Statement of Purpose
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust – Provider RT5
Who we are
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT) was established in 2002 to provide services to a large and diverse population in terms of ethnic origin, affluence and deprivation and where people live - in the inner city, market towns and rural locations across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
In April 2011, the Trust merged its existing services with local community services previously hosted by local Primary Care Trusts. The merger resulted in a number of benefits to improve the health and wellbeing of our local communities for patients, including the full integration of physical, mental health, community health and learning disability services and an enhanced range of local services. As well as caring for people who are ill or injured, we also support people to stay well and prevent future problems.
People are referred to our services by other providers for example GP’s. We deliver services from many different locations including: community hospitals; specialist mental health inpatient units; longer term recovery units; outpatient clinics; day services; GP surgeries; children’s centres; schools; health centres; prisons; in people's own homes.
LPT is also a teaching trust, conducting research and providing training and education for medical, psychology, nursing and therapy students. We work in partnership with a range of educational establishments to deliver effective pre and post-registration education and learning opportunities.
Our aim and objectives
Our vision statement is ‘To improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland by providing high quality, integrated physical and mental health care pathways’
The Trust’s key values as determined by staff vote in 2014 are as follows:
The table below presents a summary of our 2016-21 strategic objectives:
The regulated activities we provide in our services are:
· Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
· Accommodation for persons who require treatment for substance misuse
· Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
· Assessment of medical treatment for persons detained under the Mental Health Act 1983
· Diagnostic & screening procedures
· Surgical Procedures
· Family Planning
These regulated activities are provided under the following service types:
· Community-based services for people with mental health needs (abbreviated as MHC)
These services provide care, treatment and support in the community for people with mental health needs, through a wide range of service models. Care is provided by a broad range of health professionals mainly working in multi-disciplinary teams.
The aim is to help people to recover by providing a wide range of care options reflecting the psychological, social and physical needs of the individual. People using these services may receive support over a long period of time or for a short-time. They may move between the various community teams to ensure that their changing needs are met, or be in contact with them simultaneously. This may include providing care, treatment and support to people subject to supervised community treatment under the Mental Health Act 1983.
· Hospital services for people with mental health needs, and/or learning disabilities, and/or problems with substance misuse (abbreviated as MLS)
These services are for people with mental health needs or learning disabilities, who are admitted to hospital, involving an overnight stay, for assessment or treatment when there is a need for more intensive support than would typically be provided in the community, or a need for a specialist assessment or intervention. These services also cover inpatient treatment for people with problems with substance misuse. Some people with mental health needs or a learning disability may require longer-term accommodation in hospital, while others may be admitted for short periods or treated on a day case basis.
· Community-based services for people with a learning disability (abbreviated as LDC)
These services provide care, treatment and support in the community for people with a learning disability through a wide range of service models. They help people to live as independently as possible, manage their condition and improve it where this is possible.
· Rehabilitation Services (abbreviated as RHS)
These services provide, as their sole or main purpose, treatment to people following an illness or injury that impairs their physical, mental or cognitive wellbeing, but for which continued rehabilitative care is likely to bring about improvement.
They may consist of a range of services that promote faster recovery from illness, prevent unnecessary admission to acute services, support timely discharge and maximise independent living. The services can be provided on a short or long-term basis, in hospital, residential, day care or in the home settings.
· Community-based services for people who misuse substances (abbreviated as SMC)
These services are provided in the community for people who misuse drugs and/or alcohol. They provide care, treatment and support, both pharmacological and psychosocial, and help with social and other needs so that people can reintegrate into their communities.
· Acute Services (abbreviated as ACS)
These services are complex and vary greatly. Generally, however, they provide medical and/or surgical investigations, diagnosis and treatment for physical illness or condition, injury or disease.
They can provide services to adults, children or both. They may provide services to a broad range of people or to a particular group of people.
· Hospice Services (abbreviated as HPS)
These provide a range of services for conditions where curative treatment is no longer an option, and people are approaching the end of their life. They provide care, treatment and support for people and their families and carers, including respite care for people who live with friends or family at home. Care, treatment and support can be provided in accommodation or in the community. It can be long or short term care, on an inpatient basis or provided through day care, day therapy or outreach services.
· Long-term Conditions Services (abbreviated as LTC)
These services provide a range of care, treatment and support to people with physical or neurological illnesses, cognitive impairments or injuries that are unlikely to improve. These conditions may have been inherited or acquired, and may not necessarily be life-limiting. This care, treatment and support is the sole or main purpose of the service.
