Waubonsee Community College Doug Jeppesen

Ceramics I Associate Professor of Art/Ceramics

ART 130.002 Sp. 2013 Office: Ceramics, 102

T & TH: 9:30-12:15 Telephone: 630-466-7900 x2505

Ceramics Bld.

Office Hours: M&W noon-12:30, 5:30-6:30

T&TH 9:00-9:30, 12:15-12:45


An introduction to the processes and techniques involved in making clay objects utilizing both the potter's wheel and hand building techniques. Various forms will be explored. Issues related to functional and sculptural aesthetics will be addressed.


Pottery Tool Kit (available in bookstore)

Plastic Bucket (1gal.) Sketchbook Towel/Apron Clean Up Sponge Masking Tape Sandpaper 320 wet/dry

Additional tools you may wish to purchase as needed:

Respirator Dolan Tools Mud Tools Elmer’s Glue

Work Gloves Fettling Knife "Elephant Ear" Sponge Welding Gloves

Calipers Spray gun Brushes (various) Dremel Bits

Most items are available in WCC Bookstore, however some items may be found elsewhere, (Neil Estrick Gallery, ART Studio Clay Company, Great Lakes, Harbor Freight, or any hardware store).


The lab fee for this course covers the cost of glaze materials, firing expenses (natural gas and electricity,) wear and tear on equipment, and miscellaneous consumables. Additionally, your lab fee covers the cost of clay for the semester. No outside clay is allowed in the studio unless approved by me!


The first 30-45 minutes will be reserved for lectures and demonstrations. I will begin class promptly and will not repeat demonstrations for your benefit because of tardiness. The last 15-20 minutes of each class is reserved for clean up. Failure to clean up after yourself will adversely affect your final grade. Please turn off your cell phone during class or set the ring feature to vibrate. It is annoying to have 15 different phones ringing during class. While you are in class you cannot be on your telephone, you will need to make your calls or texts during your break. Failure to abide by this will result in you being removed from the studio. Excessive problems will result in the student being brought before the Student Conduct Board. Additionally, you will be allotted one 15-minute break during class.


Ceramics Handbook, Jeppesen


Ceramics Monthly Ceramics: Art and Perception Studio Potter

New Art Examiner American Craft The Log Book


Monday 11:00-9:30 Thursday 9:00-5:00 Sunday 10-5

Tuesday 9:00-10:00 Friday 10:00-5:00

Wednesday 11:00-9:30 Saturday 10:00-4:00

To all students working during another class, scheduled classes have priority of all workspace. Outside of class time, space is on a first-come first-serve basis. Just because you work at a particular wheel or table does not mean it is yours. Failure to adhere to studio policies will result in loss of studio time outside of class. The studio schedule is posted on-line as well as next to the LCD Monitor at the front of the studio; you should check for any changes during the semester.

There is NO studio time during the Thursday Night Community Ed. Class!





Assignments 60%
Quizzes 10%
Skill Tests 10%
Attendance 20%
Total 100% / A 90 - 100%
B 80 - 89%

C 70- 79%

D 60 - 69%
F 0 - 59%

Semester Assignments




On-Line Resources

Sketch Book
Self Portrait
10 Cylinders
6 Bowls
4 Mugs
2 Bottles
TOTAL / 500
4500 / http://www.waubonsee.edu/faculty/djeppesen/index.html

The following objects will not be fired and discarded immediately:

Incense burners, ashtrays, doorstops, paperweights, or drug paraphernalia.

As the instructor, I have the right to alter the educational process as needed during the semester.


Students will be graded on how much time/effort was put forth, were the minimum requirements met, and how well the object was executed (level of craftsmanship.) Objects are not restricted to utilitarian forms; sculptural forms may be explored (consult instructor). The assigned items listed above are minimum requirements for the class; you should create more than the minimum if you expect to earn an A in this class. Assignments are due at the end of class period listed unless otherwise posted. I have the right to discard any object I do not think is worth firing, i.e. objects that are too thick, cracked, or of poor craftsmanship. This class meets for 2 hours and 45 minutes twice a week, you will need to plan your schedule and allow for outside studio time to come in and work. For every hour you are in class, you should spend an additional 2 hours per week studying. So, I should see you an additional 10 hours per week. Remember, this is not a material you can take home; you will need to schedule time to come in and work in the studio. Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency for me. Assignments should be created as they are scheduled during the semester, and not completed in two-weeks so you may work on other objects.

Objects that are cracked or unsigned will not be fired; we don’t need another object of poor quality in the world.


Students will be required to ask questions during lectures and demonstrations, keep the studio in a clean/healthy environment, and be a constructive member of the class. Please arrive at the allotted time and stay for the duration. Do not come in as class begins, drop off your things and go take your break. Lectures and demonstrations will begin promptly, any missed instruction due to tardiness or absence will not be repeated and becomes the responsibility of the student to obtain the information from another class member. While I am demonstrating, lecturing, or leading a critique, students are expected to listen and not carry on personal conversations or be using your phone. You will be given one warning to cease your chatting/texting, after that you will be asked to leave the class resulting in an absence for the day. You will be allowed one (1) absence, after that, your participation grade will drop eight (8) points per absence. Every two (2) late arrivals or early leaves equal one absence. Missing a scheduled review will count as two (2) absences. At this point you should reschedule any doctor's appointments or vacations planned during class time. Remember, I did not enroll you in this class, if you stop attending you must drop yourself from the class.

