Abstracts Kazan Medical Journal 1999 N2


Amirov N.Kh.
The KazanStateMedicalUniversity - 185 years / 81
Theoretical and Clinical Medicine
Krasilnicov D.M., Fatkullin I.F., Karpukhin J.Yu.
New laser technologies in surgery, obstetrics and gynecology / 88
Fatkullin I.F., Gabidullina R.I., Guryev E.N., Galimova I.R., Safina F.V., Shabrukova O.V.
Dependence of pyoseptic complications of cesarean section on suture material and perito-nization process. / 91
Danilov V.I.
Medicinal correction of cerebro-vascular reactivity - a necessary component of the treatment of cerebral blood circulation disorders / 94
Faizov T.T.
Experimental and clinical justification of novocainic trigemino-vagosympathetic block in the treatment of the combined craniocerebral injuty / 95
Mendelevich V.D., Mukhametzyanova D.A., Lazareva I.A.
Age peculiarity of anticipated mechanisms of neurosogenesis / 100
Shaidukova L.K., Melchikhin O.I.
Importance of predisposing factors in antochthously predo-minating type of female alcoholism / 104
Kalinin Yu.P., Yakhin K.K., Kharin G.M.
Expert estimation of mental disorders in traumas of the head / 106
Krasnozhen V.N.
Local use of augmentin in the treatment of patients with inflammatory diseases of the nose and accessory nasal sinuses / 109
Alimetov Kh. A.
Osteochondrosis of the supercervical level of vertebral column and larynx dyskinesia / 110
Khabirov R.A.
Muscular syndrome in patients with inflammatory and degenerative diseases of joints and vertebral column / 113
Grebnev P.N.
New approaches to the treatment of various cavitary formations of lungs in children / 117
Tsibulkina V.N.
Leading mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of dimephospone / 120
Khidiyatov I.I., Amirova D.Kh., Kulyapin A.V., Panferov V.O., Teitelbaum A.A.
Use of x-ray computer tomography with intraenteric contrasting for differential diagnosis of ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease / 123
Short Communications
Stepanova O.L., Makushina L.A., Zaripov M.M., Volkova M.A.
Correction of neutropenia in children by lemontar, glicin, lipoic acid, riboflavin, pyridocal phosphate and placentol / 125
Nettov G.G.
Operative procedure of eliminating chronic dislocation fractures of ossa carpi / 125
Anokhin V.A.
Current principles of clinicolaboratory diagnosis of herpetic infections / 127
Social Hygiene
Oslopov V.N.
Programs of primary and secondary prevention of the basic cardio-vascular diseases in Tatarstan Republic for 1999-2009 / 130
Organization of Health Protection
Akhunzyanov A.A.
Problems of organizing in Tatarstan Repablic the specialized to children with surgical diseases of urogenital system organs / 135
Trifonov S.V.
Medical specialists of medicine service / 140
New Methods and Rationalization Proposals
Ivanov G.K., Gradovsky S.A., Olenin V.V.
Fast methods of defining total, enzymic and "nonenzymic" fibrinolytic blood activity of disasters / 143
Medicine History
Studentsova I.A., Romanova E.B.
Vasily Nikolaevich Boldyrev, professor: the head of the pharmacology department of the KazanUniversity / 145
Bibliography and Book Reviews
Anisimov V.N. To the book: A.Kh. Davletshin, G.A. Izmailov etc. Surgery of duodenum lesions / 150
Congresses and Conferences
Latfullin I.A. The VIII Congress of Therapeutists of Russian Federation / 151
Anniversaries and Dates
Amirov Nail Khabibulovich, professor, corresponding member of the RussianAcademy of Medocal Sciences / 154
Ildar Ishakovich Kamalov, professor / 156
Amirov N. Kh., Abdullin T.A.
On the 70-th anniversary of the nonorganic chemistry department of the KazanStateMedicalUniversity / 158


A.K. Shaidukova, O.I. Melchikhin
In examination of 240 women with alcoholism the spontaneous in initiation and autochthonous in course alcoholism variant which does not depend on psychotraumatizing factors and is formed in early young age, was revealed in 70 (29,2%) of the patients. Numerous predisposing factors, hereditary and genetic, microsocial, premorbid and personal, constitutional and psychologic factors were revealed. These patients respond with difficulty to phychotherapeutic treatment, so their treatment is usually limited by the use of medicines.