Welcome To The Kingdom Of God
Understanding The Principle of Giving
The General Principle.
Please read: - Proverbs Chapter 11.
Jesus said to His disciples in Matthew 10v8, "Freely you have received, freely give."
Paul's exhortation to the church in Romans 12v1 reads, "Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship."
We are called to give God praise and worship and to give Him our lives. In fact, the Bible is full of exhortations towards giving to God. This is, of course, as we have seen in earlier studies, not one-sided. We are giving God our hearts - hearts that are full of gratitude for His wonderful Gift of Salvation and everything that He has bestowed upon us.
Jesus said in Luke 6v38, "Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
Whatever we give in respect to God and His Kingdom, we can be sure that we will also receive a good measure.
God is a giver (John 3v16), "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
Mark 10v45, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many."
Jesus gave the greatest gift of all - the gift of His life for us.
Jesus gave everything in order to give us all things. He also receives something back in return for His giving. He receives His church (men & women who have been saved by His power). He takes great delight in His Church and only wants the best for it.
The principle of giving then is simply that in giving, we will receive. The measure that we are prepared to give, is the measure that we will receive back. In fact, Jesus tells us in Luke 6v38 (already quoted) that we can actually receive such an abundant supply that it will be 'running over'.
All giving is voluntary, but it is our attitude in the giving that counts. If our attitude is one that wants to hold on and hold back, then we will probably find that the principle of giving never really comes to life in our experience. On the other hand, if we adopt the scriptural exhortation to 'Freely give', we shall find God's abundance.
Proverbs 11v24-25: "One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
As you study the principles of giving, determine in your heart that you will be the generous man or woman who will prosper, 'one who gives freely will gain even more'.
The God Who has done so much for you has plans to prosper you and not to harm you.
Understanding The Principle of Giving
The Giving of Time.
Please read: - Romans 13.
Time is important. "Time waits for no man" is the old saying. Another favorite saying, particularly with those who are at the senior age level, is that time seems to pass by so quickly. The older we get, the quicker time seems to pass and the more conscious we become of the little time that we have left upon this earth. It is important what we do with our time. In the business world, attention is given the best use of time in order that the business makes a profit. Time management courses are very popular. We have certain times allocated for work, time with our families, social time, time for relaxing, and times when we gather together as a church or in our cell groups. All this has to be balanced so that we use our time to the best advantage. There are also demands on our time - occasions for sacrifice when we are called to give some extra time in helping someone else. It may be someone for whom are praying and trying to influence for Christ. It may be the need for visiting a new convert or taking part in some evangelistic event that the church has planned. We need to be flexible and sensible. We need to realize that whether we are at work, home, or church, we are serving the Lord and living for Him. We do not suddenly start to serve the Lord when we leave our place of work at the end of our working day. We serve the Lord throughout the day by giving our employer a good day's work. We must be conscious that we don't waste time as this would spoil our testimony.
As in any organization, the church needs workers. It needs those who will give time to help in all kinds of ways. Some people have to be at the main meeting half an hour early to make sure that the doors are open and that everything else is ready. This demands time. There are many jobs to do which call on our time and if we didn't have people who were prepared to give extra time, many things would soon be in a turmoil.
Ephesians 5v16 speaks of 'redeeming time' or 'making the most of every opportunity' because the days are evil.
In John2v4, Jesus says to Mary, His mother, "my time has not yet come." It seems that at the wedding in Cana, Jesus was faced with a decision and He was listening to the voice of the Father as to whether or not it was the right time for Him to begin His miracles. It seems that Jesus heard the Father because He changed the water into wine. In Galatians 4v4 it says, "Because when the time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law that we might receive full rights as sons."
Jesus came to earth in the specific timing of God. Everything about His life and ministry was in the timing of God. If we want to cultivate a relationship with the Lord, we have to give Him time. Yet in giving our time to seek the Lord or to serve Him, He once again will bless us abundantly.
Understanding The Principle of Giving
Giving Your Testimony.
Please read: - John 4v1-39.
One of the greatest ways of influencing non-Christians is to share or give them our testimony - to tell them what the Lord Jesus has done for you. There may be many times when people ask you questions about the Bible which you cannot answer at that moment, but what they cannot argue with is the fact that you have a personal testimony.
Usually the hardest part about witnessing for Christ is getting started, but once started, you must remember certain practical things that will help you in giving your testimony.
· Be positive
Tell people what Christ has done for you. Don't run through a long list of what you don't do, but rather emphasize what you have discovered is the real purpose to life. When listening to someone giving their testimony, people are often thinking they could never be like that or that they could never live up to certain standards. One day, a young lady started college and on the first day decided that she would stand up in the college canteen and declare to everyone that she was a Christian. In so doing, she went through a long list of all the things that she didn't do. The sad fact was that she didn't influence anyone for Christ. Jesus said that we could enjoy an abundant life (John 10v10).
