White House Primary School Annual Report


Expected National Curriculum Level

of the average child by the end of each year.

Year group / Expected level
Year 1 / 1a-2c
Year 2 / 2b-2a
Year 3 / 2a-3c
Year 4 / 3b-3a
Year 5 / 3a-4c
Year 6 / 4b-4a

Within the child’s year group level, the direction of progression would

be from ‘c’ through to ‘a’.

For example, a Year 1 child will progress from a 1c to a 1b, to a 1a and then on to a 2c.

Literacy / Level
Speaking and Listening
Maths / Level
Using and Applying Maths
Number and Algebra
Shape, Space and Measures
Handling Data
Scientific Enquiry
Oliver enjoys science and can suggest ideas for setting up an investigation to answer a question. He understands the principle of a fair test and, with support, can set up such an investigation. Oliver is able to record and compare his observations in addition to using scientific language to express what he has found out. Oliver now needs to think about developing a conclusions from the results he has gathered and consider what implications this has on everyday life.
Life Processes and Living Things
Oliver has a very good understanding of the conditions that plants need in order to survive and grow healthily. He is able to describe the effects that different conditions have on plant growth.
More recently, he has been interested in learning about how to keep teeth healthy and has produced a lovely leaflet on how to look after your teeth.
Materials and their Properties
Oliver can use what he already knows about materials to explain different ways of sorting them into property groups. He is able to explain why some materials are particularly suitable for specific purposes.
He enjoyed investigating forces by using magnets and can use appropriate scientific vocabulary when describing his observations
Physical Processes


Working towards / Achieved / Consistently achieved
I can use the Internet/CD ROM to find info I need.
I can create, develop, improve and present my work to others using text, images, sound, video clips, multimedia emails, blogs.
I can plan and develop sequences of instructions (multiple instructions, not one by one) to control a floor turtle or object on screen to achieve a specific outcome. I can describe the effects of the instructions.
I can create and enter formulae into a spreadsheet to solve a mathematical problem.


Working towards / Achieved / Consistently achieved
I know that the past can be divided into different periods of time.
I show knowledge and understanding of some of the main events, people and changes studied.
I can identify some of the different ways the past is represented.
I am beginning to use dates, terms and historical vocabulary to describe periods and events.


Working towards / Achieved / Consistently achieved
I can use atlases and globes.
I know that different places have similar and different characteristics
I can describe and compare the physical and human features of different localities.
I know how people seek to improve and sustain environments

Religious Education

Working towards / Achieved / Consistently achieved
I can use a developing religious vocabulary to describe some key features of religions, recognising similarities and differences. / ü
I can make links between beliefs and sources, including religious stories and sacred texts. / ü
I can ask important questions about religions and beliefs, making links between their own and others’ responses. / ü
I can make links between values and commitment, and their own attitudes and behaviour. / ü


Working towards / Achieved / Consistently achieved
I can explore ideas and collect visual and other information for my work. / ü
I can investigate visual and tactile qualities in materials and processes. / ü
I can design and make artefacts for different purposes. / ü
I can adapt and improve my work. / ü

Design and Technology

Working towards / Achieved / Consistently achieved
Detailed labels of their designs, sketches or models. / ü
Cut and shape materials accurately. / ü
Assemble, combine and join components. / ü
Make improvements on their evaluations. / ü


Working towards / Achieved / Consistently achieved
I can discuss some of the bodily and emotional changes at puberty and can demonstrate ways of dealing with these in a positive way.
I can describe the nature and consequences of bullying and can express ways of responding to it.
I can make judgments and decisions and can list ways of resisting peer pressure around issues affecting their health and well-being.
I can describe some of different beliefs and values in society and can demonstrate respect and tolerance towards people different from themselves


Working towards / Achieved / Consistently achieved
Sing in tune with expression.
Perform rhythmically simple parts using limited range of notes.
Improvise patterns, combine several layers of sound.
Comment on intended effect of own work


Working towards / Achieved / Consistently achieved
I can understand simple classroom commands
I can respond with single words or short phrases to what I see and hear.
I understand single words presented in clear script in a familiar context.
I can label items and select appropriate words to complete short phrases or sentences

Physical Education

Working towards / Achieved / Consistently achieved
I can select and use skills, actions and ideas appropriately, applying them with control and coordination.
I can show I understand tactics and composition by starting to vary how I respond.
I can use this understanding to improve my performance.
I can give reasons why warming up before an activity is important
General Comments
Head Teacher’s Comments
Number of session attended since last September
Total possible sessions since last September
Percent attendance
Number of unauthorised absences
Teacher ______Head ______
Return slip
You are invited to make an appointment with the class teacher if you wish.
Please make a comment about your child’s report in the space below and return to the class teacher.

White House Primary School 2