LAREDO, TEXAS 78043-3346

PHONE: (956)718-4091 FAX: (956)718-4052



MARCH 30, 2006

The Webb County Appraisal District Board of Directors convened for a called meeting on District business on Thursday, March 30, 2006 at the Webb County Appraisal District Board Room located at 3302 Clark Boulevard, Laredo, Texas.

Chairman Juan Antonio Molina, Jr. called the meeting to order at 6:18 p.m. Present were Mr. Juan Antonio Molina, Jr., Commissioner Jerry Garza, Miss Pat Campos and Council Member Hector “Tito” Garcia. Absent were Mr. Jose A. Valdez and Miss Patricia Barrera. A quorum was established.

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Chairman Garza.

Mr. Sergio Delgado, Chief Appraiser proceeded to recognize District staff members present. They were Martin Villarreal, Roberto Valdez, and Ravinder Rawat. Also in attendance were Juan J. Cruz, Board Attorney, Monica Madrigal representing United ISD, Elizabeth Martinez representing the City of Laredo, Rudy Sanchez representing Laredo ISD and several staff members of the Webb County Appraisal District.


ITEM #1 Administer Oath of Office to Board Member, Hector “Tito” Garcia. Mr. Delgado stated, for the record, that Council Member Garcia had previously been sworn onto the Board of Directors of the Appraisal District and that all required documentation had been filed accordingly.


ITEM #1 Report from the Taxpayers Liaison Officer. Mr. Delgado established that Mrs. Norma P. Vargas had previously notified the District she had answered all calls and inquiries, had directed matters to the appropriate staff members and had nothing pending. She also asked the Board to recognize a Supervisor, Janie Bautista, for a job well done on one of the matters referred for assistance. He stated she had nothing else to report.

Secretary Campos asked if staff assist property owners with the completion of a protest form. She had been asked the question in light of the availability of arbitration. Mr. Delgado responded that staffs do assist property owners when requested with completing protest forms, but the actual reasons for the protest must be established by the property owner. Mr. Delgado stated what protest items qualify for arbitration and which ones do not. He ensured that providing information about arbitration can be made available.

ITEM #2 Report from the Chief Appraiser. Mr. Delgado asked the Board members to turn to that agenda tab in their binder. On pages 2 he covered a letter from County Elections Office on use of WCAD facility. On page 3, he established working with UISD officials on a multi-year supplement reporting to the State Comptroller. On page 4, Mr. Delgado addressed the upcoming Appraisal Review Board member training seminar on Tuesday, April 18th. On page 5, he covered ARB hearing summary report though March 23rd. On page 6, he identified a required publication of the 2006 Low Income Housing Capitalization Rate. On page 7 thru 11, he established that new equipment procedures are communicated to staff. On pages 12 thru 14, he revealed ongoing program to question multiple improvement exemption claims, exemption eligibility, and tax deferral benefits. On pages 12 thru 16, he established that all employees were required to re-read the District Policy before it is reviewed for change. On pages 17 and 18, Mr. Delgado identified new postal and mileage rates of the federal government. Finally, on pages 19 through 35, he established a variety of articles and informational memos for the Board’s reference. Council Members asked if these items could go out earlier. Mr. Delgado responded that the District was working on that process. Chairman Molina established that there were no further questions.

ITEM #3 Report on 2005 Comptroller’s Property Value Study. Mr. Delgado provided background information about the State Comptroller Property Value Study and its affects on school funding. He referred to the study findings for each school district and the county’s overall valuation. He established that Laredo ISD was below the margin of error and its affects on its school district funding. He revealed that Laredo ISD had been placed on a valuation probation grace period for 2006 and the Appraisal District was required to address the low market value findings in their 2006 appraisal studies or LISD would begin losing state funding after next year. Mr. Delgado added that local property owners believe appraisal district values are too high, while the State believes the values are not high enough. He stressed that the Appraisal District does not create the local market valuations; it only reflects the local market conditions. He added that the State believes that the Appraisal District is not reflecting the market and should be closer to market. He restated that for 2006, the Appraisal District would have to analyze sales data and adjust its property evaluations. He went into detail to establish where the areas of concern were located and addressed the value segments that must be revalued. He revealed that Laredo ISD was appealing the State study and the Appraisal District was assisting in that process Mr. Delgado again establish the lack of sales information to better establish market value and the absence of sales disclosure legislation to provide Appraisal District’s with the tools to do a better job. He stated he had included some sales disclosure news articles on pages 6 through 8. Chairman Molina asked for questions and there were none.

