Last revised: May 12, 2005
e-QIP Information for Industry
What is e-QIP?
The Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP) will replace the Electronic Personnel Security Questionnaire (EPSQ), previously used within DoD as the automated request for personnel security investigations and clearances.
E-QIP is a secure website that will eventually contain all PSI forms, including the SF-86, SF-85P, and the SF 85. Within the Department of Defense (DoD), the Facility Security Officer (FSO) at a cleared facility will initiate the request through the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) that will permit the employee to access the site and complete the personnel security questionnaire on line.
How does an FSO access e-QIP?
e-QIP can only be accessed through the JPAS. Therefore, if you are a cleared facility and are not a JPAS user, you should sign up for JPAS as soon as possible. A JPAS user must have a JCAVS user level 2 through 6 in order to initiate a clearance/investigation request. See the JPAS web site for further information on user levels,
How does the process work?
The FSO will initiate the clearance request for their employee through JPAS. The FSO will associate the individual with their facility using their CAGE code. If the employee does not already have an eligibility that supports the required clearance level, then the FSO will initiate the clearance and investigation request. The JPAS interface with e-QIP allows for real-time initiation of this request.
If the employee is not already in the JPAS system, the FSO must establish the person profile before the employee can access the system and complete the e-QIP questionnaire. When the applicant completes the questionnaire, the request will be automatically routed to the Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO) where it will be reviewed for an interim clearance determination and opening of the investigation. The applicant must also be sure to print and complete the Release form and give it to his FSO for mailing to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
The FSO may “track” the status of the request by reading JPAS notifications that are provided when DISCO reviews the request and accepts it and forwards the investigation request, or if DISCO requires additional information to proceed, the FSO will see a notification to that effect.
How will the FSO know if a request has been rejected by DISCO?
The FSO will receive an instant notification of the rejection and the JCAVS portion of JPAS will show “Stopped” under the Investigation Summary.
How long does the employee/applicant have to complete the questionnaire?
The employee must begin completing the questionnaire within 30 days from the time the FSO initiates the process in JPAS and must complete the form within 90 days of the initiation start date.
Can the FSO view the employee’s personnel security questionnaire through JPAS?
No, the FSO cannot view the employee’s questionnaire.
How should Release Forms and Fingerprint Cards be submitted and where does the FSO send them?
Fingerprint cards and Release forms must be mailed to the OPM, the investigative provider for the DoD. It is critical that the FSO use the release form generated during the employee’s printing of the questionnaire, as there is a code on the form that assists OPM with matching the release to the questionnaire. Fingerprint cards and releases should be mailed to:
E-QIP Rapid Response Team
Post Office Box 618
Boyers, PA 16018
What is the average processing time to process the requests for the clearance and investigation using e-QIP?
DISCO processes most requests for initial clearance applications within three to five days of receipt. This processing time includes review of the request, forwarding the request to OPM for investigative processing, and the determination to issue, or not, an interim clearance. DISCO also may stop the process because of incomplete information or because the investigation is not required. If DISCO stops the processing, the applicant will be unable to access e-QIP until the FSO makes the necessary corrections and resumes processing.
What if the FSO is unable to initiate the request after the employee has completed his/her portion of the questionnaire?
The request cannot be initiated until the FSO selects a Person Category Service Agency. For industry, that code will be DoD Contractor Companies. The FSO should also verify that all required fields have been completed before sending the request.
If JPAS reflects an eligibility code of Denied or Revoked , may the FSO submit a request for investigation?
The FSO may initiate a new request only if the eligibility date is older than 12 months (one year) from the current date. A person whose clearance is denied or revoked must wait one year before they are eligible to reapply.
If JPAS reflects an eligibility code of Action Pending , may a new request be initiated?
No. The action must first be completed or resolved. For further information, please consult with DISCO.
How does an FSO request an upgrade from SECRET to TOP SECRET after the initial request is submitted for processing?
If the applicant does not have a completed investigation to support the higher level of clearance eligibility, the FSO must initiate a new request for the higher clearance through JPAS.
If JPAS reflects an appropriate investigation to support the higher level clearance and the eligibility is active or can be reinstated, and the eligibility is at the Top Secret level, the FSO may issue access at the higher level.
If JPAS reflects an appropriate investigation to support the higher level clearance and the eligibility is active or can be reinstated, but the eligibility reflects Secret, the FSO should submit a request to upgrade the eligibility by using the Research, Recertify, and Upgrade (RRU) function in JPAS and request DISCO review to issue the Top Secret eligibility.
The FSO should remember that access should not be issued at a level higher than the Facility Clearance, even though the employee’s eligibility may support it.
What does OPAC-ALC mean on e-QIP and what code should industry use to complete this required field?
OPAC-ALC is the acronym for On Line Payment and Collection Agency Locator Code. This is information required for billing purposes. If you are an industry user, your OPAC-ALC code will always be DSS-IND.
Information on the OPM website regarding e-QIP differs from that is provided by DSS. Please explain.
Within DoD, e-QIP will be implemented differently than that in other Executive Branch agencies serviced by OPM. Therefore, as a DoD requester/user, please follow only DoD implementing guidance/procedures.