Skill Tests

Will be administered twice during the semester to determine the progress of each student, and discuss any technical problems being encountered. For the 1st skill test the student will be required to throw one (1) cylinder 5" tall. The 2nd will be carried out during the 12th week and will require one 10" tall cylinder. If you miss a skill test, it is the student’s responsibility to make it up during the next class attended, failure to do so will result in loss of all points for that skill test.


You will be required to keep a sketchbook for this class; in it you should record your ideas, thoughts, notes, glaze applications, formulas, basically anything that pertains to this class. Telling me you didn't know what to sketch is not an excuse for not keeping a sketchbook, you’re a living breathing, thinking individual, put those funny, interesting, confusing, irrelevant, obscure, intriguing, fill in the adjective here and put it in your sketchbook! Also, you could use your sketchbook to take notes, please be aware that if I’m talking about it in class, you might want to know it. It is not my responsibility to tell you what to write down during class discussions.


There will be two quizzes during the semester, which will test your knowledge of the material covered in course lectures and demonstrations. It is your responsibility to take notes, don’t expect me to tell you to write down the information. Quizzes will be administered during mid-term, and week 16. If you miss a quiz, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the professor to schedule a make up quiz during the next class attended. Example, if a quiz is given on Thursday and you are absent, when you return to class on Tuesday, you must take the quiz. Failure to take the quiz the next day you are present will result in no credit. Make up quizzes will not be the same format as the in class quiz.


During the semester we fire our Train and Anagama wood fired kilns, and as a student enrolled in Ceramics I, you will be required to be involved in the process. The dates are listed in the Tentative Outline of the syllabus and a schedule will be posted in the studio to the left of the whiteboard below the clock a few weeks prior to the firing. As mentioned, you will be required to assist with the process; this includes the loading/unloading of the kiln, and signing up for at least one 4.5-hour shift during the scheduled firing. Shifts run round the clock from 11:00 am – 3:30 pm, 3:00 pm – 7:30 pm, 7:00 pm – 11:30 pm, 11:00 pm – 3:30 am, 3:00 am – 7:30 am, and 7:00 am – 11:30 am. Depending on the firing time, students will work in groups of 2-4 to fire the kiln. You will be required to read the section on wood firing in your Handbook, this will help you better understand the process along with the proper attire for safety. You may earn extra credit by participating in more than one kiln shift during the firing.

Wood Prep

During the semester we will have scheduled wood prep times that you should plan to attend. These will normally occur on a Friday/Saturday. During this time, we will need help splitting and stacking wood that we will use to fire the wood kilns this semester. If you wish to fire a kiln that will utilize wood as a source of fuel or glaze element, you must split wood. It does not matter how much wood you split last year, unless you’re storing it elsewhere, you must help out. If I’d take that kind of attitude, then I’d never have to touch another piece of wood from the amount I’ve cut in the last ten years. Firing with wood is hard work, but if we get each person to give a couple of hours during the prep time, it really is not that much work. Your cooperation is much appreciated.

Individual ReviewS

Students will be reviewed once at mid-term and during the final week of class. A comprehensive review of work produced during the semester will be scheduled during the last week of the semester; students will be reviewed on an individual basis. All work must be finished appropriately, (trimmed & glazed) or it will not be graded. A sign-up sheet will be posted towards the end of the semester. Failing to attend will result in failure of the course.

Studio Clean-Up/Final Review

You must participate in the studio clean up at the end of the semester; failure to attend will result in the glorious opportunity of cleaning the clay trap, if you refuse to clean the trap, your final grade will drop one letter grade. Failing to attend the final review will result in the automatic failure of the course.

Student Behavior

Even though this is a fine arts studio class, which promotes creativity and freedom of expression, students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and appropriate manner at all times while working in the ceramics studio. This means using appropriate language, being respectful of others, wearing your shirt & shoes at all times, and keeping your conversation to a minimum during class. Cell phones should not be used in the studio during class time, please turn them off or select vibrate from the phone menu before you arrive. The last thing I want are multiple cell phones ringing during a demonstration and students scrambling to answer it. If you need to make a call, please do it on your break. I understand that there are extenuating circumstances that require a cell phone to be on at some point due to a family emergency, please discuss this with me at the beginning of class. Again, poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency for me. Students are bound by the policies set forth in the Waubonsee Community College Student Handbook.

While you are working during class time, you are expected to concentrate on your artwork and not sit and talk. There is no way that you can concentrate on making the best possible object if you are constantly talking. I’ll warn you once and if the conversation does not stop, I’ll assign you a permanent seat like in grade school. You have to remember, there are a lot of students working in the studio, just because this is not a traditional classroom setting, does not mean you can do as you please. Failure to abide by this policy will result in being removed from the class and taken to the Student Conduct Board.

Also, if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in the same class, you are expected to keep you hands, lips, or whatever to yourself at all times. No one in this class wants to be subjected to your personal affections for one another. Failure to comply with this statement will result in being removed from my class.

For safety reasons, children are not allowed in the studio during class or open studio times. I understand that you may need to come in and check on your work, but children cannot be in the studio for prolonged times. Failure to abide by this rule will result in the suspension of open studio time for the semester.