DIRECTIONS: Answer each of the following in COMPLETE SENTENCES.


1. What is the purpose of the calendar?

2. Why do they drive around several times before arriving at Central High?

3. Describe Melba’s first day at Central High.

4. Identify each of the following:

a. Mrs. Huckaby:

b. Jess Matthews:

c. Mrs. Pickwick:

d. Gene Smith:

e. Sarge:

5. Evaluate why each of the Nine were assigned different homerooms.

6. Describe the attitudes of the faculty members at Central High toward the Nine.

7. What gives Melba strength to endure her tormentors?

8. How do the adults in charge suggest they get the Nine out of Central on the first day?

9. Explain what happens to the reporters.

10. Describe Melba’s news article.


11. Why does Pres. Eisenhower send in the 101st Airborne? What is Gov. Faubus’s reaction?

12. Describe the night visitors at the Patillo residence.

13. How is Melba being treated by her neighbors as she continues going to Central?

14. On p. 95, Melba says that she felt “…proud and sad at the same time…” What does she mean?

15. Who is Danny, and what is his job at Central?

16. Why, in your opinion, are the African-American ladies allowed to work in the cafeteria at Central even when no African-American student is allowed to attend?

17. What was the study hall like?

18. What is Melba’s reaction to the reporter’s question on p. 105?


19. Explain the support system at Central when the Nine encounter harsh treatment.

20. Why does Melba decide that she must be a “…like a soldier in battle”?

21. Describe the Pep Rally.

22. On p. 113 Danny gives Melba advice. Explain his stance on the harassment.

23. What is your opinion of the 101st Airborne and Pres. Eisenhower’s intervention at Central?