Ways to Make Money Online…

By (Your Name)

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Hi there, and welcome to the second instalment in my series of free reports!

I hope that the previous report helped to highlight the huge money-making potential of an online business, and gave you the motivation to get out of the rat race and start earning money using the internet!

And if that’s what you’re thinking of doing, then you’ll probably want to know some of the ways in which you can make money from home…

Well luckily for you, that’s exactly what this report is going to cover!

So let’s take a look at them right now shall we?

In essence, there are two main ways of making money online, and they are:

· Selling your own product (vendor)

· Selling someone else’s product (affiliate)

And regardless of which route you take, you can choose to sell physical products (CDs, DVDs, etc) or digital products (e-books, software, etc)…

So let’s begin by talking about how you can go about selling YOUR OWN products online, and digital products in particular.

I’ll move onto physical products in a moment but information products are generally much easier to get a hold of and sell, and if you don’t have a great deal of experience selling products online then this is probably the best way for you to begin.

Finding Information Products to Sell

Now then, before I start to tell you where you need to look to locate the right information products for you to sell to your niche, it’s vital that you remember one crucial point:

You must always look for products that solve people’s problems…

In fact, this is the number one requirement I look for when searching for digital products that I can sell.

And why is this?

Well, we’re currently living in what I like to call a ‘microwave society’.

What I mean by this is that people today are constantly in search of speed and convenience.

If they have a problem, they want it solved, NOW!

For example, if they want to lose weight, they don’t want to do it the old fashioned way, through exercise, reducing their calorie intake and being disciplined and sensible about what they eat.

No way!

They want a quick fix and they want it now.

They want a gastric band or liposuction, but because most people can’t afford that they’ll start searching online for the next diet book that will show them how to “Lose 20 lbs in 2 Weeks!”

Similarly, if someone is in debt these days and needs to make some extra money, their first thought won’t be to take that part-time job at their local superstore…

That would mean hard work and lots of hours…

Are you kidding?!

Instead, they’ll head to their PC and sign up to the latest online stock market trading course or betting system, and hope to make $10,000 in a week!

If a teenage boy has acne, he’ll want a cure TODAY, and an e-book entitled “Acne Buster 3000” will be available online to provide the cure.

If a young woman suffers from excruciating migraines, she’ll want to find a solution as soon as possible. She’ll want to know how best to avoid them, and exactly what to do if one arrives.

Again, she’ll be able to find a multitude of products online that she can choose from that will help her solve this problem.

If you have a look online you’ll be able to find a variety of information products that aim to solve people’s pressing problems, and this is where A LOT OF MONEY can be made.

Here are just a few examples of potentially profitable e-books:

ü How to safely lose 10 lbs in 10 weeks

ü How to make a fortune from the stock market

ü How to beat the government and pay less tax

ü How to learn the Spanish language in 4 weeks

ü How to get that perfect six-pack

ü How to train your dog in 2 weeks

ü How to make big money from real estate

ü How to quit smoking TODAY!

Every single day, millions of people are using search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN to find solutions to problems like these, and they’ll pay good money to anyone who can provide the answers.

And this is where you come in!

Your job now is to find (or create) a product that does this; a product that people MUST HAVE if they want to solve that problem.

And when you do, you’ll soon find that visitors will come flocking to your website with their wallet open and their credit card out!

Now then, let me give you an example of an information product that solves a particular problem…

I want you to put yourself in the other person’s shoes here. I want you to imagine that you have the following problem and live with it everyday of your life…

Let’s say you have rheumatoid arthritis (a crippling and debilitating form of arthritis that limits your mobility and severely affects your quality of life).

You wake up every morning with intense discomfort in almost every joint. All the movements that other people take for granted are incredibly painful for you…

While searching online, you come across two books:

Book #1 - “The Definitive Guide to Rheumatoid Arthritis: Coping With Your Illness.”

Book #2 - “Relieve Your Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain In Just 15 Minutes a Day.”

Which book will you be more likely to buy?

The first book would obviously be useful in helping you to understand and deal with the problem, but the second book goes one step further by addressing the source of the problem… PAIN!

People who live with this illness have, in all likelihood, already found a way to cope with their problem, but eliminating the pain and discomfort is what they’re really after.

Consequently, the second book has addressed a problem (pain) that exists within this particular niche (rheumatoid arthritis), and is attempting to solve it (relieve your rheumatoid arthritis pain in just 15 minutes a day).

For anyone who suffers from this condition (and there are millions), such a book would be an absolute god-send.