· Be positive
· Don't use language that the non-believer doesn't understand. Refrain from using words; such as, salvation, redemption, sanctification, justification, conviction. Many of these words are familiar to us but not the unbeliever. Use words that people understand
· Don't get sidetracked
Often people will ask questions, but where we need to be careful is that we don't get sidetracked or thrown off the point that we are trying to make. Questions need to be answered. Keep pointing people to the fact that Jesus died for them and that He can do something in their lives if they will allow Him.
A favorite question is, 'What abut the pygmies in Africa who have never heard the gospel?' The answer is that God will judge everyone according to what they have understood. God has left His witness in nature, in the heavens, and in people's hearts. There is something in everyone that longs to worship and there is an emptiness in those who do no know Christ. In addition, I would say to the person that the pygmies may not have heard what Christ can do, but I want to tell you what He can do for you.
· You are a witness (Acts 1v8)
A witness is someone who relates the facts - one who know Christ and wants others to know Him too. A witness is one who tells forth what they know to be the truth.
· Be confident and humble
You are telling the truth about God's free favor (grace). None of us deserved grace, so we must keep humble. No one wants to hear from a person who thinks they are better than others. Remember that you are witnessing about a person (Jesus). He is the One whom they must meet and turn to. The Holy Spirit is the only One who can actually bring them to Christ and cause them to see their need. A witness is not responsible for the result, God is!
Please consider: - Don't be afraid of sharing your testimony with others because that is probably the way that you were influenced when you came to Christ. Ask God to give you some opportunities. May you know the joy of seeing friends and family members coming to know Christ.
Understanding The Principle of Giving
The Giving of Encouragement.
Please read: - Acts 11v19-30.
From time to time everyone needs encouragement. It costs you nothing to encourage someone, yet it can be priceless to the one who receives it and a blessing to the one who gives it. In the
Book of Acts, we are introduced to a man named Barnabas (Acts 4v36). His name means 'son of encouragement'. In Acts 11v24, he is described as a good man, full of the Holy Ghost and of Faith, and as a result many were added to the Lord. Barnabas was a good man to be with because he was an encourager. Giving encouragement is like refreshment - it urges people on and inspires them to greater things.
In Deuteronomy 1v38 (Joshua was to take the children of Israel into the promised land) it says, "Encourage him because he will lead Israel to inherit it." Even leaders need encouragement and Joshua was to be no exception. Words of encouragement 'go a long way."
When Paul wrote his letter to Philemon in Chapter 1v7, he says, "Your love has given me great joy and encouragement because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints."
There are various ways that we can give encouragement to one another. As we have mentioned, words are a great encouragement and cost us nothing. We have noted in previous studies that we all have a contribution to make and a ministry within the church (Body of Christ). A few kind words of encouragement in that ministry will always be appreciated.
We also need to think in practical terms of blessing one another. If our hearts are open to the Holy Spirit, there will be times when we are moved to give someone a gift that may just meet their need. This is an encouragement to their faith and once again, it lets people know that they are appreciated.
Birthdays and Christmas are opportune times to show appreciation. Think of those who are ministering to you all the year round. Why not bless you home cell leader with a present at Christmas? These are people who use their telephone and seek to encourage you in all kinds of ways. Do something that will let them know you appreciate and support them in the work that they are doing for the Lord.
Another way to encourage is to send a note or a letter of appreciation. I stood back in the chapel of Strangeways' prison (Manchester) some years ago after having ministered to some 400 prisoners. I shook hands with many of the men as they left the chapel and many thanked me profusely for taking the time to travel and minister to them. It is a sad thing to say, but they encouraged me more than many of God's people. I remember when Val, the boys, and myself were coming home from the National Conference. We were wondering what we could have for dinner on the next day (Sunday) as we hadn't done any shopping. A neighbor came round as we arrived home with a tray full of prepared food for our meal. She said, "A lady in your church has brought this round earlier and asked me to pass it on to you." What an encouragement! What a wonderful testimony for that neighbor!
Last year, a church blessed its senior elder and his wife by sending them to South Africa to see their son and his family who teach at the African School of Missions. A few hundred people paying a few pounds each can soon pay airfares. They returned to find a huge hamper of food waiting for them. Again, people had given. The elder's wife testified in the following Sunday morning meeting, thanking everyone for showing their love in such a practical way. They were encouraged!
Please consider: - Be an encourager. The principle of God's Kingdom holds fast. Whatever we sow, we shall reap. If you sow encouragement, you will reap it.
Understanding The Principle of Giving
Giving Tithes and Offerings.
Please read: - Malachi 3.
Money has a great spiritual significance and Jesus had a lot to say about it. Read Matthew 6v19-24. We are taught not to store up treasures on earth, but rather in heaven, and Jesus said, "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." It is important to understand what Jesus was saying; not that it is wrong to have money or to be rich, but rather the issue is whether Jesus or money is Lord of our lives.