17th May 2017

Dear Parents

We are re-starting the choir for Year 4, 5 & 6 boys and girls. The club will run every Tuesday between 3.30 and 4.15 pm commencing Tuesday 12 September 2017. There are 30 places available which will be allocated first to all children who attended last year, then on a first come, first served basis.

Your child should have a keen interest in music and preferably a tuneful singing voice! They will need to show commitment to our school choir by attending every week to ensure all members are familiar with the music studied. Children must also have a folder in which to keep their music and they should ensure this is in school every Tuesday.

This year, we are asking for a voluntary contribution of £20.00 for the year. This money will be used to buy music and resources and cover the cost of participating at certain performances. However, if families cannot afford this charge, then they will still be able to take part.

Occasionally we will have to rely on parents to transport children to and from some events. These parents must have fully comprehensive insurance and complete a private car form. Regulations require that if your child is below 135 cm in height you should supply a suitable booster seat to the parent transporting your child.

If your child is unable to attend the club on a particular Tuesday, please inform the school office (if they are absent from school you do not need to inform us). Please talk to your child about the behaviour we expect from them during rehearsals and when representing their school at external events. We look forward to another exciting and enjoyable term.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Hayes

Choir Co-Ordinator


I give permission for my child: ……………………………………………. to join the choir on Tuesday after school and to be transported to rehearsals by other parents.

Please tick the appropriate box or boxes below:

I enclose a donation of: £20.00 q cash q or cheque q made payable to Sacred Heart School

q My child will be collected at 4.15 pm by: ……………………………………………………

q My child has permission to go home at 4.15 pm on his/her own

Please print parent’s name: …………………………………………………………………………….

Signature of parent: ……………………………………………… Date: ……………………………

Telephone number: ……………………………………………….

q I have fully comprehensive car insurance and will be able to help transport the choir to rehearsals (please tick if appropriate).

Comments (please inform us of any other necessary information eg medical):