If you think in these terms to begin with - and try to solve people’s problems through information products - then you will start to make money.

So why do I value information products so highly?

Well, there a 3 main reasons for this:

1) They are VERY EASY to get hold of…

As you’ll find out in a moment, information products that you can sell online are everywhere, and it doesn’t take much effort to get your hands on one.

In fact, in no more than an hour, I could find a product online, re-brand it, and start selling it as my own! And you can’t do this with physical products.

2) They are VERY CHEAP to deliver to the customers…

Due to the nature of a digital product, there are no shipping or delivery costs involved.

As soon as a customer clicks on the order button, the product is sent to them immediately via an auto-responder system like www.aweber.com or www.getresponse.com

People want speed and convenience, and with digital products, they’ve got it!

3) They are INCREDIBLY lucrative…

Because the costs involved in creating an information product are so small, your profit margin is considerably higher than with a physical product.

As there are no shipping, handling or staff costs, the only expense you incur is the purchase of the resale rights to the product, or the copywriting fee if you had the product written for you.

How great is that?!

And because of these inherent advantages, selling information products is the way I got started online, and I’d strongly urge you to do exactly the same…

All you need to do is this:

1) Locate a target market of HUNGRY customers in a popular niche…

2) Give them a product that SOLVES THEIR PROBLEM and place it right in front of them!

3) Collect their payments via an automated payment processor like PayPal, ClickBank or your own merchant account…

4) Deliver the product to the customer instantly using an auto-responder service…

And all of this can be accomplished without you having to do very much at all!

Obviously, in time you should expand your business into other areas and start selling physical products (I’ll show you how to find these as well in a moment), but there is far less risk and expense involved with information products, so it’s a great way for any beginner to get their business off the ground.

So how would you like to have YOUR VERY OWN e-book that solves a problem experienced by millions of people?

Imagine if you could start selling a product that was instantly downloadable and cost hardly anything to deliver to the customer…

Just think how much money you could make!

Now, I know what you’re saying; “Yeah right, that’s much easier said than done”…

But believe me, it really isn’t!

Once you’ve found a hungry market, finding a suitable digital product to sell isn’t that difficult. In fact, there are two main methods that people use to do this:

1) Private Label Rights (PLR)

A Private Label Rights product is basically a digital product written by someone else that you can purchase for a small fee, edit it however you like, and claim authorship of it!

It literally takes all of the hard work out of product creation…

How fantastic is that?!

Just think about it for a moment… You don’t have to spend weeks or months creating a brand new product of your own from scratch. Instead, you can take a PLR product that has already been created and simply re-brand it!

Let’s say after some research, you discover a huge amount of online searches to do with ‘quitting smoking’.

“Here are people with a problem that they want solving”, you say to yourself. You’ve found a HUNGRY MARKET. All you need to do now is find a product that you can sell to these people.

So you visit www.Google.co.uk and type in “quit smoking PLR ebook”, or something similar.

Here are the results of that search:

As you can see, there are a variety of ads for PLR products that you can purchase, edit and then sell as your own.

What I normally do is have a good look around to find the best products available, and also type in slight variations on the keywords to bring up different search results as well.

If you’re lucky you’ll be able to purchase a very good PLR product, but in most cases you’ll still need to go through it and re-write some of it, as I often find that the spelling and grammar needs improvement.

Hey Presto… You have your very own product to sell!

You call also try these excellent resources for PLR and also MASTER resale rights products (where YOU own the product and can even sell on the product with PLR):





Many of these PLR products also come with their own sales letters that you can use, which makes things even easier!

As I said, on some occasions you’ll purchase a few PLR products and find that they’re simply not up to scratch, and if you were to sell them as your own, your inbox would be deluged by refund requests!

Clearly, not all PLR products will be top quality…

The important thing is that each of the products you buy will have some very good information within them that you can use to create one, single product of your own.

I’ve done this on numerous occasions.

And a friend of mine once bought 5 different PLR products on ‘Learning the Spanish Language’, pulled out some of the best material and then re-wrote it to create his own product… and it made him a ton of money!

In fact, he didn’t even re-write it himself. He employed someone else to do it for him! (And I’ll explain more about this in a moment.)

You can also obtain the rights to a product simply by contacting the vendor of a product you’re particularly interested in.

So if you manage to find one of these, try emailing the vendor and ask if they’d be happy to sell the Private Label Rights to you...

Obviously, many product owners will say no as they don’t want anyone else selling THEIR product.

However, you’ll be surprised at how many people will be willing to give you the rights to their product for a small fee!