ITEM #4 Communications. Mr. Delgado established that each Board member had received a white binder with 2006 Appraisal District Director’s Manual and Appraisal Review Board Manual. He briefly covered the manual’s functions and importance. On pages 2 through 5, he identified the amended and approved Chief Appraiser Goals for the 2006 Year. On pages 6 through 8, Mr. Delgado revealed a response to a property owner who met with the Board under Public Comments in reference to agricultural use benefits. On page 9 and the green tab, he identified the 2005 Financial Reports through December 31, 2005 and on page 49 and the blue tab, the 2006 Financial Report through February 28, 2006. He stated that the reports were provided for reference only and that approval action would be considered at the next Board meeting.

ITEM #5 Public Comments. Mr. Delgado called for public comments. It was determined that there would be public comments. Mr. Delgado read the published procedures for addressing the Board.

Mr. Rodolfo Sanchez, Tax Assessor-Collector for Laredo ISD stated that Mr. Delgado had gone earlier into great detail on the 2005 Property Value Study results and actions to be taken to address value concerns and goals for adjustments. He stated he wanted to provide feedback on two (2) items. He stated the audit of multiple improvement exemptions should continue forward. He covered briefly how it positively impacts LISD. He also stated that the tax deferral audit project was important to LISD. He briefly addressed the district’s needs in light of benefits to senior property owners. He revealed that his office assists the Appraisal District with information regarded to qualifications, benefits, and explanation of related laws to the general public. Mr. Sanchez stated/confirmed that the State Value Appeal is in progress, they are in a grace period and is working with the Appraisal District in the appeal process. He thanked the Board for the Appraisal District’s assistance in the State Appeal and stated the Appraisal District staff has done a good job in the process. He closed by stating they will continue to work with staff on all matters.

Mr. Delgado called three (3) times for any other public comments. There were no further public comments.


ITEM #1 Approval of Board Minutes for November 22, 2005 and January 26, 2006. Motion by Vice-Chairman Garza to approve the Board minutes. Second by Secretary Campos. Motion carried.

ITEM #2 Approval of the District’s Year 2005 Financial Report, ending November 30, 2005. Motion by Vice-Chairman Garza to approve the financial reports. Second by Council Member Garcia. Motion carried.

ITEM #3 Approval of amendment to Webb County Appraisal District Board Policy for the disposal of District personal property. Motion by Secretary Campos to approve the policy amendment. Second by Council Member Garcia. Motion carried.

ITEM #4 Approval, by resolution, of the District’s Investment Policy. Motion by Council Member Garcia to approve the policy. Second by Vice-Chairman Garza. Motion carried.

ITEM #5 Approval of a list of qualified investment training institutions for educational requirements and financial institutions and dealers/brokers authorized to sell investments of/to the District. Motion by Secretary Campos to approve as presented. Second by Vice-Chairman Garza. Motion carried.

ITEM #6 Approval, by resolution, of action for the disposal of District personal property. Motion by Secretary Campos to approve as presented. Second by Vice-Chairman Garza. Motion carried. Mr. Delgado asked to clarify the motion. Chairman accepted the request and directed Mr. Delgado to clarify the motion.

The motion of approval was clarified to included:

· Retention of Vehicle Unit 2 by the District for business use as identified in the agenda documents.

· Declaration of Vehicle Units #1, #3, #4, and #5 as excess and surplus property and approved for disposal.

· Selection of Policy, Section 22.9, Disposal of Surplus Property by Conveyance to Governmental or Nonprofit Entity as the option selected for disposal.

· Conveyance of two (2) vehicles to the City of El Cenizo and two (2) vehicles to the City of Rio Bravo.

· Establishment of benefits and fair consideration in return to the Appraisal District and community as a result of the conveyance as identified in the agenda documents.

· Conveyance price is set at $250.00 per vehicle.

· Authorization for the Chief Appraiser and Board Officers to execute any and all documentation to complete this Board action.

Both Secretary Campos and Vice-Chairman Garza accepted the amendment to their motions and stated same. Council Member Garcia asked for information on the value of each vehicle and method for its calculation. Mr. Delgado read from the agenda support documentation to answer the questions. Board Attorney Juan Cruz advised that the motion should also state that the purchasing government units will pay all sales taxes, vehicle registration fees and any other fees of transfer. Both Secretary Campos and Vice-Chairman Garza accepted the amendment to the motion as advised by Board Attorney Cruz and they stated same. Chairman Molina called for the question. Motion carried


ITEM #1 Next Board Meeting date. Mr. Delgado provided the Board members with a recommendation for the next Board meeting to be at the call of the Chairman. He established that the 2006 appraisal records must be finalized, scheduled educational meetings and seminars and pending litigation as reasons for the call of the Chairman for the next meeting. Chairman Molina made that directive on consensus from the Board members.

ITEM #2 Adjourn. Motion by Secretary Campos to adjourn. Second by Vice-Chairman Garza. Motion carried.

Time: 6:48 p.m.


Juan Antonio Molina, Jr.


Pat Campos