0 Lakewood Elementary
Kindergarten Newsletter
October 17th-21st, 2016
Important Dates
October 27th- Report Cards go home
November 11th- Student Holiday (Veteran’s Day)
November 21st – 25th- Thanksgiving Holiday
At Home Practice
Mon.– Help your child learn their phone number and home address.
Tues.- Talk to your child about the characteristics of a good citizen (responsible, kind, hard-working, respectful, etc.)
Wed.- Practice counting objects in your environment with your child (Ex: How many carrots are on your plate? How many pets do we have?)
Thurs.- Practice reading and writing the following sight words: I, a, like, and, the, my, to, can, is, look, see, me, we, in, it.
English Language Arts
Our poem for this week is “The Pumpkin Song” and we will review the following sight words: I, a, like, and, the, my, to, can, is, look, see, me. We will add the high frequency words: in, it, we. We will sequence the events in the stories There Was an Old Lady That Swallowed Some Leaves and Monster Sandwich. Our literacy center activities will include following instructions to draw a pumpkin, and rainbow writing our names.
We will work on the proper formation of the letters “Vv” and “Ww”. Our focus in writing will be to write sentences that tell a story, then putting those sentences in chronological order.
In Science we will begin our study of Force, Motion, and Energy. This week we will focus on exploring magnets and how they interact with various objects in our environment. Students will get to wear magnetic gloves to investigate magnetic and non-magnetic objects in the classroom!
Social Studies
In Social Studies we will learn about where we live by reading the books A House is a House for Me and Me on the Map. We will discuss being a good citizen after reading the story Spookly the Square Pumpkin.
We will finish up our unit on Numbers to 10 and take our assessment to show what we’ve learned! For our math stations we will have fun with number puzzles and games that build our number sense, such as “Race to Fill the Cup”.
Please call if your child is absent. Children will not be released at the classroom door. Students will be dismissed to their designated areas at 3:00. School begins at 7:45. Children are Tardy after that time.
Lakewood Elementary 215-3100 www.bisd.net
Belton I.S.D. does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs, activities or employment practices. For inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies, contact: Executive Director of Human Resources, (254)215-2017, Director of Elementary Curriculum & Instruction, (254)215-2038, 616 E. 6th Ave, Belton, Texas 76513.