Welcome to the Myers Newsletter!

This is the first issue of the Myers newsletter that you will be receiving once a month on the upcoming events we will be having in the classroom. I am very excited to have each one of you in my sixth grade class. I will be teaching the math and social studies parts of the curriculum. I, like my fellow teachers, have great expectations for the coming year. I believe that all children can learn, and I am willing to help each child in any way I can. I have just graduated from High Point University in the spring with my Bachelor’s degree in Education K-6. I have always have had a love for children. All through my college career, I worked at the Hartley Drive YMCA in their after school program and their day camp program in the summer. Being young and fresh out of school, I believe I have a good understanding of how it is to be a kid in today’s world. I am available to you and your children if you need to discuss a matter or anything at anytime.

First, let me discuss what each child will need to have prior to coming to class on the first day. If you need financial assistance, we can help provide for your child. Each child will need two 3 ring notebooks 1” wide, journal, and pencils. Please bring no pens. If a pen is needed, it will be provided. Every child needs to also have highlighters, wide rule notebook paper, and colored pencils. At the beginning of the year, you will have a chance for your child to buy a calculator. If you buy one earlier just make sure it does the four main steps of adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying.

In social studies to begin the year, we will be learning about Brazil which is in South America. The first main project will be conducting research on the culture of Brazil and making a comparison of Brazil and our hometown. The majority of the research and the assignment will be done in class in our computer lab. By doing this, the students will be able to relate to the culture of Brazil and realize that there are different ways in which people live. If time permits, I would be interested in possibly having a Brazil culture day in which the children would attempt to dress in native Brazilian clothing, we would attempt to make Brazilian food, and also after the unit on Brazil is complete each of the students will present the information they have learned in the class to show their understanding.

In math we will start the year off with graphs. This will help reinforce information we will learn about Brazil, and we will use bar graphs to compare information of Brazil and other countries around the world. Also with graphing, we will learn a variety of different styles such as bars, line, pie, and leaf plotting. Throughout the lessons, the children will have the opportunity to go to www.schoolisland.com and be able to take practice test to get a better understanding of how they are doing on a particular topic. The password and username will be provided at a later time.

I am extremely excited about the year. We have to come I believe that the children will have a lot of fun while being able to learn in a new exciting way. Audio visual is a hobby of mine so a lot of times I will have presentations for the children to get a better grasp of information that we will be discussing. I look forward to getting to know you and your child and our working together as a team this year.


Charles Myers