to improve the dining environment?

Cultural, age appropriate, special diets:

What procedures are in place for those at risk e.g. allergies.

How do you make sure that the food served is both culturally appropriate and age appropriate

Sustainable, food and drink:

Include details about how the school is addressing sustainable food issues such as fair trade, organic and local produce

Include information from your catering provider

After School Activities:

Is food served at after school activities?

If so are food and drinks in line with healthy eating messages across the rest of the school day?

How are special occasions celebrated e.g. birthdays and rewards:

Are the types of items given as rewards in line with healthy eating messages across school?

Are alternative items to food are sought wherever possible?

Are parents encouraged to provide healthier choices for birthday celebrations?

Are celebration foods considered in the context of the Eat Well Plate?

School Events:

During school events how does the school encourage parents and carers to consider the food policy in the range of refreshments they provide?

Are outside visitors made aware of the policy and ethos of the school towards healthy eating before planning their sessions?


How is healthy eating taught in the curriculum?

What links have been made with other curriculum areas?

Do you have a curriculum map for food and nutrition?

How are outside agencies used to support healthy eating activities?

Include details of extra curricular activities e.g. after school cookery clubs, gardening club?

Communication with Pupils or Parents:

How are parents kept up to date on food issues within school?

Are menus sent home to parents on a regular basis?

Are Parents given regular information about healthy eating and if so how?

Are parents provided with opportunities to learn about healthy eating and if so how?

Are parents clear about policies relating to packed lunches and food brought into school?

Action Planning:

When will you review your policy?

What is the review date?.

How frequent will the policy be reviewed?

Who will be involved in the review?

Do you have any key priorities around food that you will be working towards this year? (optional)

Links with any other policies

E.g. This policy can be read alongside Behaviour and rewards, anti bullying – FSM, equal opportunities and inclusion, physical activity, sustainability, health and safety, PSHE.

Optional (these can be included if they are relevant to your school)


Food Wastage

How does the school monitor food wastage


Include details of any sponsorship received in school from food related industries. How is this managed?

Is it in line with the food policy?


Finish with a signature from senior leadership and a governor representative and a date.


Policy approved by: _________________

_________________ Date: __________________

Policy review date: _________________