· Community Healthcare Service (abbreviated as CHC)
These services supply a range of healthcare staff other than doctors, for example nurses or allied health professionals, to people who need healthcare support in their own home, in community settings or in child development units.
· Prison healthcare services (abbreviated as PHS)
These services provide healthcare services to people in a prison usually in a health care centre. The services provided can vary dependant on their individual needs and can include care, treatment and support for people with mental health needs through multi-disciplinary in-reach teams. Services provided can also include substance misuse treatment and rehabilitation services for people who misuse drugs and/or alcohol and can include counselling, assessment, referral and advice.
· Urgent Care Services (abbreviated as UCS)
These services generally comprise a triage service, run by doctors and nurses. They will not usually screen people whose symptoms require immediate, very urgent or emergency care. Instead, they screen standard cases where time is not of the essence, and where possible refer these for immediate consultation with an on-site primary care provider.
Business Name & Address of Registered Provider and address for service of documents
Dr Peter Miller (Chief Executive Officer)
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
Bridge Park Plaza
Bridge Park Road
Telephone: 0116 225 2525
Legal Status of the service provider: We are a NHS Trust organisation pending Foundation Trust status.
Trust Locations
A location is the place where the trust provides regulated activities. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust provides these activities in hospitals and in a variety of community-based settings.
The Trust has 19 registered locations where regulated activities are delivered from. There are a number of care settings within each location. The care settings are listed under each location.
The 19 locations are listed below:
1. HQ Bridge Park Plaza(NHS code RT5)
Bridge Park Plaza
Bridge Park Road
Telephone: 0116 225 2525
Name of Care Setting under HQ Bridge Park Plaza (RT5) / Care Setting Address / Care Setting Telephone NumberAdult Education Centre
City IAPS / 2 Wellington St, Leicester LE1 6HL / 0116 225 6000
Asfordby Surgery
Podiatry / Regent Road, Asfordby
Ashfield Special School
Nutrition & Dietetics
Ashmount Special School
Nutrition & Dietetics
Barrow on Soar Health Centre
SALT & Podiatry, Continence
Barwell Surgery
MSK Therapy / Jersey Way, Barwell, Leicestershire, LE9 8HR
Bassett Street, South Wigston
(South Leicester LD Community Team) / Bassett Street, South Wigston, Leicester, LE18 4PE / 0116 278 7111
Beaumont Leys Health Centre
Podiatry, District Nursing & Continence Children’s SALT, School Nurse Services, Child Protection Services, Paediatric Clinic, Macmillan Service, Homeless & Asylum Seekers Specialist health visitors team, Primary Care coordinators / 1 Little Wood Close, Leicester LE4 0UZ / 0116 295 8700
Beaumont Leys Sure Start
North West health visiting team, Nutrition & Dietetics / 20 Home Farm Walk, Beaumont Leys, Leicester, LE4 0RW / 0116 295 4550
Belgrave Health Centre,
MSK Therapy, SALT, Podiatry, Continence service, Community Nursing (adults) / 52 Brandon Street, Leicester, LE4 6AW
Belgrave Children’s Centre,
SALT & Health visiting
Podiatry, Continence & Community Nursing (adults) / Cossington Street, Leicester LE4 6JD / 0116 291 4604
Bewcastle Grove Children’s Centre
Health visiting team / Leicester, LE4 2JY / 0116 221 1199
Bilesdon Surgery
Health Visiting Team / 4 Market Place, Bilesdon, LE7 9AJ / 0116 259 6206
Birchwood Special School
Health visiting team,
Nutrition & Dietetics / Melton Area, Special School, Grange Drive, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 1HA / 01664 483349
Birkett House
School nursing
Nutrition & Dietetics / Special School, Launceston Road, Wigston, Leicester, LE18 2FZ
Blaby & District Social Centre
Pulmonary Rehabilitation / Leicester Road, Blaby, Leicester LE8 4GQ
Bottesford Surgery
Podiatry / Walford Road
Box Tree Farm, Crisis House service, (provided by Richmond Followship) / Box Tree Farm,
5 Main Street
Leicester LE6 0GJ
Braunstone Children’s Centre
SW Leicester Health visiting team / Gallards Hill, Leicester, LE3 1QR / 0116 3737150
Braunstone Health & Social Care Centre Community Nursing (adults), SALT (Adults & Children), Audiology, Community Matrons, Heart Failure Nurses, Community therapies - Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, MSK Therapy, & Podiatry, Blaby health visiting team, County health visiting team, CMHT, Nutrition & Dietetics, Continence, Heart Failure Nurses / Hockley Farm Road, Braunstone, Leicester, LE3 1HN
Bridge Street Medical Practice
MSK Therapy / 20 Bridge Street, Loughborough, LE11 1NQ
Bridge Park Plaza
Children’s/young people Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy services
Community Paediatric services (base)
Diana Services and Specialist Children’s services (base)
Community nursing services (adults) (base)
Learning Disability services (base) (for families, young people and children)
Health & Wellbeing services (base) (for families, young people and children)
Looked after Children Services (base)
Paediatric Psychology Services (base)
School Nursing and Health visiting service (base) / Bridge Park Road, Thurmaston, Leicester, LE4 8PQ / 0116 295 2495
0116 2955094
Diana 0116 295 5080
0116 225 5633
Broughton Astley Orchard Practice
Health visiting team / Orchard Road
Broughton Astley / 01455 284 229
Bushloe End Surgery
Nutrition & Dietetics
Castle Donnington CC
Health Visiting / 01530 468602
Castle Donnington Surgery
Community nursing (adults) / 53 Borough Road, Castle Donnington, Derbys, De74 2LB
Cedars Centre
South Leicestershire CMHT – MHSOP,
South Leicestershire CMHT – AMH / Cedar Avenue, South Wigston, Leicestershire LE18 2LA / 0116 225 5700
Charnwood Mill
Community Nursing (adults),
Macmillan Specialist Palliative Care Services:
Hospice at Home, Marie Curie, Macmillan Nurses
Specialist Nurses and long term condition teams; Heart Failure Services, Pulmonary Rehab Services/Oxygen Services Community Matrons, Tissue viability service HQ / Sileby Road, Barrow Upon Soar, LE12 8HR / Palliative Care Service 01509 410390/ 395
Clarendon Park Surgery
Physiotherapy, MSK Therapy / 296 Clarendon Park Road, Leicester, LE2 3AG
Coalville Health Centre
SALT & Audiology, Community Nursing (adults), Continence, Macmillan Services, Podiatry
NW Leicester, LD Community Team / Comet Way, Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 5FS / 01530 468590
01530 834 422
Coalville Labour Club
Pulmonary Rehabilitation / Bridge Road, Coalville, Leics. LE67 3PW
Countesthorpe Health Centre
Community Nursing (adults),
Blaby District Health visiting team
Nutrition & Dietetics / Central St, Countesthorpe, Leicester, LE8 5QJ / 0116 277 6336
0116 278 4622
Croft MC Oadby
Health visiting team / 2 Glen Road, Oadby, Leicester LE2 4PE / 0116 271 8185
Desford CC
Health visiting / 0116 305 5216
Desford Surgery
Podiatry, MSK Therapy / 13 Cottage Lane Desford
Eyres Monsell & Gilmorton Children’s Centre
Family nursing & South Leicester Health Visiting Team / Hillsborough Road, Leicester, LE2 9PT / 0116 225 2200
Fairmead Sure Start Children’s & Community Centre
Health visiting team / 64 Drummond Walk, Melton Mowbray, Leicester, LE13 1JF / 01664 502345
Farm Lodge
Liaison Psychiatry Services, / Farm Lodge, Farm Drive, Leicester LE3 9QF / 0116 2256879
Field Street Surgery
SALT, MSK Therapy / Field Street, Shepshed, Leicestershire, LE12 9AL
Forest Grange
Leicestershire Adult Eating Disorders Service / The Bennion centre, Glenfield Hospital, Groby Road, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE3 9DZ
Forest House Surgery
Nutrition & Dietetics, Continence
Forestway Special School
Nutrition & Dietetics
George Ward Centre
Pulmonary Rehab clinic / Church Lane, Barwell, Leics. LE9 8DJ
Glenfield Hospital
Heart Failure Nurses, Home Oxygen Nurses,
Younger Persons Memory Clinic / Glenfield Hospital, Groby Road Leicester / 0116 2502973
0116 258 4077
Greencroft Annexe Stoney Station,
School nursing / 01455 271655
Groby Community College
Podiatry / 19 Ratby Road, Groby, LE6 0AA / 0116 287 9921
Groby School
School nursing / 0116 231 2205
Guthlaxton Clinic
SALT & School nursing / Station Road, Wigston, Leicester, LE18 2DS / 0116 288 1611
Hawthorn Centre
(NW Leicestershire CMHT) / Coalville Hospital, Broom Leys Road, Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 4DE / 01530 453800
Highfields Sure Start Centre
Central Leicester Health Visiting Team / Barnard Close, Leicester, LE2 0UZ / 0116 294 6200